PrincessMolestia: I don't know why the hell anyone likes lamia's pictures. The coloring is lazy, the anatomy is bad, and the dialogue is laughable. i've hated this artist since they first showed up on this site.
Anonymous2: @PrincessMolestia: Please don't use the word "art" when talking about Lamia's excrements. It is an insult to art everywhere else in the world. Thank you kindly.
CrotchboobAddict: Never cared for lamia's pictures myself, maybe mostly because it's not really my fetish, so I don't really get it.. Still, it's true that the anatomy can be pretty bad and the art lazy
Anonymous4(1): @Krysa_Alisa: @PrincessMolestia: @CrotchboobAddict: You know what? Fuck all y'all bitch ass attractive and successful Africans. I hope you all burn in hell for all I care.
AnonV3: Aight. Composition, it's fucking cramped. The subject aside, the artist either really wanted to make the size difference an impossible to not notice one (which is probably the case) or has no planning skill.
Color is 'fine' but the shading is hella soft and simple. And where is the light source? I can't even.
The figures are, eh. Because of the subject - hyper, yuck - it is what it is. I can tell what's going on and all but my god, those heads. It's like the Downs Syndrome child of MLP FiM and any chibi anime ever.
Overall, 4/10. It's not atrocious but it seems the artist has some bad habits that never have worked out. Overly large/deformed heads, too-soft shading, no discernible light sources, and add to those problems the subject being hyper-loli which is a very specific fetish ... this is really only good for those that share that unique niche fetish.
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Color is 'fine' but the shading is hella soft and simple. And where is the light source? I can't even.
The figures are, eh. Because of the subject - hyper, yuck - it is what it is. I can tell what's going on and all but my god, those heads. It's like the Downs Syndrome child of MLP FiM and any chibi anime ever.
Overall, 4/10. It's not atrocious but it seems the artist has some bad habits that never have worked out. Overly large/deformed heads, too-soft shading, no discernible light sources, and add to those problems the subject being hyper-loli which is a very specific fetish ... this is really only good for those that share that unique niche fetish.
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