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Anonymous1: The look of the Eyeless is fear.
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quwykxz: Aaahh! Creepy Eyeless Aliens from a galaxy far, far away are here to steal your SOUL!...And even worse, your hot Human-but-still-kind-of-Alien PUSSY!!...AAArrggghhh; Those MONSTERS!!!
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Engelhast: WIP? Fuck it - Done.
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Anonymous2: Although the artist is probably just lazy, the male could technically be a miraluka, which are basically humans without eyes.
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Shadowdash: user image
can't unsee
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Komainu: @Anonymous: Person who drew the pic here. While being lazy is something I am usually guilty of, that isn't the case here. The commissioner of the pic requested the guy banging sabine to be as generic and fetureless as possible.
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caelenvasius: @Anonymous: Miraluka never take off their veils, and don't really exist as a species any longer by the film era...
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Comixfan: Seriously, who the fuck would look at this and complain?!

I mean, if the *guy* is the thing you're paying attention to in this art with all the fucking INSANE level of quality and sexy details for/on Sabine then it's not the kind of piece you should be checking out, clearly.

Christ, you people sometimes. It's a miracle great erotica artists even put their work out there anymore... (-.-)
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Anonymous3: Bloody awesome. Nobody cares about the guy's eyes, just look at Sabine and you've already forgotten. Incredible quality
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Anonymous4(3): What I wouldn't pay to be the guy there...
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mantel91: @Anonymous: I find it odd that you call him lazy because you're focusing on the lack of details on the guy, rather than the great detail on the rest of the pic.
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Anonymous5: @Comixfan: Welcome to the troll world. That's all they care to do.
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kim-possible-fan-1: wow sabine is very hot ;)
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Mayamelissa: I like her hair.
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Anonymous6: If you watch rebels, you'll find a lot of the nameless Imperial officers are visibly without eyes. The show covers it up with the bills of their hats. See here:
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Anonymous7: i like her tits and the way she enjoys it
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Anonymous8: @Shadowdash: bigcock90: sorry your demonitized

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