quwykxz: Aaahh! Creepy Eyeless Aliens from a galaxy far, far away are here to steal your SOUL!...And even worse, your hot Human-but-still-kind-of-Alien PUSSY!!...AAArrggghhh; Those MONSTERS!!!
Komainu: @Anonymous: Person who drew the pic here. While being lazy is something I am usually guilty of, that isn't the case here. The commissioner of the pic requested the guy banging sabine to be as generic and fetureless as possible.
Comixfan: Seriously, who the fuck would look at this and complain?!
I mean, if the *guy* is the thing you're paying attention to in this art with all the fucking INSANE level of quality and sexy details for/on Sabine then it's not the kind of piece you should be checking out, clearly.
Christ, you people sometimes. It's a miracle great erotica artists even put their work out there anymore... (-.-)
mantel91: @Anonymous: I find it odd that you call him lazy because you're focusing on the lack of details on the guy, rather than the great detail on the rest of the pic.
Anonymous6: If you watch rebels, you'll find a lot of the nameless Imperial officers are visibly without eyes. The show covers it up with the bills of their hats. See here: http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/0/01/Imperial_officer_on_Nixus_Hub.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/500?cb=20160327040037
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can't unsee
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I mean, if the *guy* is the thing you're paying attention to in this art with all the fucking INSANE level of quality and sexy details for/on Sabine then it's not the kind of piece you should be checking out, clearly.
Christ, you people sometimes. It's a miracle great erotica artists even put their work out there anymore... (-.-)
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