AndreyGovno: Guys appreciate your kind comments :). Возможно скоро запилю скриншот, почему гифы не могут быть больше, верней они то могут, но вот мне что-то не нравится рендерить каждый кадрик по часу.
Anonymous10: Back in the day Andrey was the first person who did a really hot Ashley/MSheppard (Sheply) animation - earning my respect. His work was always great and it's getting even better now when he's got back. It's Great news to see you again Andrey! Thx for sharing with us!
Anonymous17(16): @leeteRR: Whatever animation method he used, that penetration is dozen times much better than SFM that uses clipping or basic flexi parts.
leeteRR: @badkitty: Shut the fuck up, i just get facts straight before retards like you ask about SFM because it was tagged SFM.
@Anonymous: I agree, SFM is shit compared to some other stuff.
fishmonger: @nottanj: Well, that escalated quickly. Also, you're (yeah, the correct spelling of that word) the one suggesting dick-on-dick contact, so doesn't that make you the fag?
pozertron: Андрей, а не мог бы ты зделать что нибудь на игру Killer is Dead? Она была практически сделана для хентая, но почему-то никто не хочет за неё браться что очень печалит. Если это возможно.
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So, are you gonna start makin' 'em bigger?
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@Anonymous: I agree, SFM is shit compared to some other stuff.
Why're you guys so defensive, anyway? Chill the fuck out, dipshits.
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GIFка фапабельна, даже очень
What's wrong with Andrey?