dkey: Just a ltitle backstory: Tom Preston (andrew dobson) is an asshole of an artist that most of the internet has a hate-on for. His dirty little secret is that he used to draw a LOT of inflation 'porn' for deviant art.
Woozle: Lately he's been bitching about the objectification of women in his web comic. When it got almost to Sinfest levels he took a hiatus from the comic, at which point a number of artists dogpiled on him by making stuff like this. It's sad, really.
ilr: @Woozle: Sinfest is EbolaGhonareaHerpasiphilaids. Of all the trolling that CrtAltDel got, atleast SOME of that shoulda gone straight to Sinfest instead for being the most shittacular U.S.I. in the history of all Fiction ever created. Yes that means it even beats out the Prophet Muhammad & Scientology
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