Voslar: Human bodies and curious immortality aside, something tells me all the sirens are actually still virgins. I could easily see them both not trusting anyone enough to get that close to them... and more to the point, thinking themselves as above debasing themselves with mere humans (or ponies.)
Anonymous2: @Voslar: That's as may be, but now that they have no mind-control, no singing, no training in any skills, no paper, no social security numbers...
They'll have been sucking dicks in alleyways for enough food to fend off starvation another night by the end of the first week after the end of the movie.
And that's assuming they managed to escape the entire male population of the high-school they'd been mind-controlling for the last week.
Anonymous3: @Anonymous2: I don't think they will be so desperate or lackind IDs, rememer they got others to do whatever they wanted them to do for centuries, much likelly they got tons of miney earned through mind control, not to mention that much likely they have fabricated papers, I mean, if Sunset Shimmer survived with just her wits, these three must be still living like royalty from ill gotten gains and stuff like that.
Anonymous4(3): @Anonymous2: I don't think they will be so desperate or lackind IDs, rememer they got others to do whatever they wanted them to do for centuries, much likelly they got tons of miney earned through mind control, not to mention that much likely they have fabricated papers, I mean, if Sunset Shimmer survived with just her witts, these three must be still living like royalty from ill gotten gains and stuff like that.
*Sits and waits for another 'Voslar tier' story*
Because seriously, guys got a goddamn knack for stories.
They'll have been sucking dicks in alleyways for enough food to fend off starvation another night by the end of the first week after the end of the movie.
And that's assuming they managed to escape the entire male population of the high-school they'd been mind-controlling for the last week.
@Anonymous: Oh, sorry. Yeah, I'll write something.
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