Faptacular: @ConsciousDonkey: How do you figure? He wasn't a jerk or anything, just bland. Considering the screen time he got all we really know about him is that he put up with sunset for awhile. That's kinda why I don't get why people seemed to hate him so much.
As for her she seems to be getting some redemption retconning in the new movie (as she's hanging out with the remaining five) so I figure the final verdict on her's still out.
ConsciousDonkey: @Faptacular: You read too much into it. Like you said, they used to date before EG movie, but Flash dumped her because she was a bitch. But now Shimmer is reformed, and TS is unavailable*, so I reckon they would take up their relationship, just for the old times' sake.
*In human world, TS will probably never return. In pony world, she is a friggin' princess of friendship, which wouldn't come together with her marrying somebody - nothing breaks (old) friendships as sure as when the people get married.
Thrakerzod: @Faptacular: Honestly, for all I care, Flash could lead House Harkonnen's campaign against the Fremen of Arrakis! Actually come to think of it, I would respect him more that way... Anyway I don't care what Flash Sentry does, right now he has zero importance.
Faptacular: @ConsciousDonkey: Ah, I misunderstood. I've gotten used to people going on and on about how he's a douche when he didn't really do anything to deserve it in canon.
I think people just flipped out because they didn't want to see any shipping.
bAv-R34: This is literally the most canon pairing ever, hell, in the movie they were ex-boyfriend/girlfriend to each other. The closest things we have to that is Spike and Rarity, and Big Mac and Cheerilee.
...and every other actually married couple.
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As for her she seems to be getting some redemption retconning in the new movie (as she's hanging out with the remaining five) so I figure the final verdict on her's still out.
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*In human world, TS will probably never return. In pony world, she is a friggin' princess of friendship, which wouldn't come together with her marrying somebody - nothing breaks (old) friendships as sure as when the people get married.
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I think people just flipped out because they didn't want to see any shipping.
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...and every other actually married couple.
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