agent509: this was one of the first i ever saw, along with jab's jetson's pics. and yes anon2, there was another one very similar to this with starmie instead of staryu, they were usually right next to each other on the site.
Anonymous15: Yep, same story here. I'm sure it wasn't the first hentai pic I ever saw, as I would have had to go looking for it and seen others on the same page, but it was the first pic that stood out enough for me to still remember it.
Anonymous16: This was my first hentai pic as well. Except it wasn't staryu, it wasstarmie. I liked it so much that I got it printed. IN A PUBLIC CYBER CAFE! God I miss those days.
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First fapping too.
Knowing Porkyman, I'd not be surprised.
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It doesn't even make me hard anymore. I feel suddenly very sad.
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