Anonymous24: Okay, this episode was written by Seth MacFarlane, who later went on to create Family Guy and the character Brian Griffin, a Dog, who has had a couple of relationships with human woman during the series.
traffik: Hats off to the brainiac who tagged this with "Carol the *deer*" even though the comments, not to mention the pic itself, point out that the episode is called "Date With An *Antelope*".
Anonymous26: It's a TRAP, and, already too late! Johnny had fallen for the latest installment of,"Toons-To trap a Predator"! Before He could even HIT the front door, the blue and whites were screeching to a halt in front of the house, tazers at the ready!
Anonymous31: Carol the Anteleope;"Of course not, Johnny, I wouldn'rt want to embarass You! Yu won't tell anyone, will You?"
Johnny Bravo; "Anyone? I'm telling EVERYONE!"
Anonymous32(31): Carol the Antelope;"Of course not, Johnny, I wouldn't want to embarass You! This was a private, beautiful thing. You won't tell anyone, will You?"
Johnny Bravo; "Anyone? I'm telling EVERYONE!"
DadadadaWangman: @Anonymous: Huh??? You say this on a site where 90% of people say "GIVE THIS CHARACTER A BIG, FAT COCK SO I CAN FINALLY MASTURBATE TO THIS!!!" Now THAT'S what I call faggy!
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it's season 1 episode 3 I think
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jesus christ.
I think Seth might be a furry.
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For those who want to see it.
Johnny Bravo; "Anyone? I'm telling EVERYONE!"
Johnny Bravo; "Anyone? I'm telling EVERYONE!"
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