Anonymous2: Jesus, what is everyone's hard on for Tumblr?
Also, yeah, I liked Courtney's older design because of the skirt she wore. Also I think in the manga she had a wide on for Brendan.
Although this design is growing on me. I really like Team Aqua's redesigns more, especially Shelly and Archie. Although Shelly's artwork pose is a bit retarded looking. She's bent at like a 45 degree angle or something.
Anonymous3: @Mechanon really Boa Hancock from One Piece? God you need glasses. Also her new design is so much better. Old design looked liked they took a female magma grunt and did small changes to her design
Anonymous4: @Anonymous: No, she doesn't look like a ORIGINAL CHARACTER. She's like REI AYANAMI with pink hair. Her clone-machine must have a bug AGAIN.
Anyway why they change the old characters! They were great! I loved them! That also a reason why we play remake: to see again our favorite vilain! She was my favorite in RSE...
But I admite they did a great job with character developpement in ROSA.
Though they completely destroyed the story :Team Magma want to destroyed the world in order to save the world "I will return everything to its unspoiled beginnings!" (so when they were... nothing alive?) and the only way to save the world is to feed Rayquaza with meteorite because Zinnia failed at her only goal in life. But she's hot. One of the most stupid character ever, but she's hot.
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Also, yeah, I liked Courtney's older design because of the skirt she wore. Also I think in the manga she had a wide on for Brendan.
Although this design is growing on me. I really like Team Aqua's redesigns more, especially Shelly and Archie. Although Shelly's artwork pose is a bit retarded looking. She's bent at like a 45 degree angle or something.
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Anyway why they change the old characters! They were great! I loved them! That also a reason why we play remake: to see again our favorite vilain! She was my favorite in RSE...
But I admite they did a great job with character developpement in ROSA.
Though they completely destroyed the story :Team Magma want to destroyed the world in order to save the world "I will return everything to its unspoiled beginnings!" (so when they were... nothing alive?) and the only way to save the world is to feed Rayquaza with meteorite because Zinnia failed at her only goal in life. But she's hot. One of the most stupid character ever, but she's hot.