Anonymous2: Lola never actually undressed in the movie. She makes me think of peaches & cream. Bugs makes me think of paint for the house. Of course, I have siding now ...
Anonymous6: hu2fhyvubwuvbhbeuvewrvbewrvhbvu2u382873r723bf32g6fgd7ds7hw7q8h878hh2bdyhhndubnssqDOES NOT COMPUTE!100010100010000011101010001010100210100001001100101110000000111010101001010100101000011001010100011001010110100011010100110101010101001
Toon_Coon: The only thing that could make that ass better is a tail more like Bugs'... i always prefered the upside down heart shaped tail, and Bugs having it rather than Lola always makes me sigh. :/
Anonymous19: Sorry, going to stay anonymous. I only did 3 of these, this one, big game entrance, and a poor one of her front on the training court. This was inspired by wanting to see her on model, such as no giant breasts, plus the difficulty for new drawings to capture her sexiness (really hate the advertisement style too). Wish I spent a bit more time to blend the edits in better, also, in some edits I stuck to the figure inside the clothes too much, which doesn't always work the best.
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But that's still an awe inspiring ass. o.o
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hahahahahaha...his expression made me laugh
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