Anonymous3: Its not rocket science guys. Russia was browsing an ero manga sold by Japan depicting Czech Republic and Lithuania in a love story, so he got a nose bleed from too much ero, and spilled it all over the manga, so Japans says "you stain it, you buy it". Duh!
Anonymous4(2): @Anonymous: thank you. sometimes a cpt obvious is needed in these situations. i completely ignored the color scheme in the last panel yet my mind registered dialect/dialogue.
Anonymous17: I just noticed that this is from r/cuntryballs, but I can’t find it, so did it get deleted? If not can someone give me link?
If anyone is there
Anonymous20(19): @Anonymous: First of all it’s Lithuania and Poland and second of all that’s The Czech Republic reading it@Anonymous: probably cuz you’ve been fapping to countryballs since at least 2016...
I love it and hate it at the same time
If anyone is there