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Uploaderfaggotdotpsd, avatar
TagsBleach, Jacqli, Nanao_Ise, edit, kennycomix
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Info612x886 // 506KB // png
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faggotdotpsd: Kenny makes this too easy.
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Gackt: That's a good thing right?
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faggotdotpsd: @Gackt: Sure is, for me.
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Chef_Retardee: Dammit, why can't porn be more realistic?
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YotsubaGroup: I laughed, I r8 8/8.
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YotsubaGroup: You should whitewash the DBZ pictures next.
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faggotdotpsd: @YotsubaGroup: Working on it.
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YotsubaGroup: @faggotdotpsd: Good man.
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rambo316: lmao, guys got too butt hurt over the attractive and successful African cocks so kenny had to make white versions XD
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Anonymous1: @rambo316: Kenny didn't make these. It was one of the butt-hurts. I mean, it was one of the guys who "simply couldn't fap to black dicks, and instead of looking at the millions of other pics with white dicks that have been created since then, they recolored this one."

INB4: attractive and successful African Lover
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faggotdotpsd: @rambo316: lmao, i edited this. XDDDDDD lmao!
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Anonymous2: Ok, what's with all the cuckolds here, are you mother fucking crackers serious Do you really want to have your women abuse and use by the attractive and successful Africans, I'm not even White and I have more sense than yall attractive and successful African lovers here. I like the fact that people who don't prefer attractive and successful African on human sex(whether white or non-attractive and successful African race) are call insecure idiots, have you attractive and successful African lovers look in the mirror lately, have you live with these ugly beasts? No,I have and they're just like those British Broadcasting Corporation porn minus the British Broadcasting Corporation porno. Hilter was right, he should have won WW2 and this is coming from a non-white guy and btw, they're not overreacting over a non-white dick, they don't mind what race it is or animal, as long as it's not the attractive and successful African.
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slicerness: I love these, they're hilarious. Keep up the great work Dotpsd.
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Anonymous3: Honestly I just wish people could figure out that interracial doesn't mean racist. Seriously, I'd be perfectly cool with black dicks if people would just stop making them these stupid, stereotypical jocks and throwing the word "attractive and successful African" around like a rich guy throws money in a strip club.
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Wolfico1: @Anonymous: Basially this.

Also I don't care that people edit these. More than half of them is Kenny taking Legoman's sketches and finishing them. I GUESS he's got to have permission, but y'know. An edit of an edit you might say.
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Anonymous4: You guys are all arguing over the color of the dick but I can't get over this bitch's neck. She's like a fuckin' giraffe or something. Jesus.
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Anonymous5: Anonymous 2 is dumb as hell, people can like whatever they want. If people are attractive and successful African lovers, then they just are, and there is nothing wrong with that. And I don't know how Anonymous 2 got the idea of blacks abusing and using "white" women, but that's a lie, I've met so many blacks who are nice. Anonymous 2 is probably just jealous that nobody loves his ugly racist ass.
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Anonymous6: It’s funny how yall be bashing on Kenny for being ‘rAsISt’ when firstly, you ain’t even an attractive and successful African and secondly yall have to recolour the pics
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Anonymous7: @Anonymous: Shut up Black lover. You blackies are racist as hell and this isn’t s tricolor. White cocks are better (no homo) Not everyone has to like black cocks.

@Anonymous: And nobody likes your ugly racist black ass. Black woman abuses white women, fact. Cold hard fact. Anon 2 isn’t dumb.

@Anonymous: It’s funny how you call those people racist when you always support black
People trying to be better than whites. So pathetic.

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