Anonymous3: Yep, it's Midna being raped by Zant and Ganondorf while the author tries to justify it. Writing is bad, characterization is bad, the whole thing appears to take place in dimension where physics doesn't apply to living bodies... But if you like dicks in vaginas, you'll like this.
Anonymous4: This is not artwork or hentai or even a comic or a doujinshi or whatever. This is hatred and prejudice directed at a female that we all know and love. On top of that the author denies that she is hurting/bashing the Midna. If you don't believe me than at least try looking at this atrocious work differently. Try looking at it another way and realize this is wrong and that there is no way this can be justified even if it is fiction.
Anonymous5(4): queen-zelda and her boyfriend general-link both have equally sick and twisted minds and in their work they make Link and Zelda out to be completely horrible people instead of the people we know them to be in the games. If you don't believe me you should see general-link's gory artpiece called "fun for the hero" on deviantart where Link mutilates Midna with the ball and chain. We all know that Link would never do such a thing to Midna or anyone else. Plus this hentai comic is not hentai in my opinion, it's evil, it's wrong, and on top that it is also utter insanity. queen-zelda is not trying to justify this because of feelings Midna never had for zant, she is trying to justify it because she flat out hates her and is putting all of her time and energy into this eyesore of an atrocity. Even if it is fiction, no one deserves to be punished like this, not even Midna. If it's one thing I know it's that queen-zelda is utterly consumed by her own hatred towards a fictional who has done nothing to deserve this. If anyone agrees with me say YES!
Anonymous6: I agree... even if Midna is fictional, there are still people (like me - a girl, if that matters) who hold her very close... Midna is very precious to me, and it really hurts to see such beautiful artwork being wasted on something out of hatred...
There's nothing wrong with disliking Midna, but putting so much time and effort into something that's strictly to show hate in a cruel and abusive manner crosses the line. I'd like to believe that even people who aren't total Midna fans would find this wrong... why is Queen Zelda spending so much time abusing this beloved character if she really hates her so much...?
And I imagine she'll pull the "don't like, don't look" card... but it's so hard when she has such a gorgeous art style that's going to waste on torturing a completely innocent princess... and with no valid reasons except that she's "getting in the way of a ship" that's been done SO much it's gone stale... how are fans supposed to just sit back and let this happen?
Anonymous9(7): The worst thing about queen-zelda is all of her supporters who seem alot like her boyfriend general-link on DeviantART. One such supporter whose username is Magicbluebox does requests for her and posted 2 pieces called twilight murder and twilight murder 2.0 on DA where Link is brutally stabbing Midna through the stomach with the Master Sword and as I said earlier, we all know that Link nor Princess Zelda for that matter would ever do such a thing like that at all. If you don't believe me go take a look for yourself cause queen-zelda ans her boyfriend both seem to enjoy sick and twisted humor but there is nothing funny about that sort of thing.
Anonymous11(7): The only other reason queen-zelda does this is for the thrill of seeing the characters she hates most of all in such horrible situations like this. From what I can tell She enjoys seeing them in such pain and suffering. She even claims that Midna's rape is justified but it's not. Rape is not a form of justice, it is a sin, a crime and it utmost wretched most degrading and most horrid atrocity that anyone can ever do to someone. Queen-zelda clearly doesn't know right from wrong and like I said earlier I don't think she has a conscience or even a sense of guilt. She even denies that this is hate art/bash art and she even denies she is hurting the character when as we can all clearly see she is hurting her. No doubt her own family isn't even aware of what she does with her time and energy. Queen-zelda is clearly one of the worst people in the entire world. This is getting insane, has gone too far and needs to stop right NOW.
Anonymous12: QZ is pretty much a hypocrite and it's fun to watch her waste days of her life drawing something she can't hate as much as she claims if she puts this much work into it. If it makes anyone feel any better, she treats the character she supposedly likes just as badly as she has Midna.
Anonymous13(7): What I am saying people is that people who support characters like Midna cannot just turn a blind eye to this. How can fans who support characters like Midna just sit back and let this sort of thing happen? Queen-zelda does not deserve to get off that easy for something as wrong as this. I know it, you know it, everyone knows it.
Anonymous14(7): Then consider this. If there are any fictionals you hold very close and someone like Queen-zelda was drawing hate/bash art of them and claiming it to be justified when it's not, would you still turn a blind eye to it?
My point is that we should protect all the fictional characters we know and love from people like queen-zelda and so on and so fortth. Would you protect the FC's you know and love from people like her or let them get away with it? I certainly wouldn't because I know its wrong and the FC's like Midna don't deserve it.
Anonymous15(7): On top of that this is more than evil this is heresy at it's worst. If anyone reads this and agrees than surely they'd agree this has to stop.
Anonymous16(7): I for one support Midna and Link and many other fictional characters like them and I don't care if they are not real, to me they are real because that is the kind of person I am, just as you are the kind of people you are. Tell me what fictional characters do you know of and support. I also support Queen Elsa and Princess Anna of the movie Frozen (I'm a guy if that matters) and I know without a doubt that countless others do too (even guys like myself). If queen-zelda or anyone like her ever drew and posted such cruel and hateful bash art of them like this I would rise up against those people and stop them because Elsa and Anna are also precious to me just Link and Midna and no doubt they are precious to other such people too. I know where I stand and I know my heart is in the right place. How bout yours?
Anonymous17(7): Why don't look at this the way I see it? You know as much as I do that this is wrong. So far only one of you agrees with me while the rest of you just sit back and let this sort of thing happen. I know this sort of thing can be stopped, and don't say it can't. Don't even say there is nothing we can do about it. It doesn't matter if this is art or whatnot it is still wrong and everyone knows it but you and queen-zelda and everyone else like her. If you can't see that this is wrong and decide to just turn a blind eye to it than you're just an idiot. No one in their right mind would just sit back and let this sort of thing continue to happen.
Anonymous18: Okay, I have no history with Queen-Zelda or her fanbase and whether the acts depicted may not appeal to my idea of who the character is or even if they disgust me, calling for this kind of thing to be banned or having the artist punished falls directly upon the slippery slope of censorship, which never turns out well when artistic integrity and freedom of expression are undermined.
The other thing I found curious is that you say you feel these characters are real, and I dont mean to judge, and I've had some strong connections to characters in my gaming past, but I always found the great thing about being fictional is that they are in fact not real and can thus be and do anything you personally think up. Which is why it's okay to disagree with someone's interpretation of a character but to say they should be punished for their opinion is not something anyone should support...Just my 2 cents
Anonymous20: You still haven't told who your favorite characters are. If there are any fictional characters you support and have a strong connection with and someone was treating them like this would you do something about or let them get away with it?
Anonymous21(20): Boy you are really something Cinthia Aspee. Yes I know your name. I know you live in chile and that you are 24/25 years old yet you behave like a spoiled rotten little sausage. I know that you are also a tracer, a heretic and a homophobic. I also know about your boyfriend whose username is "General-Link". What he sees in you I don't know and I certainly have no idea how he fell in love with a skank like you. You draw bash art of Midna but you deny that is bash/hate art. Your comic "Hail to the Princess" is a load of bullshit garbage. Whatever backstory you have will not justify Midna's rape and don't say that it will. Rape is not a form of justic or a punishment, it is sin, a crime in and of itself and it is an utmost wretched most degrading atrocity that anyone can ever do to someone. Your perception of right and wrong is clearly warped. You may hate Midna but that is no excuse for your behavior or even for this eyesore that you call a comic. Midna may not be real but that doesn't mean you are not hurting her. Link would not have gotten very far without her help. If Midna hadn't rescued him from the dungeon he'd still be trapped there as a wolf or worse dead. Plus Zelda sacrificed her life to save Midna and Midna returned the favor by warping her and Link to safety before Ganon destroyed Hyrule castle. I have been a player of the Zelda series since 1998 back when OoT came out for N64. I even got the Master Quest version for the GameCube. I have even played Majoras mask, Wind Waker, Oracle series, Twilight Princess and even Skyward Sword and I know it better then anyone. You hate every other female character except Zelda because to you they get in the way of her relationship with Link. When you draw bash/hate art of Midna or any other fictional characters we like you're not just hurting us the people who support them too. You also don't take our comments seriously and probably just laugh at them. Well start taking them seriously NOW woman. There are many fans who don't like Midna either but they don't show it like this. You have made Midna the target of your hatred and prejudice. Your hatred of her has not only become an obsession it has consumed you. Tell me do you think you're doing Gods work drawing such horrible things like this? Do you think you're on a mission from God to do this? Well you're wrong. Gods work does not involve or justify rape and degradation or defloration. I'm pretty sure even your parents don't know about it. No doubt they'd be absolutely livid if they found out. Your knowledge onboard Zant is also inaccurate. He and Midna were never in a relationship. She never loved him or supported him. Turns out he was evil from the start even before he met Ganon. While Midna and her people were content to live in the Twilight realm they had no intention of invading Hyrule or the Light but Zant had every intention of doing that. He was only part of her fathers parliament (her father is mentioned in my copy of the players guide) but was not part of the royal bloodline. He only served more for himself and his own greed. He did not serve out of loyalty. There were even times in which he spoke out against Midna and her father and those actions labeled him a disgrace. All he cared about was power he knew nothing of love or kindness or friendship or even compassion. If it's anything about Zant I know it's that he's more of a joke then a threat especially when Link faced off with him. Midna herself made that clear when she destroyed him with the Fused Shadows. As she said the reason no one would call him King was because of his eyes. She her father and all of the Twili saw it a lust for power burning in his pupils, she and her people did not forget how their ancestors lost their king to such greed and madness. All in all your background story for this atrocious comic cannot nor will it or anything at all ever justify her rape. There are a number of words I can choose to describe someone like you Cinthia, skank being one of them. I know it's wrong for a man to talk to a woman like this but in your case I'll make an exception. You are one of the most sick twisted and demented people on this earth and the world clearly be a better and safer place without someone like you drawing and posting this shit on the Internet or anywhere in the world. I swear I will do whatever it takes to bring you down especially for Midna's sake as well as the sake of all other fictional characters like her and even for the sake of all people who support fictional characters like her too.
Anonymous22(20): Talk to me like that again mr Franky_Whiskey and you just see what happens you BILK! And I'm a guy by the way.
Seriously people this has to stop and it has to stop NOW! If you can't see this is wrong and/or if you don't care then you're every bit as bad as queen-Zelda here. In fact if that''s true than the world would clearly be a better and safer place when people like you and Queen-Zelda die off.
Zvantastika: @Anonymous: "less sick and twisted lunatics in the world" says as he post in a porn site.
Also, what the fuck is a "bilk"? I don't speak Tumblrish.
Anonymous24(20): you just confirmed something to me. That you are all complete and utter idiots, imbeciles, morons etc, and are no doubt just as immature and diluted as queen-Zelda. Seriously you all need to open your eyes and look at this differently and look at this differently. Don't look at it as hentai or sex and try to see twhat I'm pointing out here. That this is wrong and has to stop. It doesn't matter if Midna isn't real she doesn't deserve this nor do any other fictional characters. If you can't see that at all than you're just a bunch of sex addicted jackholes with limited imaginations and probably won't make it anywhere in life.
Anonymous26(20): @Franky_Whiskey: you're calling me an idiot? Looks who's talking? Coming from someone who like everyone else here has nothing better to do except wang off to atrocious art like this all day (probably). I do other things too. I have other hobbies besides this. For example I'm a model builder I build gundam models I listen to music I watch TV and movies. You people however may only be a bunch of sex addled morons looking at this atrocious art work all day maybe everyday. If that's true than you're all just as big an idiot as God knows what. And if that's true than who's the bigger idiot, me or you.
Zvantastika: @Anonymous: OH!, I think I understand you now. So you're saying we should stop with the Midna regular porn and we should have more of this >>996297
Anonymous27(20): I can tell the difference between fantasy and reality but can you see the difference between right and wrong? This whole comic is wrong and yet you people wang off to it because you find it "hot". If you can't see past that than you're obviously part of the problem.
Anonymous28(20): That answers my question. You are the bigger idiots. You really are all brainless. I know when I'm being insulted by you people obviously laugh at everything even if you're insulted right back. I seem to be the only one who's mature here but the rest of are all totally immature sons of bitches and assholes. See I just insulted you again but if you laugh at that than that means you don't know anything else not even right from wrong. And you clearly don't know how to respond properly to that.
Anonymous30(20): It doesn't matter if the person/human what all isn't real this is still wrong. And if you can't see that or if you just don't care and if none of you will try to stop this than you might as well die off now and make the world safer already. Like I said I seem to be the only mature one here but all of you are not and clearly need to grow up.
Franky_Whiskey: Since he seemingly hates pornography and all us sex addled morons, I gave him a little hand packing his shit up to leave.
Racists, retards, weirdos, we tolerate all of those guys, but someone complaining about all porn in a porn website? Get outta here. He won't be missed.
GullyNully: Ok, so the artist hates a fictional character and is bashing on them. I fail to see the problem as this kind of thing happens all the time.
Anonymous31: Then you also fail to see that the artist is hurting not just the character but the people who support them too. You obviously don't realise this sort of thing is offensive to people like me. There are others like me who support Midna and other characters like her but you don't realise it's offends us when we see her being treated like this. Seriously what are you like 6 or 7 years old? Either way it's clear to me that like queen-zelda you obviously don't have a conscience and that makes you as bad as her and everyone else like her. Do yourself a favor and grow one. Try looking at this differently and realise it's wrong it's not going to kill you if you do. And don't twist or turn my words on me or even try to make me leave cause I'm not going anywhere until all of this artist's works are taken down from the entire internet. And don't tell me it's impossible. Nothing is impossible.
Anonymous32(31): Do you even know how to read? I said you cannot make me leave and you cannot ask me to leave either stupid. Do you need glasses or what?
JWN926: >Implying anyone has a right not to be offended
>Implying you have the right to curtail the freedom of expression of others if you personally don't agree with it
Anonymous33(31): Just answer this question. Don't beat around the bush or avoid it or change the subject or what all just answer it. Do you think people (fictional and real) deserve to be treated like this? Just answer the question it's not going to kill or hurt you.
JWN926: Real people, no. Fictional people are not real and thus whatever medium they are used in does not matter, because they don't fucking exist. And frankly trying to say a fictional character should be on the same level as an actual living being is just insulting and ludicrous.
Anonymous34: The here's a really you probably don't need. I will not nor am I trying to entertain you. Midna may not be real but all the same she is precious to me and many others like me and it hurts to see her being treated lowers than the dirt of the ground that people like you walk on. It doesn't matter if this is art or fiction. This sort of thing cannot be justified or overlooked because it is wrong. And don't pull the "don't like don't look" card on me or anyone else. It's hard to look the other way when our favorite characters our being treated like this. Seriously get it through your heads you sons of bitches knuckle dragging mouth breathers.
Anonymous35(34): And at Franky Whiskey I am a guy not a girl so I suggest you watch it. I don't care if you are not scared of me, I am not scared of you or anyone else here either.
Anonymous36(34): Answer me this question. Do you think this is right? I certainly don't because I know it is wrong. You however don't see that. All you see is something to fap to. But I can clearly see this is wrong while you can't.
Zvantastika: @Anonymous: How about: Grow a spine, she's not even a real.
Keep complaining and you'll also get banned for spam, stop making a fool of yourself, fair warning.
Franky_Whiskey: @Anonymous: "I suggest you watch it", lol. Took you almost a week to be able to return and first thing you do is acting out. What a moron.
Anonymous38(37): If you support Midna then tell me how can you not find this offensive? It doesn't matter if this is fiction that doesn't make it right. Rape/violation/defloration cannot be justified wether it is real or not. I despise anyone who treats any of my favorite characters this way especially if it's Midna. Wether the characters are real or not doesn't matter they don't deserve to be treated like this.
Anonymous39(37): How bout you get lost instead. I'm starting to think you are all rape enthusiasts and if that's true than none of you even deserve to play this game series or to even call yourselves players for that matter. Seriously there is nothing hot or sexy about rape and that's what I've been trying to explain here. Get it through your heads.
Anonymous40: @Anonymous: Nobody wants you here, you fucking sperglord. The mods hate you, the other anons hate you, even namefags hate you. Go die in a ditch you butthurt bitch. We all hate you.
Anonymous42(40): @Anonymous: Neither will I, idiot. Go fuck your mother with a cactus while your father fingers your asshole, assburgers autism posterboy.
Anonymous43(37): Once again you confirm you are complete idiots. Rather than listen you instead choose to mock and make jokes. No doubt in my mind all of you including queen-Zelda need to be re educated or maybe lobotomized.
Anonymous44(20): Rape is not something beautiful to look at or fap to or enjoy even it is your favorite character.
Now this type is artwork is beautiful.
But this hentai comic is not beautiful. It's not even creative. It is cruelty and prejudice given form. I can clearly see that this is wrong and there is no way to justify it or anything like this but you people can't. On top of that all of you are so stupid you don't even realize it.
Zvantastika: @Anonymous: I see no difference, especially since you didn't link anything to begin with.
You're more than welcome to keep trying so hard though.
JWN926: @Anonymous: Right, because nothing negative is ever allowed to be expressed in media. Everything has to be sunshine and fucking rainbows. Get real.
Anonymous48(20): You are all idiots you know that. You find this sort of thing funny when as anyone can clearly see there is nothing funny about it. Rape is not something to laugh at or to enjoy. It is a sin a crime and an utmost wretched and degrading atrocity that anyone can ever do to someone. And yet you people laugh at it and enjoy it. It's no wonder that people like all of you end up going straight to hell. No doubt about it.
>it is a sin
Take the religious bullshit elsewhere.
>a crime
Only where real people are concerned
>yet you people laugh at it and enjoy it
Only thing laughable around here is your tenuous grasp on reality. Seek professional help. Preferably before you go Dylann Roof on a random group of people.
Anonymous49: This is too much. This is sick. And this has gone too far. The artist queen-Zelda doesn't know right from wrong and devotes all of her time and exerts all of her energy thinking up and drawing such heinous drawings like this all because she hates this character even though she isn't real but also has not done anything to deserve it. Clearly the artist is consumed by her own hatred of this character even though she did nothing to her or anyone else. There is nothing funny about this. I don't know how people like queen-Zelda can even sleep at night or even live with themselves. Queen-Zelda believes this to be justified when it clearly cannot be. She denies that this is bash and that she is hurting/bashing the character when we can all clearly see that this is bash art and that she is hurting them and that this is bash art. No doubt queen-Zelda's perception of reality is warped. She probably doesn't even have a conscience for that matter. People like me support Midna and many characters like her and even cherish her too but queen-Zelda doesn't realize she isn't just hurting the character she's hurting the people who support the character too.
If anyone agrees with me just say so. And if any of you post any hateful remarks to what I'm saying or make jokes to insult me or even tell me to go away or to get lost, so help me Christ in heaven I will knock each and everyone of you straight through hell and back. That is how much I support and like Midna and other characters like her.
JWN926: Can only retort with a copy and pasted statement on two images throwing up a dismissive insult when it's clear to anyone reading that you're full of shit. Have fun drowning in your delusions.
Anonymous52(49): Still idiots too who fail to realize that this is crossing the line. If you can't see that or understand it then you are just a lost cause.
JWN926: @Anonymous: It isn't crossing any line because it isn't real. Trying to censor people because you don't agree with freedom of expression however, is.
Anonymous54(49): I don't have autism. Look at what all this artist has drawn. Most of her work is hate and bash art. She denies that it's bash/hate art when anyone can clearly see it is. Queen-Zelda has made Midna the sole object of her hatred and has obviously been consumed by it. She is devoting all of her time and energy into hurting a favorite FC who did nothing to deserve it. As I said this not freedom of expression this is hatred and prejudice at its worst. She is also a bad influence to other people too.
JustSomeGuy: Holy shit, what the fuck went on in here.
Go write a fanfic about you swooping in to save your waifu from the big bad porn artist if it gets you so much and need to write about it. God's balls.
Anonymous59: I wonder why this delusional piece of veritable shit known as Queen-Zelda is (mis)using Zelda's name. She is NOTHING like Zelda, but hateful, insulting, AND a hypocritical, closet lesbian, seeing how she's obsessing over Midna the entire time. Probably frustrated she can't have her.
Wow, reading through all of that just made my morning. Somebody frame this comment section and put it in a museum of people making fools of themselves on the internet.
Anonymous60(59): @Urbane_Guerrilla: Oh, you mean the "artist" of his "piece"? How nice of you to agree with me. Her mental disorder (as in, obsession with hurting a fictional! character, drawing said character's pussy and boobs in great detail, then still claiming to hate her) is probably listed and diagnosed somewhere. :D
shinazuka: @Anonymous: Bruh, nobody's saying Queen-Zelda doesn't probably have some sort of issues. But you're taking her irrational fixation on making bad things happen to this one FICTIONAL character as an affront to all that is good with the world. Get outside, why don't you?
Anonymous61(59): @shinazuka: You can apply your advice to yourself <3 Besides, if this person is allowed to have an irrational fixation with a fictional character AND be a hypocrite about it ("that's not bash art and I'm totally straight!"), I am allowed to have a very rational fixation with the one having an irrational fixation, and be honest about not exactly bursting into tears if she dropped dead. Because queen-zelda is - unfortunately - real, not fictional, and insulting to both the creators, and fans of Midna. She can hate her all she wants, but not rub it into our faces.
shinazuka: @Anonymous: Oh yeah, sure, you're allowed to do whatever you want. And I'm allowed to say you're fucking embarrassing yourself over this shit. And you're allowed to attempt another comeback that's only going to reinforce that you're a child, because that's what children do- throw tantrums over things that don't matter.
Anonymous62(59): @shinazuka:LMAO for "things that don't matter", you are quite determined yourself to throw tantrums. I, at least, offer reasons as to why I am bashing this piece of human garbage (actually, there's far more than the afore-mentioned ones). You don't offer your own as to why you're trying to prevent me from doing it (and white-knighting for her) - aside from "embarrassing". Your standards for "embarrassing" are not important in the slightest in this.
Anonymous65: I can't seem to find "Fun for the Hero" by General-Link. I've searched Google, e-hentai, myhentaicomics, etc. I want to see how awful t truly is. Help, please.
Anonymous69: Me, a girl who has a massive crush on Zant:
"I'm here just because I wanna see Zant's cock in a straight, well drawn artwork and without his mask... and there's not too much of it, so here I am."
Ok, for the anon that writes too much text:
I understand you don't like QZ's artwork, she is kind of too much, But calm down, I don't like seeing Zant in yaoi/slash situations, but there's nothing I can do about it, so I just search for what I'm searching for and let the artists alone. (Except that one that on top of drawing Zant with ganon, their artwork is really ugly and ill drawn, but not hate).
If this makes you feel better, you should make a comic where you save Midna and kick Ganon out of there or turn him in carnitas, and leave an albino girl (me) with Zant to take good care of him?
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It would be worse if it was link instead
There's nothing wrong with disliking Midna, but putting so much time and effort into something that's strictly to show hate in a cruel and abusive manner crosses the line. I'd like to believe that even people who aren't total Midna fans would find this wrong... why is Queen Zelda spending so much time abusing this beloved character if she really hates her so much...?
And I imagine she'll pull the "don't like, don't look" card... but it's so hard when she has such a gorgeous art style that's going to waste on torturing a completely innocent princess... and with no valid reasons except that she's "getting in the way of a ship" that's been done SO much it's gone stale... how are fans supposed to just sit back and let this happen?
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My point is that we should protect all the fictional characters we know and love from people like queen-zelda and so on and so fortth. Would you protect the FC's you know and love from people like her or let them get away with it? I certainly wouldn't because I know its wrong and the FC's like Midna don't deserve it.
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The other thing I found curious is that you say you feel these characters are real, and I dont mean to judge, and I've had some strong connections to characters in my gaming past, but I always found the great thing about being fictional is that they are in fact not real and can thus be and do anything you personally think up. Which is why it's okay to disagree with someone's interpretation of a character but to say they should be punished for their opinion is not something anyone should support...Just my 2 cents
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Seriously people this has to stop and it has to stop NOW! If you can't see this is wrong and/or if you don't care then you're every bit as bad as queen-Zelda here. In fact if that''s true than the world would clearly be a better and safer place when people like you and Queen-Zelda die off.
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Also, what the fuck is a "bilk"? I don't speak Tumblrish.
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>still posts his aspierations
Oh lawdy, youse retarded, son.
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By the way, wang is a fucking noun, not a verb, dumbass.
And for someone who finds the content so objectionable, you seem to really be having a hard time leaving. Have something to confess?
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Racists, retards, weirdos, we tolerate all of those guys, but someone complaining about all porn in a porn website? Get outta here. He won't be missed.
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>Implying you have the right to curtail the freedom of expression of others if you personally don't agree with it
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Keep complaining and you'll also get banned for spam, stop making a fool of yourself, fair warning.
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Really, stop the bitching, don't like it, don't come here.
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Now this type is artwork is beautiful.
But this hentai comic is not beautiful. It's not even creative. It is cruelty and prejudice given form. I can clearly see that this is wrong and there is no way to justify it or anything like this but you people can't. On top of that all of you are so stupid you don't even realize it.
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>Can't even link right
@Anonymous: You're a blast, please do continue commenting, I always get a laugh out of it.
Just look at the difference I'm pointing out here you imbecile.
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You're more than welcome to keep trying so hard though.
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stop being dumbass
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>it is a sin
Take the religious bullshit elsewhere.
>a crime
Only where real people are concerned
>yet you people laugh at it and enjoy it
Only thing laughable around here is your tenuous grasp on reality. Seek professional help. Preferably before you go Dylann Roof on a random group of people.
If anyone agrees with me just say so. And if any of you post any hateful remarks to what I'm saying or make jokes to insult me or even tell me to go away or to get lost, so help me Christ in heaven I will knock each and everyone of you straight through hell and back. That is how much I support and like Midna and other characters like her.
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Also, good luck knocking each of us to hell and back through the internet, dumbass.
I'm not making fun, i'm genuinely concerned.
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Go write a fanfic about you swooping in to save your waifu from the big bad porn artist if it gets you so much and need to write about it. God's balls.
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Wow, reading through all of that just made my morning. Somebody frame this comment section and put it in a museum of people making fools of themselves on the internet.
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"I'm here just because I wanna see Zant's cock in a straight, well drawn artwork and without his mask... and there's not too much of it, so here I am."
Ok, for the anon that writes too much text:
I understand you don't like QZ's artwork, she is kind of too much, But calm down, I don't like seeing Zant in yaoi/slash situations, but there's nothing I can do about it, so I just search for what I'm searching for and let the artists alone. (Except that one that on top of drawing Zant with ganon, their artwork is really ugly and ill drawn, but not hate).
If this makes you feel better, you should make a comic where you save Midna and kick Ganon out of there or turn him in carnitas, and leave an albino girl (me) with Zant to take good care of him?