Anonymous3(1): @iFap2Dat: I don't have that.
Possibly because I'm anon.
Don't call someone a dumbass for legitimate confusion when said confusion is warranted.
jubilation_t_cornpone: @Anonymous: If you're an anon, it's not POSSIBLE to report an image. So why would I have been telling you not to? You can't anyway.
jubilation_t_cornpone: jeebus, now it's "photoshopped gore". People report anything to get rid of stuff like this. Too bad they never report actual rule violations, which is the only thing that will get them deleted. I'm expecting "guts don't glow like that" as the next report. (And no, don't report that as a joke.)
Why did you bother uploading this?
I legitimately don't understand.
This is bad and you should feel bad.
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We don't care about that, permission is not required. Rule violations only.
Because where, in my comment, did I say I was reporting for this?
Possibly because I'm anon.
Don't call someone a dumbass for legitimate confusion when said confusion is warranted.
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