Anonymous2: @Gravestalker: Don'ty get madd, just because So-Called attractive and successful Africans turned You down, EVERYONE HAS standards they WONT stoop to!!
PinkBallons: @Meowshi: If you weren't already a user I doubt there would have been an issue, but one person owning multiple accounts isn't allowed for reasons that should be obvious. Maybe site rule 32 would have come into effect at some point, depending on how often you commented.
Meowshi: It's fine, if I can't poke fun at a racist shitposter I'll just ignore him.
Should have known I was breaking some arbitrary guideline buried in the ridiculously long list of rules. This "humorous porn site" seems to be ran by a bunch of taking themselves very, very seriously.
Decanter: @Meowshi: Don't be so melodramatic. You made a second account, which is forbidden because it's impractical to police everyone's accounts for voting abuse and other samefaggotry. It's not rocket science, and it's not censorship.
Anonymous4: Lois with twelve inches in her cunt and another big black penis violating her bumhole; she will keep them there all as she comes every few minutes,
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So this is how freedom of speech dies, with thunderous applause.
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Should have known I was breaking some arbitrary guideline buried in the ridiculously long list of rules. This "humorous porn site" seems to be ran by a bunch of taking themselves very, very seriously.
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