YotsubaGroup: @Rat: Autism: (noun) a mental condition, present from early childhood, characterized by difficulty in communicating and forming relationships with other people and in using language and abstract concepts.
Rat: @YotsubaGroup: Autism is usually a tradeoff between social skills and intelligence.
Basically the less social => the more intelligent.
It's a "disorder" that makes people better in every way, like a huge evolutionary leap above the rest. If everyone was severely autistic this planet would be a literal heaven for all.
YotsubaGroup: @Rat: Ok, we get it. You are literally autistic and want us to think that is a good thing. What you fail to realize genius is that calling someone autistic on the internet is a figurative insult.
It's a shame that "huge evolutionary leap" of yours doesn't seem to help your powers of perception
Rat: @YotsubaGroup: I'm just doing my best to enlighten the unenlightened.
Complimenting someone isn't exactly what I'd call an insult.
When the person you're trying to insult thinks you complimented them, that's a failure on your part, not theirs.
YotsubaGroup: I should really consider what percentage of the users are autistic to begin with on this site next time I suppose. Apparently a lot. Stay mad kiddies.
Glassfragment: @YotsubaGroup: Has a poll been taken? You can never be quite sure on the percentage of autistic users before lameass jokes about them become acceptable. I mean, you can probably get away with it around 35-47%, up to 63% gets kinda iffy, but once that autism counter starts passing 78%, you really should know better than to talk shit.
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U wot m8?
You utter clod.
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Basically the less social => the more intelligent.
It's a "disorder" that makes people better in every way, like a huge evolutionary leap above the rest. If everyone was severely autistic this planet would be a literal heaven for all.
It's a shame that "huge evolutionary leap" of yours doesn't seem to help your powers of perception
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Complimenting someone isn't exactly what I'd call an insult.
When the person you're trying to insult thinks you complimented them, that's a failure on your part, not theirs.
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Over a fucking Splatoon hentai comic.