And it just makes me think all the more of how could Lucas have thought that a Tube Top, 'mini' skirt, and stockings was appropriate wear for Ahsoka (not that I'm complaining ^_^)
Jackman9061: Spacedude you do not need to put a question mark after ever sentence you only need to do that everytime you ask someone a question hence the name of the mark, something tells me you didn't pass the grammer part of your English studies in school, anyways since I'm ending this comment as an explaination I will end it with an explaination mark, see this is proper grammer!
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And it just makes me think all the more of how could Lucas have thought that a Tube Top, 'mini' skirt, and stockings was appropriate wear for Ahsoka (not that I'm complaining ^_^)
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And God, am I ever glad for it.
If who ever this artist is?
I really hope he or she does more of this stuff soon?
It is amazing even as a sketch, If it was cleaned u to smooth out the lines a bit more and full coloured!
My word this stuff would be totally fantastic?
Just one small moan here, sorry.
Please no lesbian or 3 way sex stuff?
Just ruins the look of this art?
Well, just my thoughts others may like that stuff!
Well, go with your likes fine no problem.
But I think most ahsoka fans are of the normal male types who love normal sex?
Anyway just keep all of us types happy with stuff in each type of sex art of this naughty little minx and you be so popular?
Thanks keep up the lovely work!
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