romero1718: Sexy as fuck dude. Don't be discouraged by the same idiot with three accounts that feels the need to down vote or bash all ChrisxAda pics. Keep em' coming.
JillRedfield: @romero1718: You're right.
Chris-Redfield has multiple accounts. I don't know for "ResidentShit" and "Claire-Redfield", but "Chris-Redfield", "AdaLong67" and "JillValentine79" are all one and the same person.
Captainlesbo: hey go and fuck the pics of people that makes couples like chrisxclaire or sick things like that I dont kno but please leave me alone lol
Captainlesbo: @ResidentShit: look I give a fuck what you think about me or what you think about the content in this page ,jut please try to open the shit that you like black tag me I dont know but stop trolling -_-
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Chris-Redfield has multiple accounts. I don't know for "ResidentShit" and "Claire-Redfield", but "Chris-Redfield", "AdaLong67" and "JillValentine79" are all one and the same person.