metalslayer: Пиздец, приехали. Геям не нравится, что мы не рисуем геев, тоже мне потеря. Russians Don't hate everything, we just ignore it, I don't see the point to love it.
FrostStone: Russia-experts everywhere.
P.S. russians just don't care about how faggot you are, they don't care if you fuck someone your gender till you yell everyone and everywhere you're faggot and you're very proud of it.
You may have a butthole wider than a lake Baikal and no one will care. But if you try to say about it on the Red Square in front of russian troopers or even worse to seduce someone's little boy, you're fucked.
The same thing you can see in Kiev if you try to say smth bad about Stephan Bandera
Chef_Retardee: Russians don't hate gay, only people who act gay in any way shape or form. You're fine as long as you're very, very careful to note even hint at your deviant sexuality.
Of course if you're Ukrainian you're fucked either way.
Astrohamus: @metalslayer:
Не обращай внимания. Врачи-психиатры, считают Нетрадиционные ориентации психическим отклонением. А большинство псих. заболевания - неизлечимы. Как говориться "Грешно смеяться над больными людьми"...
Astrohamus: @Franky_Whiskey:
Твои слова лишь подтверждают мнение врачей о психической нестабильности. Хотя, это немного странно, ведь обычно такие пассивные гомосексуалисты как ты - гламурные, а не агрессивные.
Anonymous2: @Astrohamus: Shit, for someone talking about "passive homosexuals" you sure are letting me rape the Cyrillic beauty of your mother tongue while I'm taking charge here of this conversation, as your fag leader prances shirtless riding ponies.
metalslayer: @Franky_Whiskey:
There was no fact, just some of your mind thoughts. You don't like non English speakers and say that russians hate everything, always? It's time for brake all stereotypes from your mind.
Franky_Whiskey: @metalslayer: It's rude making someone to google translate a response, when the person sending it is perfectly capable of answering in English, like you just did. Specially when posting bullshit like Astrohamus (a person that is able to answer in the language he's replied) did and not expecting a comeback, as if "russkiy" was some kind of super-secret code language in a boy scout's club.
metalslayer: @Franky_Whiskey: Not all Russians know English as well, I just write short text for them, not because of your way of conspiracy, don't be selfish.
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P.S. russians just don't care about how faggot you are, they don't care if you fuck someone your gender till you yell everyone and everywhere you're faggot and you're very proud of it.
You may have a butthole wider than a lake Baikal and no one will care. But if you try to say about it on the Red Square in front of russian troopers or even worse to seduce someone's little boy, you're fucked.
The same thing you can see in Kiev if you try to say smth bad about Stephan Bandera
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Of course if you're Ukrainian you're fucked either way.
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Не обращай внимания. Врачи-психиатры, считают Нетрадиционные ориентации психическим отклонением. А большинство псих. заболевания - неизлечимы. Как говориться "Грешно смеяться над больными людьми"...
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Твои слова лишь подтверждают мнение врачей о психической нестабильности. Хотя, это немного странно, ведь обычно такие пассивные гомосексуалисты как ты - гламурные, а не агрессивные.
Get real, now, newb.
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Butthurt. It's time for extinguish the fire
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There was no fact, just some of your mind thoughts. You don't like non English speakers and say that russians hate everything, always? It's time for brake all stereotypes from your mind.
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Russians have got the LDPR.
Numberblock 91: WTF