Foxythepiratefnaf777: *bonnie* I'm gonna cum
*toy bonnie* cum inside me
The next morning
*bonnie* what happens last night looks and toy Bonnie next to him in bed oh god I hope we didn't have sex
*toy bonnie* wakes up oh hi Bonnie
*bonnie* morning toy Bonnie what happened last night
*toy bonnie* oh you and me had fun a lot of fun
*bonnie* oh see you tonight when we try to kill Jeremy
*toy bonnie* ok bye I love you Bonnie
the next day
*toy bonnie* hey Bonnie
*bonnie* oh hi toy Bonnie
*toy bonnie* you remember that night you and where in the new room
*bonnie* yeah
*toy bonnie* well you and me had sex and I'm pregnant and its your child
*bonnie* O_O oh ok see you gose to parts and service room
*freddy* what's wrong Bonnie you look like you saw a combination of jeff the killer laughing jack and slender man
*bonnie* well you know that new room
*freddy* yeah
*bonnie* well me and toy Bonnie had sex and now she's pregnant yes shes a girl even toy freddys a girl
*freddy* I know she's a girl i also know toy freddys a girl and I also had sex with toy Freddy I felt good real good and now she's pregnant with my child
*bonnie* what am I going to do I'm not ready to be a dad
*freddy* I know but I am
*bonnie* how
*freddy* well a woman left this book her and since toy freddy was prego I read it and I know how to be a good father now
*bonnie* well I'll read it
2 hours of reading later
*bonnie* closes book well I'm ready to be a dad now Freddy
*freddy* sorry Bonnie toy bonnie called to tell you that see has something else to tell you go outside
*bonnie* gose out side what's wrong toy Bonnie
*toy bonnie* I'm not ready to be a mother why did we had sex
*bonnie* you are ready you just don't know how to raise a kid I'll be back gose back of the stage hi toy Freddy
*toy freddy* oh hello Bonnie what do you want
*bonnie* well
*toy freddy* let me guessyou and toy Bonnie had rough hot sex got her pregnant you know how to raise your child and she dose not know how to raise your child
*bonnie* how did you know m and her had
*toy freddy* I heard you two in the new room
Flash back
*toy fredy* walking down the hall
*bonnie and toy bonnie* faster bonnie faster you like that don't you toy Bonnie yes I do keep going yes god it feels good Toy Bonnie I'm going to cum cum inside me give all of your cum
*toy freddy* oh my god that's disturbing
Back to Bonnie and toy Freddy talking
*bonnie* I wish you didn't heard those noises
*toy freddy* I know why your here give book give this to toy Bonnie and she will know how to be a good mother
*bonnie* thank you toy Freddy
Gose back to toy Bonnie
*bonnie* look read this you will be a good mother
*toy Bonnie* ok
2 hours of reading again
*bonnie* your done with it
*toy bonnie* yeah I'm done why
*bonnie* you wanna fuck again
*toy bonnie* lets do it hits Bonnie like Kenzie from saints row 4
*bonnie* hope you don't have another kid inside
*toy bonnie* I do have another
*bonnie* why did we did this again
*toy bonnie* because you said you wanna fuck
*bonnie* true
*toy bonnie* mistakes into miracles Bonnie
That's it ok don't complane to me that toy Bonnie is a boy and toy freddys a boy to ok they are girls you can tell
Foxythepiratefnaf777: That story up there and that's how bonnie and toy Bonnie got married had there two kids and scraped together bonnie and toy Bonnie 1999 2015 just kidding Fnaf forever
Foxythepiratefnaf777: Well sorry but the other part of that huge story did not came sorry but yesterday I had to help my parents with a garage sale and today I went to my friends house maybe tommorow it will come
Foxythepiratefnaf777: Oh and that story just becaus t bonnie is a boy dose not mean I'm gay oh and she is a girl so don't say that toy Bonnie's a boy ok because I will turn to jeff the killer and find you and kill you nah that's a joke but I will hurt you
Foxythepiratefnaf777: I have good news today at 7 I'm going to the second part of the story oh and people who have played the games called scp contain ment breach yeah don't call me crazy but it's is real the scp containment breach is real don't call me crazy it is search on YouTube I saw good information it was horrible and I know what your thinking dude cmon the scp foundation is fake it's just a creepypasta it isn't you didn't see any monsters or objects because they are not allowed to be shown to the public but if you see a grafity of an owl colors black and with human arm don't get close to it the person who did you don't wanna know happend to him oh tell me if you had paranormal witnesses here are mine I seen a woman with no shoes aor sock and her hair was covering her face I saw that woman 4 times were im living is the last time I ever saw her and I saw i tall man with prison close like in those cartoon from the 1990s like felix the cat or Mickey black and white I went some were and bam it was right in front of me I blinked and he's gone just like magic and he was tall like slender man the last thing I saw is I was on my computer and I felt like I was being watched and then I turnd and saw a shadow of a girl walking my my window i heard it might be the soul of my aunt she passed away when she was 4 years old her heart was getting to big heart problems I wish I meet her and stay tuned for the new story of bonnie and toy bonnie and toy bonnie is a girl
Foxythepiratefnaf777: The story is gonna start now oh and the pizzaria closed and made different know it became bigger and has unlimited animatronics fan made ones will be in here but the fan made animatronics won't be in the story's so much but the main characters are bonnie chica foxy freddy and t bonnie t chica t freddy and mangle by the way the toy animatronics are female and ballon boy and marrionette
Foxythepiratefnaf777: And the animatronics won't be trying to kill Jeremy and mike came back yay anyway the main animatronics are having a party but no kids in the middle of the night in the party the new animatronics
Foxythepiratefnaf777: *freddy* hey everyone
*everyone* yeah
*freddy* we are going to be powered of for a few months
*bonnie* what
*bb* marionette I'm scared were gonna be scrapped
*freddy* don't worry everyone only because our pizzaria is gonna be turned into a different pizzaria same thing except different
*toy Bonnie* oh thank god I don't wanna be separated from bonnie he and I had privacy I'm pregnant and he's the father
*toyfreddy* why toy Bonnie why
*toybonnie* what sex couldn't wait
*bonnie* damn toybonnie when we had sex it might be your first time because you were tight
*mike*' so boss I'm not coming this night
*boss* yes mike go home
*freddy* jackass
*boss* well time to power down the animatronics
3 months later
*boss* well time to power on the main animatronics
*bonnie* damn finally were powerd on
*toybonnie* YES I KNOW ALREADY
*bonnie* who toybonnie what's wrong
*toybonnie* I'm sory im on my period
*bonnie* whoa
*toybonnie* I also think my oil broke
*freddy* cmon toybonnie you don't have to worry because mike and Jeremy are coming you know what that means right party all night long oh and toyfreddy
*toyfreddy* yeah
*freddy* you wanna bang tonight
*toyfreddy* oh hell yeah
*toybonnie* uh oh bonnie
*bonnie yeah
*toybonnie* I think I gave birth
*bonnie* well now I'm a father
*everyone* awwwwwwww
*freddy* boy or girl
Bonnie and toybonnie girl
*chica* shut up lets party
Everyone yeah
2 hours of partying later
*marrionette* bb you have a sister
*bb* really can I meet her
*marrionette* sure gose in to giant parts and service room
*bb* man there's alot of new animatronics here and there still being made wow so we're is she
*marrionette* here she is
*ballongirl* hello brother hugs bb
*bb* hello sister lets go marrionette aren't you coming
*marionette* I'll come but first I'm going to turn these new animatronics on
*bb* ok see you
*marrionette* there's even female versions of freddy bonnie and foxy and sexy version of chica wait that sign says stripper animatronics wow really well I'm going to have fun with one of them hehe 😏
*freddy* hey sexy wanna get it
*toyfreddy* oh hell
*freddy* well let's go
*toyfreddy* do me do me hard
*freddy* hehe your real dirty but what the heck
freddy and toyfreddy going into the new room damn girl you tight as fuck oh baby
*bonnie* hey toy Bonnie speaking of sex com
*toybonie* how about you and me no condom
*bonnie* hehe ok cmon
*toybonnie*gets on top of bonnie hoe about a blowjob
*bonnie* hehe ok
*toybonnie* get on the bed starts to lick Bonnie's dick
*bonnie* damn girl your tounge is so warm
*toybonnie* how about the sucking part
*bonnie* alright and damn girl you know how to suck a cock I'm gonna cum
*toybonnie* cum on my face
*bonnie* I can't hold it cums
*toybonnie* oh it's so warm
*bonnie* let me penetrate your vagina
*toybonnie* just shub your dick inside me
*bonnie* inserts damn God yet so tight
*toybonnie* tight but you like it damn your big
*bonnie* I'm gonna cum
*toybonnie* cum inside me oh yeah
*bonnie* cums man I needed that
*toybonnie* you were good at sex today
*bonnie* thank you baby
*toybonnie* I felt a little kick im pregnant
*bonnie* well another kid
Anonymous8: This is what will happen if Bonnie and toy Bonnie were in hawp I don't own hawp hawp is own by Anthony and Ashley burch anyways don't sew this is just a random parody story I'm making from there nba review its funny especially at the end oh my god it's super funny at the end no spoilers here anyways here's the animatronics that are going to be like the actors in hawp
Bonnie Anthony
Toy Bonnie Ashley Davis
Of you don't know Ashley Davis she's the wife of Anthony no not Ashley burch the voice actor of tiny Tina she is the sister anyways now ash and papa burch
Chica ash
Papa burch Freddy
Oh and there's a baby in the video of the story parody ok so don't complain
Baby some random animatronic bunny
Alright story time
Oh and there going to be in a mansion don't complain it popped in my head ok now story time I'm sorry but there in a mansion they have a wii ok don't complain oh and in the wii there playing the nba game ok now story time for reals
Bonnie toy Bonnie pass the ball
Toy Bonnie which button
Bonnie the a button
Toy Bonnie presses the a button
Chica thanks
Bonnie no don't make that shot
Chica making the shot nailed it again
Bonnie ok that is shit
China why dipshit
Bonnie because me and toy Bonnie have the broken remotes and you have the good one wait how did these broke
Chica well
Flash back
Foxy alright just got to kills the final boss in the game he's is playing yes alright get reckt son yes throws the controllers in the floor oh crap tests them still work abit
Chica you know you fucked those up right
Foxy I don't care jumps out window and goes to mikes house to kill him
Now back to the story
Bonnie and toy Bonnie oh
Chica so what are you gonna do dicksucker
Bonnie I don't know looks at toy Bonnie 😈
Toy Bonnie why are you looking at me like that
Bonnie lets go for some privacy
Toy Bonnie um ok
Chica ok dipshits going to play some blood borne
Bonnie don't care
Sex scene
Bonnie yeah damn so tight
Toy Bonnie oh yes give it to me
The next day
Toy Bonnie I'm pregnant
9 months later
Toy Bonnie oh god it hurts the baby is coming
Bonnie Freddy call an anbulance
Freddy fuck no
Bonnie oh crap
At night
Bonnie he's so cute
Toy Bonnie the eyes of you and the fur color of me
Bonnie boy or girl
Toy Bonnie girl
The next day
Bonnie puts baby down and gives him wii remote ok this baby is smart as a mother fucker so she mite beat chica
Toy Bonnie hehe she has you eyes
Chica alright let's do this shit hey baby pass the ball pass the ball pass the fucking ball fuck this your baby is as dumb as spring trap
Spring trap chica you know I can dismantle you and know one will care right
Chica sorry
Spring trap its ok
Bonnie tough shit your dumber than the baby
Chica and Bonnie arguing
Toy Bonnie Bonnie chica looks at bay
Bonnie I really didn't think this trough
Outside there playing real basketball
Bonnie chica pass it to me Freddy
Freddy grabs baby and throws it in the garbage
So yeah that wS the parody story it's a mix of five nights at Freddy's and hay ash watcha playing I think i will make more parody story's of fnaf and hawp so see the actual video of hawp nba on YouTube and yeah so see you
Anonymous9: This is a good story i say i like the picture
asnd were did you get the picture can you leave a link down below so i will copy it and the story
is amazing can you make a story about chica sex
foxy please can you do that i like your story's
Foxythepirate778: Alright and this may seem crazy but my old account got erased and now I changed it to this but don't worry I will make more story's in the future
Foxythepirate778: Oh and yes I will make the Chicago and foxy sex story I will also make the saw story of hawp check them out on YouTube
Anyway yes the sex story is coming of foxy and China and social justice warrior story crossover story fnaf and hawp I promise
Foxythepirate778: Foxy I wonder if chica likes me I don't know if she dose should I ask her or maybe not I'll just go to pirate cove
Chica oh foxy starts to finger herself if only you and I were in a bed I want you inside me so much moans and squirts
That night
Mike checking the cameras ok there's the toy animatronics and Bonnie Freddy and that little prick ballon boy I just want to bring a baseball bat and smack his head in wait marionette checks oh yeah he's out of order for now I'm glad I don't have to wind it up
Foxy mike your dead
Chica m there he is pokes foxy pokes foxy shoulder
Foxy huh oh chica what do you want hehe blushes
Chica well I blushes
Foxy shh I love you to face palm thinks to himself why did I told her that
Chica really
Foxy. Thinking oh nevermind
Chica foxy I don't I love you to but you know what's better than love
Foxy no what
Chica whispers in his ear sex
Foxy wait what
Chica talks in a horny voice yes come on fuck me right here just lick the fuck out of my pussy and fuck my ass hard fast and rough
Foxy um let me think about it thinks to himself ok let's see yes or no
Chica I will kill mike and stuff with some gold
Foxy deal
Chica ok follow me
Foxy alright thinks ok I don't know why I have the felling this will be good and bad at the same time but the heck happened to golden Freddy wait where is golden Freddy and spring trap
At the area where golden Freddy and spring trap are
Golden Freddy I didn't know going to banoi was going to be full of zombies
Spring trap what on tv it looked nice
Sam b oh crap it's one of those giant freaks
Golden Freddy wait dose he mean us
Spring trap yes and I think that huge black thing is to
Sam b that's racist
Golden Freddy we don't mean you
Sam b whatever takes out sniper and shoots ram and butcher
Logan Sam b what heppend
Sam b nothing just shot some giant freaks
Logan oh ok hey you two come over here
Golden Freddy and spring trap go ahead
Logan purna got any firearms these two can use
Purna I got a shotgun and sniper
Here you go
Spring trap oh this is gonna be fun
Back to Freddy fazbear
foxy lets go to pirate cove and have some privacy
Chica ok
Foxy well what is sex
Chica take oh your pants
Foxy ok takes of pants and reveals a boner
Chica oh my thinks to herself it's so big I don't know if that can fit in my ass our pussy and mouth
Foxy so what do we do I'm naked
Chica takes of bib while starring at foxy a cock
Foxy why are looking at my cock
Chica get on the bed
Foxy ok gets on the bed thinks to himself oh I think I know know where this I going to lead to
Chica you want anal vaginal or blowjob
Foxy hmm blow me slut
Chica as you wish master starts sucking
Foxy damn your younger is warm you saliva is warm to suck it faster
Chica I can't suck this fast
Foxy ok then let's see how deep you can go forces China's head to suck deeper and faster damn when I make you go like this it makes me crazy enough to cum
Chica cum in my mouth pirate boy
Foxy cums in China's mouth arse that was amazing
Chica your cum tastes good I want you to fuck my pussy as hard and fast as you can
Foxy alright bend over
Chica what do you think of my
Foxy fingering
Chica what
Foxy fingers China's pussy
Chica moans
Foxy thinks to himself she likes this hehe but she'll enjoy my cock more
Chica moans stick your cock in my pussy
Foxy well that's what I'm going to do sticks cock inside Chica
Chica gasps thinks to herself oh my god he got bigger
Foxy God yet so tight
Chica you like sex don't you
Foxy oh god I'm going to blow
Chica blow as in cum just give it to me
Foxy oh my GOD cums
After 20 cums later
Chica wow you cum 20 times my pussy is pack with your semen
Foxy hmm were not done yet
Chica what do you mean
Foxy anal
Chica well this is the last round notice foxys cock thinks to herself oh my when that enters my ass it will go to my stomach
Wait what am I talking about I'm going to enjoy this
Foxy my cock is bigger than before
Chica pounces on foxy is it me or are you and I going to go anal
Foxy wait that's to big
Chica oh really let me see measures foxys cock oh my god it's 25 inches yes
Foxy what do you mean yes
Chica lets just get your cock inside me
Foxy no I don't want to hurt you
Chica just stick inside me pirate boy
Foxy alright then bend over
Chica this is going to be amazing
Foxy ok here it goes stick his cock in chica
Chica moans oh god foxy this is amazing go faster faster
Foxy fast and rough is better
Chica he's close I can feel the cum inside him forming and is going to shot inside
Foxy here's is the last load
Chica just give me your fox babies
Foxy moans and cums
Chica moans
90 cums later
foxy a bit to much sperm inside you
Chica if may be a lot but I can take it
Foxy yeah but the entire bed is covered in it
Chica wait what if the others find out
Foxy oh come on like if Freddy and toy Freddy will have sex and find out
Chica with isn't toy Freddy a boy
Foxy no she's a girl I saw her naked once she has boobs and a vagina
Chica oh really wait what where you doing when you saw here naked
Flash back
Foxy masturbating while sing toy Freddy getting ready for her show take the bra of slut
Toy Freddy did I closed the door ahhhhh foxy what are you doing
Foxy puts his cock in his pants ah nothing
Toy Freddy slams door and loves it damit what can I jack of to damn toy chica naked hell yeah
Back foxy and chica in bed after sex
Foxy nothing
Chica I will watch you because if a have kids with you you better watch out
Foxy were not married
Chica you married me already
Foxy don't I have to give you a ring
Chica no were animatronics we get married by having rough hard sex
Foxy that's how Bonnie and toy Bonnie got married
Foxythepirate778: Nevermind now I'll do it
Bonnie hey chica watcha playing
Chica mincraft
Bonnie ok this is a two person job
Chica this game can lick my pussy like foxy did
Bonnie ok we go down there to look for diamonds you any creepers run ok
Chica ok
Bonnie you understand anything I said
Chica yes
Bonnie what are goingdo when a creeper shows up
Chica high five it
Bonnie no
Chica like up tops creep
Bonnie chica no
Chica like bam
Bonnie god damit your gonna burn my shack down
Chica I'll burn your shack down
Bonnie that's what I said
Chica someone's at the door
Creeper hisses
Chica sup
Bonnie chica don't open the door
Chica opens door
Creeper blows up
Bonnie no my house
Chica behold your God of fire
Bonnie chica stop
Chica I set everything on fire you son of bitch cock
Bonnie chica stop setting everything on fire this took me hours
Chica this is the best game eveeeeeeeeeerrrrrrr
Random music plays
Bonnie uses picaxe huh chica you gotta see this
Chica I got a bucket
Bonnie are you caring lava
Chica maybe
Bonnie don't dump it you gotta see this
Chica bored
God dammit chica I'm trying to help you
Chica this is the best game evvvvveeeeeeerrrr
What they found was a sign that said chica will die
Until next time good by leave a comment on this story of the pic
godzilla2021: @Foxythepirate778: please make another story i love what you did with foxy giving him a huge cock and have cum huge loads please make more
Foxythepirate778: Toy chica x golden Freddy
Toy chica oh goldy I want him inside me so bad
Golden Freddy toy chica is getting horny as fuck time to make my move hey toy chica why don't you and I go somewhere private
Toy chica ok Goldy thinks to herself please let it be sex please I just want a huge cock in my mouth ass and pussy just please
Golden Freddy ok were here take toy chica panties off oh yeah takes off tophat
Toy chica lick it bear boy
Golden Freddy starts to lick pussy thinks to himself so soft and moist pussy God starts to get a boner
Toy chica you gonna make squirt arse oh hid yesssssss squirts
Golden Freddy whoa you squirted like the queen of sex
Toy chica my turn to suck some cock hmm lets see size 29 inches this is gonna be fun how did you get such a massive cock
Golden Freddy well
Toy chica nevermind starts to lick
Golden Freddy such a warm thoung
Toy chica jerks it off you like that don't you you want it sucked dry
Golden Freddy suck it hard
Toy chica sucks it mmh mmmmm thinks to her self tastes so good wonder about the cum sucks even faster and harder
Golden Freddy hey slow down I'm coming to early
Toy,chica sucks 15x faster than before
Golden Freddy oh god it coming ahhhhhhhhhhh cums
Toy chica it's all over my face licks face it's delicious
Golden Freddy I can't take it grabs toy chica
Toy chica oh your gonna fuck my pussy
Golden Freddy fuck I'm gonna do it fuck toy China's pussy yes god it's wet and soft
Toy chica oh hod yes yes guck me fuck me you golden bastard
Golden Freddy oh god yes yes yes oh yeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssss
Toy chica cum in me cum in me please
Golden Freddy ohhhhhhh goooooood here it comes
Toy chica do it just cum in me just do it
Golden Freddy phhhh good cums ohhhhhh yeah time for some ass fucking
Toy chica you mean anal
Golden Freddy oh yes
Toy chica fuck goldy
Golden Freddy starts to fuck toy Chicas ass
Toy chica ohh your good in sex ohhhhhh yes
Golden Freddy damn your ass is warm and I'm gonna cum
Toy chica just cum however you want inside or out
Golden Freddy I'm going in ohhhhhh yes
Toy chica cum in me then you golden bear
Golden Freddy cums in toy Chicas ass ohhhhhhh yesssssss
Toy chica were done
Golden Freddy yeah it's almost 3am you wanna sleep in herein this cum soaked bed
Toy chica if it's your cum then yes
Golden Freddy well yeah married
Toy chica yep
Foxy opens door hey guys ............... Poor,even gonna ask good night
FloatingWeiner: For GOD'S SAKE man, put some fucking effort into your writing. Don't write it as a script, because trust me, no one's gonna turn that into a TV show, movie or whatever. You need to describe scenarios, make people want to continue reading. I actually wrote a small readerXchica fanfic a while ago, and I'm not trying to say I'm good, but just look at it. As someone who had to do English lit. for the entirety of college (19 currently, for anyone interested) I have had to use a lot of writing techniques.
To anyone else who may read this, please give me constructive criticism. I'd love to be able to improve my work.
FloatingWeiner: @godzilla2021: What part of that made it seem as if I wasn't calm? Was it the capitalized words? Because that was just to catch the eye. I was completely calm. If I was annoyed, I'd focus on the fact that you use little to no grammar in your sentences. Plus the fact that the author of these "stories" completely shrugs off criticism by saying "don't care".
Come to think of it, that reply was quite passive-aggressive. Oh well.
Foxythepirate778: Really wow what story was the dream about and sorry I've Ben taking so long it's that if been sick and I'm better but I think tommorow will be the day I promise
FloatingWeiner: It's like all criticism towards this guy is ignored. Maybe you're foreign. That would explain the grammar, or lack thereof. At least we can tell what you're trying to say, unlike Cuntber (Rest in Poni)
Foxythepirate778: Well now is the day that foxupy fucks mangle real good heheh now the story
Mangle looks at foxy oh foxy if only you loved me I would ride you every day and I would blow you
Foxy mike I'm gonna kick your fucking a notices mangle talking
Mangle oh yes fingers herself yes foxy fuck me fuck me all night long oh yes oh yes OH YESSSSSSSS squirts notices foxy oh high foxy how long have you been standing there
Foxy when you were saying oh yes and fingered your self
Mangle 😰 you didn't heard or saw any of that
Foxy really then why is your vagina covered in woman cum
Mangle oh uhh
Foxy shhh starting to get a boner cmon mangle picks her up lets go to a private room
Mangle thinks to herself this is happening no this isn't happening
Foxy ok here's the door opens the door puts mangle on the bed ok your ready for this
Mangle yes foxy thinks to herself ok he's taking his pants of ok I'm gonna close my eyes and my panties and his pants better be opens eyes and there both gone ok it's just sex that's it don't go crazy
Foxy should we use a condom pulls out condom
Mangle stands up we don't need that shit goes to the main hall and throws condom at mike
Mike ok this is boring as shit condom lands on mikes face AHHHHHHHHHHHH WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS
Mangle hehe that's what happens when your not in a suit goes back to foxy hey foxy I'm back and I'm horny as a dingo addicted to rough sex
Foxy ok what you wanna do first
Mangle maybe blowjob
Foxy ohhhhhhh go on girl it gonna bite just cum if you do really really well on sucking
Mangle really jerks foxys cock of well if you don't mind I am going all the way and by all the way starts sucking foxys cock
Foxy wow mangle your thoung is so warm that I'm gonna blow in five minutes
Mangle mmh mmh mmh stops and jerks foxy of then cum in my mouth
Foxy holy shut up and take it slut solves mangle head on his cock and cums three time
Mangle wow foxy only one blow job and 3 loads of cum fill my entire mouth how about
Foxy well I don't know why but i am like those other animatronics that when they have sex they have massive loads and bigger
Mangle cocks
Foxy yeah and it grew more didn't it
Mangle yeah it's was 30 now 40 inches cmon duck me fuck my pussy and ass right now and real good fuck my pussy first do it now spreads her legs just do it
Foxy ohhhhhhh yeah fox pussy well mangle come here and I will fuck your pussy real good
Mangle jumps on foxy and starts to ride foxys cock
Foxy fucks mangles pussy ohhh god yes so warm soft god it feels so good
Mangle oh god foxy yes your cock is so big that it's hitting the deeper parts of my pussy cmon fuck me hard and rough cmon give it to me
Foxy goes faster harder and rougher you want it you got it yes ohh yes god yes who knew your pussy would be this tight soft and warm yes
Mangle I can feel your gonna cum
Foxy really cuz I am real fast
Mangle cum in me pirate boy
Foxy cums 49 times in mangles pussy
mangle gasps foxy 49 times you cumed I wond if my ass would take that much or more even some of the cum is on the bed
Foxy God that felt gooooooood
Mangle bends over cmon you know you want my ass
Foxy well my cock 60 inches this time
Mangle wait what
Foxy sticks his cock in mangles ass
Mangles gasps thinks to herself wow he's bigger and batter I wind if his cock will cum even more times than before I hope so
Foxy mangle your ass is tighter than your pussy I'm gonna cum
Mangle cum in me already I can't take it just cum already
Foxy oh god yes yes this feels so amazing
Mangle and I thought fingering myself was better but sex is just amazing ohhhh yes foxy I can't take it cum already
Foxy and I can't hold it brace your self cums in mangles ass 100 times
Mangle alright that's enough lets rest
Foxy so how was it
Mangle that was amazing you cumed in my ass 100 times In my mouth 3 times and I'm my pussy 49 times
Foxy maybe lets go to sleep
Mike hey guys is this condom yours okay I'm going to throw it away and yeah
Foxythepirate778: Kinda for fun but here are half of the vines
Bonnie's vines name when you see a hot girl that broke up
Bonnie slides on the ice good evening
Freddy's vine I broke my cars window by accident
Freddy alright everyone lets get mike yeah throws a rock in the road car window breaks I just broke my cars window and I don't care hahahahahaha
Chicas vine where's the pizza
China I come to a party and I say where's the pizza
Foxys vine running in white people nieborhoods
Foxy I like running threw white people nieborhoods with my shirt of hahaha I'm gonna steal all your stuff
Golden Freddy's vine proactive dose not work for bears
Bonnie proactive it changed my life
Golden Freddy proactive doesn't work in bears damn
Sorry but tommorow I'm gonna do the toy animatronics vines
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Toy freddy:Toy bonnie come here right now!
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*toy bonnie* cum inside me
The next morning
*bonnie* what happens last night looks and toy Bonnie next to him in bed oh god I hope we didn't have sex
*toy bonnie* wakes up oh hi Bonnie
*bonnie* morning toy Bonnie what happened last night
*toy bonnie* oh you and me had fun a lot of fun
*bonnie* oh see you tonight when we try to kill Jeremy
*toy bonnie* ok bye I love you Bonnie
the next day
*toy bonnie* hey Bonnie
*bonnie* oh hi toy Bonnie
*toy bonnie* you remember that night you and where in the new room
*bonnie* yeah
*toy bonnie* well you and me had sex and I'm pregnant and its your child
*bonnie* O_O oh ok see you gose to parts and service room
*freddy* what's wrong Bonnie you look like you saw a combination of jeff the killer laughing jack and slender man
*bonnie* well you know that new room
*freddy* yeah
*bonnie* well me and toy Bonnie had sex and now she's pregnant yes shes a girl even toy freddys a girl
*freddy* I know she's a girl i also know toy freddys a girl and I also had sex with toy Freddy I felt good real good and now she's pregnant with my child
*bonnie* what am I going to do I'm not ready to be a dad
*freddy* I know but I am
*bonnie* how
*freddy* well a woman left this book her and since toy freddy was prego I read it and I know how to be a good father now
*bonnie* well I'll read it
2 hours of reading later
*bonnie* closes book well I'm ready to be a dad now Freddy
*freddy* sorry Bonnie toy bonnie called to tell you that see has something else to tell you go outside
*bonnie* gose out side what's wrong toy Bonnie
*toy bonnie* I'm not ready to be a mother why did we had sex
*bonnie* you are ready you just don't know how to raise a kid I'll be back gose back of the stage hi toy Freddy
*toy freddy* oh hello Bonnie what do you want
*bonnie* well
*toy freddy* let me guessyou and toy Bonnie had rough hot sex got her pregnant you know how to raise your child and she dose not know how to raise your child
*bonnie* how did you know m and her had
*toy freddy* I heard you two in the new room
Flash back
*toy fredy* walking down the hall
*bonnie and toy bonnie* faster bonnie faster you like that don't you toy Bonnie yes I do keep going yes god it feels good Toy Bonnie I'm going to cum cum inside me give all of your cum
*toy freddy* oh my god that's disturbing
Back to Bonnie and toy Freddy talking
*bonnie* I wish you didn't heard those noises
*toy freddy* I know why your here give book give this to toy Bonnie and she will know how to be a good mother
*bonnie* thank you toy Freddy
Gose back to toy Bonnie
*bonnie* look read this you will be a good mother
*toy Bonnie* ok
2 hours of reading again
*bonnie* your done with it
*toy bonnie* yeah I'm done why
*bonnie* you wanna fuck again
*toy bonnie* lets do it hits Bonnie like Kenzie from saints row 4
*bonnie* hope you don't have another kid inside
*toy bonnie* I do have another
*bonnie* why did we did this again
*toy bonnie* because you said you wanna fuck
*bonnie* true
*toy bonnie* mistakes into miracles Bonnie
That's it ok don't complane to me that toy Bonnie is a boy and toy freddys a boy to ok they are girls you can tell
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*everyone* yeah
*freddy* we are going to be powered of for a few months
*bonnie* what
*bb* marionette I'm scared were gonna be scrapped
*freddy* don't worry everyone only because our pizzaria is gonna be turned into a different pizzaria same thing except different
*toy Bonnie* oh thank god I don't wanna be separated from bonnie he and I had privacy I'm pregnant and he's the father
*toyfreddy* why toy Bonnie why
*toybonnie* what sex couldn't wait
*bonnie* damn toybonnie when we had sex it might be your first time because you were tight
*mike*' so boss I'm not coming this night
*boss* yes mike go home
*freddy* jackass
*boss* well time to power down the animatronics
3 months later
*boss* well time to power on the main animatronics
*bonnie* damn finally were powerd on
*toybonnie* YES I KNOW ALREADY
*bonnie* who toybonnie what's wrong
*toybonnie* I'm sory im on my period
*bonnie* whoa
*toybonnie* I also think my oil broke
*freddy* cmon toybonnie you don't have to worry because mike and Jeremy are coming you know what that means right party all night long oh and toyfreddy
*toyfreddy* yeah
*freddy* you wanna bang tonight
*toyfreddy* oh hell yeah
*toybonnie* uh oh bonnie
*bonnie yeah
*toybonnie* I think I gave birth
*bonnie* well now I'm a father
*everyone* awwwwwwww
*freddy* boy or girl
Bonnie and toybonnie girl
*chica* shut up lets party
Everyone yeah
2 hours of partying later
*marrionette* bb you have a sister
*bb* really can I meet her
*marrionette* sure gose in to giant parts and service room
*bb* man there's alot of new animatronics here and there still being made wow so we're is she
*marrionette* here she is
*ballongirl* hello brother hugs bb
*bb* hello sister lets go marrionette aren't you coming
*marionette* I'll come but first I'm going to turn these new animatronics on
*bb* ok see you
*marrionette* there's even female versions of freddy bonnie and foxy and sexy version of chica wait that sign says stripper animatronics wow really well I'm going to have fun with one of them hehe 😏
*freddy* hey sexy wanna get it
*toyfreddy* oh hell
*freddy* well let's go
*toyfreddy* do me do me hard
*freddy* hehe your real dirty but what the heck
freddy and toyfreddy going into the new room damn girl you tight as fuck oh baby
*bonnie* hey toy Bonnie speaking of sex com
*toybonie* how about you and me no condom
*bonnie* hehe ok cmon
*toybonnie*gets on top of bonnie hoe about a blowjob
*bonnie* hehe ok
*toybonnie* get on the bed starts to lick Bonnie's dick
*bonnie* damn girl your tounge is so warm
*toybonnie* how about the sucking part
*bonnie* alright and damn girl you know how to suck a cock I'm gonna cum
*toybonnie* cum on my face
*bonnie* I can't hold it cums
*toybonnie* oh it's so warm
*bonnie* let me penetrate your vagina
*toybonnie* just shub your dick inside me
*bonnie* inserts damn God yet so tight
*toybonnie* tight but you like it damn your big
*bonnie* I'm gonna cum
*toybonnie* cum inside me oh yeah
*bonnie* cums man I needed that
*toybonnie* you were good at sex today
*bonnie* thank you baby
*toybonnie* I felt a little kick im pregnant
*bonnie* well another kid
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Lots more
Bonnie Anthony
Toy Bonnie Ashley Davis
Of you don't know Ashley Davis she's the wife of Anthony no not Ashley burch the voice actor of tiny Tina she is the sister anyways now ash and papa burch
Chica ash
Papa burch Freddy
Oh and there's a baby in the video of the story parody ok so don't complain
Baby some random animatronic bunny
Alright story time
Oh and there going to be in a mansion don't complain it popped in my head ok now story time I'm sorry but there in a mansion they have a wii ok don't complain oh and in the wii there playing the nba game ok now story time for reals
Bonnie toy Bonnie pass the ball
Toy Bonnie which button
Bonnie the a button
Toy Bonnie presses the a button
Chica thanks
Bonnie no don't make that shot
Chica making the shot nailed it again
Bonnie ok that is shit
China why dipshit
Bonnie because me and toy Bonnie have the broken remotes and you have the good one wait how did these broke
Chica well
Flash back
Foxy alright just got to kills the final boss in the game he's is playing yes alright get reckt son yes throws the controllers in the floor oh crap tests them still work abit
Chica you know you fucked those up right
Foxy I don't care jumps out window and goes to mikes house to kill him
Now back to the story
Bonnie and toy Bonnie oh
Chica so what are you gonna do dicksucker
Bonnie I don't know looks at toy Bonnie 😈
Toy Bonnie why are you looking at me like that
Bonnie lets go for some privacy
Toy Bonnie um ok
Chica ok dipshits going to play some blood borne
Bonnie don't care
Sex scene
Bonnie yeah damn so tight
Toy Bonnie oh yes give it to me
The next day
Toy Bonnie I'm pregnant
9 months later
Toy Bonnie oh god it hurts the baby is coming
Bonnie Freddy call an anbulance
Freddy fuck no
Bonnie oh crap
At night
Bonnie he's so cute
Toy Bonnie the eyes of you and the fur color of me
Bonnie boy or girl
Toy Bonnie girl
The next day
Bonnie puts baby down and gives him wii remote ok this baby is smart as a mother fucker so she mite beat chica
Toy Bonnie hehe she has you eyes
Chica alright let's do this shit hey baby pass the ball pass the ball pass the fucking ball fuck this your baby is as dumb as spring trap
Spring trap chica you know I can dismantle you and know one will care right
Chica sorry
Spring trap its ok
Bonnie tough shit your dumber than the baby
Chica and Bonnie arguing
Toy Bonnie Bonnie chica looks at bay
Bonnie I really didn't think this trough
Outside there playing real basketball
Bonnie chica pass it to me Freddy
Freddy grabs baby and throws it in the garbage
So yeah that wS the parody story it's a mix of five nights at Freddy's and hay ash watcha playing I think i will make more parody story's of fnaf and hawp so see the actual video of hawp nba on YouTube and yeah so see you
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asnd were did you get the picture can you leave a link down below so i will copy it and the story
is amazing can you make a story about chica sex
foxy please can you do that i like your story's
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Anyway yes the sex story is coming of foxy and China and social justice warrior story crossover story fnaf and hawp I promise
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Chica oh foxy starts to finger herself if only you and I were in a bed I want you inside me so much moans and squirts
That night
Mike checking the cameras ok there's the toy animatronics and Bonnie Freddy and that little prick ballon boy I just want to bring a baseball bat and smack his head in wait marionette checks oh yeah he's out of order for now I'm glad I don't have to wind it up
Foxy mike your dead
Chica m there he is pokes foxy pokes foxy shoulder
Foxy huh oh chica what do you want hehe blushes
Chica well I blushes
Foxy shh I love you to face palm thinks to himself why did I told her that
Chica really
Foxy. Thinking oh nevermind
Chica foxy I don't I love you to but you know what's better than love
Foxy no what
Chica whispers in his ear sex
Foxy wait what
Chica talks in a horny voice yes come on fuck me right here just lick the fuck out of my pussy and fuck my ass hard fast and rough
Foxy um let me think about it thinks to himself ok let's see yes or no
Chica I will kill mike and stuff with some gold
Foxy deal
Chica ok follow me
Foxy alright thinks ok I don't know why I have the felling this will be good and bad at the same time but the heck happened to golden Freddy wait where is golden Freddy and spring trap
At the area where golden Freddy and spring trap are
Golden Freddy I didn't know going to banoi was going to be full of zombies
Spring trap what on tv it looked nice
Sam b oh crap it's one of those giant freaks
Golden Freddy wait dose he mean us
Spring trap yes and I think that huge black thing is to
Sam b that's racist
Golden Freddy we don't mean you
Sam b whatever takes out sniper and shoots ram and butcher
Logan Sam b what heppend
Sam b nothing just shot some giant freaks
Logan oh ok hey you two come over here
Golden Freddy and spring trap go ahead
Logan purna got any firearms these two can use
Purna I got a shotgun and sniper
Here you go
Spring trap oh this is gonna be fun
Back to Freddy fazbear
foxy lets go to pirate cove and have some privacy
Chica ok
Foxy well what is sex
Chica take oh your pants
Foxy ok takes of pants and reveals a boner
Chica oh my thinks to herself it's so big I don't know if that can fit in my ass our pussy and mouth
Foxy so what do we do I'm naked
Chica takes of bib while starring at foxy a cock
Foxy why are looking at my cock
Chica get on the bed
Foxy ok gets on the bed thinks to himself oh I think I know know where this I going to lead to
Chica you want anal vaginal or blowjob
Foxy hmm blow me slut
Chica as you wish master starts sucking
Foxy damn your younger is warm you saliva is warm to suck it faster
Chica I can't suck this fast
Foxy ok then let's see how deep you can go forces China's head to suck deeper and faster damn when I make you go like this it makes me crazy enough to cum
Chica cum in my mouth pirate boy
Foxy cums in China's mouth arse that was amazing
Chica your cum tastes good I want you to fuck my pussy as hard and fast as you can
Foxy alright bend over
Chica what do you think of my
Foxy fingering
Chica what
Foxy fingers China's pussy
Chica moans
Foxy thinks to himself she likes this hehe but she'll enjoy my cock more
Chica moans stick your cock in my pussy
Foxy well that's what I'm going to do sticks cock inside Chica
Chica gasps thinks to herself oh my god he got bigger
Foxy God yet so tight
Chica you like sex don't you
Foxy oh god I'm going to blow
Chica blow as in cum just give it to me
Foxy oh my GOD cums
After 20 cums later
Chica wow you cum 20 times my pussy is pack with your semen
Foxy hmm were not done yet
Chica what do you mean
Foxy anal
Chica well this is the last round notice foxys cock thinks to herself oh my when that enters my ass it will go to my stomach
Wait what am I talking about I'm going to enjoy this
Foxy my cock is bigger than before
Chica pounces on foxy is it me or are you and I going to go anal
Foxy wait that's to big
Chica oh really let me see measures foxys cock oh my god it's 25 inches yes
Foxy what do you mean yes
Chica lets just get your cock inside me
Foxy no I don't want to hurt you
Chica just stick inside me pirate boy
Foxy alright then bend over
Chica this is going to be amazing
Foxy ok here it goes stick his cock in chica
Chica moans oh god foxy this is amazing go faster faster
Foxy fast and rough is better
Chica he's close I can feel the cum inside him forming and is going to shot inside
Foxy here's is the last load
Chica just give me your fox babies
Foxy moans and cums
Chica moans
90 cums later
foxy a bit to much sperm inside you
Chica if may be a lot but I can take it
Foxy yeah but the entire bed is covered in it
Chica wait what if the others find out
Foxy oh come on like if Freddy and toy Freddy will have sex and find out
Chica with isn't toy Freddy a boy
Foxy no she's a girl I saw her naked once she has boobs and a vagina
Chica oh really wait what where you doing when you saw here naked
Flash back
Foxy masturbating while sing toy Freddy getting ready for her show take the bra of slut
Toy Freddy did I closed the door ahhhhh foxy what are you doing
Foxy puts his cock in his pants ah nothing
Toy Freddy slams door and loves it damit what can I jack of to damn toy chica naked hell yeah
Back foxy and chica in bed after sex
Foxy nothing
Chica I will watch you because if a have kids with you you better watch out
Foxy were not married
Chica you married me already
Foxy don't I have to give you a ring
Chica no were animatronics we get married by having rough hard sex
Foxy that's how Bonnie and toy Bonnie got married
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Bonnie hey chica watcha playing
Chica mincraft
Bonnie ok this is a two person job
Chica this game can lick my pussy like foxy did
Bonnie ok we go down there to look for diamonds you any creepers run ok
Chica ok
Bonnie you understand anything I said
Chica yes
Bonnie what are goingdo when a creeper shows up
Chica high five it
Bonnie no
Chica like up tops creep
Bonnie chica no
Chica like bam
Bonnie god damit your gonna burn my shack down
Chica I'll burn your shack down
Bonnie that's what I said
Chica someone's at the door
Creeper hisses
Chica sup
Bonnie chica don't open the door
Chica opens door
Creeper blows up
Bonnie no my house
Chica behold your God of fire
Bonnie chica stop
Chica I set everything on fire you son of bitch cock
Bonnie chica stop setting everything on fire this took me hours
Chica this is the best game eveeeeeeeeeerrrrrrr
Random music plays
Bonnie uses picaxe huh chica you gotta see this
Chica I got a bucket
Bonnie are you caring lava
Chica maybe
Bonnie don't dump it you gotta see this
Chica bored
God dammit chica I'm trying to help you
Chica this is the best game evvvvveeeeeeerrrr
What they found was a sign that said chica will die
Until next time good by leave a comment on this story of the pic
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Toy chica oh goldy I want him inside me so bad
Golden Freddy toy chica is getting horny as fuck time to make my move hey toy chica why don't you and I go somewhere private
Toy chica ok Goldy thinks to herself please let it be sex please I just want a huge cock in my mouth ass and pussy just please
Golden Freddy ok were here take toy chica panties off oh yeah takes off tophat
Toy chica lick it bear boy
Golden Freddy starts to lick pussy thinks to himself so soft and moist pussy God starts to get a boner
Toy chica you gonna make squirt arse oh hid yesssssss squirts
Golden Freddy whoa you squirted like the queen of sex
Toy chica my turn to suck some cock hmm lets see size 29 inches this is gonna be fun how did you get such a massive cock
Golden Freddy well
Toy chica nevermind starts to lick
Golden Freddy such a warm thoung
Toy chica jerks it off you like that don't you you want it sucked dry
Golden Freddy suck it hard
Toy chica sucks it mmh mmmmm thinks to her self tastes so good wonder about the cum sucks even faster and harder
Golden Freddy hey slow down I'm coming to early
Toy,chica sucks 15x faster than before
Golden Freddy oh god it coming ahhhhhhhhhhh cums
Toy chica it's all over my face licks face it's delicious
Golden Freddy I can't take it grabs toy chica
Toy chica oh your gonna fuck my pussy
Golden Freddy fuck I'm gonna do it fuck toy China's pussy yes god it's wet and soft
Toy chica oh hod yes yes guck me fuck me you golden bastard
Golden Freddy oh god yes yes yes oh yeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssss
Toy chica cum in me cum in me please
Golden Freddy ohhhhhhh goooooood here it comes
Toy chica do it just cum in me just do it
Golden Freddy phhhh good cums ohhhhhh yeah time for some ass fucking
Toy chica you mean anal
Golden Freddy oh yes
Toy chica fuck goldy
Golden Freddy starts to fuck toy Chicas ass
Toy chica ohh your good in sex ohhhhhh yes
Golden Freddy damn your ass is warm and I'm gonna cum
Toy chica just cum however you want inside or out
Golden Freddy I'm going in ohhhhhh yes
Toy chica cum in me then you golden bear
Golden Freddy cums in toy Chicas ass ohhhhhhh yesssssss
Toy chica were done
Golden Freddy yeah it's almost 3am you wanna sleep in herein this cum soaked bed
Toy chica if it's your cum then yes
Golden Freddy well yeah married
Toy chica yep
Foxy opens door hey guys ............... Poor,even gonna ask good night
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Especially with these comments, holy fuck.
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To anyone else who may read this, please give me constructive criticism. I'd love to be able to improve my work.
P.S. I have no idea how to url.
Come to think of it, that reply was quite passive-aggressive. Oh well.
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Mangle looks at foxy oh foxy if only you loved me I would ride you every day and I would blow you
Foxy mike I'm gonna kick your fucking a notices mangle talking
Mangle oh yes fingers herself yes foxy fuck me fuck me all night long oh yes oh yes OH YESSSSSSSS squirts notices foxy oh high foxy how long have you been standing there
Foxy when you were saying oh yes and fingered your self
Mangle 😰 you didn't heard or saw any of that
Foxy really then why is your vagina covered in woman cum
Mangle oh uhh
Foxy shhh starting to get a boner cmon mangle picks her up lets go to a private room
Mangle thinks to herself this is happening no this isn't happening
Foxy ok here's the door opens the door puts mangle on the bed ok your ready for this
Mangle yes foxy thinks to herself ok he's taking his pants of ok I'm gonna close my eyes and my panties and his pants better be opens eyes and there both gone ok it's just sex that's it don't go crazy
Foxy should we use a condom pulls out condom
Mangle stands up we don't need that shit goes to the main hall and throws condom at mike
Mike ok this is boring as shit condom lands on mikes face AHHHHHHHHHHHH WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS
Mangle hehe that's what happens when your not in a suit goes back to foxy hey foxy I'm back and I'm horny as a dingo addicted to rough sex
Foxy ok what you wanna do first
Mangle maybe blowjob
Foxy ohhhhhhh go on girl it gonna bite just cum if you do really really well on sucking
Mangle really jerks foxys cock of well if you don't mind I am going all the way and by all the way starts sucking foxys cock
Foxy wow mangle your thoung is so warm that I'm gonna blow in five minutes
Mangle mmh mmh mmh stops and jerks foxy of then cum in my mouth
Foxy holy shut up and take it slut solves mangle head on his cock and cums three time
Mangle wow foxy only one blow job and 3 loads of cum fill my entire mouth how about
Foxy well I don't know why but i am like those other animatronics that when they have sex they have massive loads and bigger
Mangle cocks
Foxy yeah and it grew more didn't it
Mangle yeah it's was 30 now 40 inches cmon duck me fuck my pussy and ass right now and real good fuck my pussy first do it now spreads her legs just do it
Foxy ohhhhhhh yeah fox pussy well mangle come here and I will fuck your pussy real good
Mangle jumps on foxy and starts to ride foxys cock
Foxy fucks mangles pussy ohhh god yes so warm soft god it feels so good
Mangle oh god foxy yes your cock is so big that it's hitting the deeper parts of my pussy cmon fuck me hard and rough cmon give it to me
Foxy goes faster harder and rougher you want it you got it yes ohh yes god yes who knew your pussy would be this tight soft and warm yes
Mangle I can feel your gonna cum
Foxy really cuz I am real fast
Mangle cum in me pirate boy
Foxy cums 49 times in mangles pussy
mangle gasps foxy 49 times you cumed I wond if my ass would take that much or more even some of the cum is on the bed
Foxy God that felt gooooooood
Mangle bends over cmon you know you want my ass
Foxy well my cock 60 inches this time
Mangle wait what
Foxy sticks his cock in mangles ass
Mangles gasps thinks to herself wow he's bigger and batter I wind if his cock will cum even more times than before I hope so
Foxy mangle your ass is tighter than your pussy I'm gonna cum
Mangle cum in me already I can't take it just cum already
Foxy oh god yes yes this feels so amazing
Mangle and I thought fingering myself was better but sex is just amazing ohhhh yes foxy I can't take it cum already
Foxy and I can't hold it brace your self cums in mangles ass 100 times
Mangle alright that's enough lets rest
Foxy so how was it
Mangle that was amazing you cumed in my ass 100 times In my mouth 3 times and I'm my pussy 49 times
Foxy maybe lets go to sleep
Mike hey guys is this condom yours okay I'm going to throw it away and yeah
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Dude, purposefully ignoring constructive criticism is NOT gonna help your work. For god's sake, let people who are semi-capable of writing help you.
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Bonnie's vines name when you see a hot girl that broke up
Bonnie slides on the ice good evening
Freddy's vine I broke my cars window by accident
Freddy alright everyone lets get mike yeah throws a rock in the road car window breaks I just broke my cars window and I don't care hahahahahaha
Chicas vine where's the pizza
China I come to a party and I say where's the pizza
Foxys vine running in white people nieborhoods
Foxy I like running threw white people nieborhoods with my shirt of hahaha I'm gonna steal all your stuff
Golden Freddy's vine proactive dose not work for bears
Bonnie proactive it changed my life
Golden Freddy proactive doesn't work in bears damn
Sorry but tommorow I'm gonna do the toy animatronics vines
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Looks more to me like horseshit/gibberish is among this post. Pathetic, but I don't see any rule violations. We don't have one for verbal diarrhea.