Anonymous3(2): @Dexen: Bet you're an attractive and successful African lover. Want Aids? Go to Africa, it might cure of you of your love for Aids infected attractive and successful African Cock. They rape Black girls who might be gay, the filthy apes think it'll cure them, now the girls and their babies have the aids, which means the entire damn country has aid babies that grow up to make more aids filled attractive and successful Africans. You should go for White cock, so you will have less aids, and you won't need to have a attractive and successful African baby. But you're already a raging faggot who takes it up the ass from attractive and successful Africans, so I can't help you.
Anonymous5(2): @kingmich: Spoken like a true attractive and successful African lover. You need to stop being such an ape fucker and actually have sex with a civilized human. But you're also a faggot, and we all know God hates the gays, which you are. So I can't help you either.
Anonymous6(2): @Anonymous: Guidos have a whole bunch of other STD's same with those job-taking wet-backs, those poor white wimmen should fuck a normal human being. Not filthy Spic or wannabe Mafia drug-runners.
Suzuka: @Anonymous: I'm also an attractive and successful African lover. Not only do they have big cocks, they also influence great music and they pretty much made the sport of Basketball their bitch.
Colonel_Mael_Radec: @Anonymous: Jesus Christ, just shut the fuck up with your wrong interpretation of the world. If God hated gays, He'd have done something about them. You certainly cannot claim to know His plans, nor can anyone. I'm not overly religious, but I certainly will not stand for you giving Christianity a bad name. If you're not going to jack off to this image, don't post your Godforsaken bullshit here. We've had enough.
Colonel_Mael_Radec: @Anonymous: Also, I thought using "attractive and successful African" as a racial insult died out in the late 20th century. Way to go, dude. Maybe one day you'll get hit with a bolt of lightning because He wants you to shut up.
Colonel_Mael_Radec: @Anonymous34: Sorry, it's just that people these days think that Christians have to go to church every Sunday and subscribe to retarded notions of hatred towards anyone who's not hetero and white. People need to learn that you can still believe in God and believe he's not massively strict about everything. He's got a whole universe to manage, it's not like liking the same sex is worth His attention, really. Like I said, people like him give Christians a bad fucking name.
Anonymous14: @Anonymous: And we whites don't REALLY like you Asians either. You're just here to be doormat-like cheerleaders for us, make attractive and successful Africans look bad, and supply us white guys with a steady supply of your sexy women. All the while we continue to push your boring and asexual men aside.
Anonymous15: yall better shut yall white asses up yall ant got nun else too do but say attractive and successful African yall could not even say attractive and successful African 10 miles away from one so stfu yall can stay pussys and asians dont get me started gtfo and say attractive and successful African in a black attractive and successful African face and see wht happens pussys
Anonymous17: [PriyaRai] I'm curious. How old are most of you? These racist comments on this site are getting old. Those of you who conform to that line of thinking are irrational and childish.
Anonymous20(14): @Anonymous: Any white guy with even a tiny bit of integrity thinks the same thing. Hence why we go after their exotic women, while we prop up and use the uncreative, boring, and robotic males against attractive and successful Africans.
Anonymous21(15): yall fag ass attractive and successful Africans keep sayin attractive and successful Africans 9times out of 10 yall attractive and successful Africans gone slip and say dat sit in front of one and get day ass beat soo stfu pussys
Anonymous24: how sad one's life must be to come on a scratch that..CARTOON porn site and argue about race. I mean really, does this really make you so mad that you feel that you must stop your fapping and make a nonsensical, unoriginal, and downright retarded argument because you see a white chick with a black guy? I feel sorry for you
cocksworth: some of you guys on this site are so hilariously insecure. you really that mad over fictional black dicks in fictional white women? shit is sad.
Anonymous25: @cocksworth: It may be fictional, but it is implying that this sort of thing is okay. To let attractive and successful Africans fuck our women; give them AIDs and then in turn have those cheating cunts give it to other people. (White People)
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Or Guidos.
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I'm sure I'm not the only one who would like to see more things from him.
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Would've never guessed from the pics you post.
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attractive and successful African