evilpika: The original creators continued the scene from the relationship video into this. I assume it was never intended to air. I have the clip somewhere.
Anonymous4: Did you also know that there is a uncensored scene in Total drama Island that has Heathers boobs uncensored? I'm really not kidding, type TDI Heather uncensored on google and go to the second page and click on METACAFE and you will see what I mean. It's awsome! :D
Mole: @Anonymous: Re Haether video: the lower right hand corner has the top part of the [mostly cropped off] Cartoon Network logo. If it matters the video is a user edit, not an 'Easter Egg' or some such thing.
and the edited version she says you want to see more then buy the nest video and in the uncensored one she uses a dildo but that they dont show
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