Anonymous6: i always wondered about all this intense obsession with Gwen that everybody has,i wonder if there's some in the closet denial about latent gayness.
Think about it, she's a tomboy, she has a flat chest,and she looks exactly like Ben except for just the hairdo and different colored eyes. We imagine her with the pussy,but the show always has her with her clothes on so for all we know,she could have a dick under there. Even if she doesn't, without boobs she could easily pass for a cuntboy. I declare this girl a trap!
flamer180: your saying she's not feminine? cause idk about you, but i believe breast these days still mean it's a girl, also the cute look on her face, the plump butt, small cute feet, panties/thong around her, and also the clip in her hair;
i think these are all indication of a girl, or am i wrong? btw thats not a flat chest, go have your eyes looked at
your just hatin cause people like to jack off to her, well you know what buddy, imma continue jacking off to her ;)
Anonymous7: Right u R, ppl ! And YOU, Anon 6: Oi ! No bad-mouthing Gwen, dude... Fap & LET fap . YOU surely have fave chara/actress/singer, TOO, so how'd you like having THAT one put down ? Oh, yeah, guys that put themselves ABOVE others are sooo great. Sure. Well... Now ANOTHER Gwen-centric's number is up in "Gwen's foot service" (nice & slo- HO-HO-HO -wly). Still hatin' back the haters... BAH, HUMBUG 2018, y'all ;-)
Please tell me there will be a shirtless version, this is great.
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Think about it, she's a tomboy, she has a flat chest,and she looks exactly like Ben except for just the hairdo and different colored eyes. We imagine her with the pussy,but the show always has her with her clothes on so for all we know,she could have a dick under there. Even if she doesn't, without boobs she could easily pass for a cuntboy. I declare this girl a trap!
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i think these are all indication of a girl, or am i wrong? btw thats not a flat chest, go have your eyes looked at
your just hatin cause people like to jack off to her, well you know what buddy, imma continue jacking off to her ;)