Some_edit_guy: An edit I made of that one pic, cuz I felt disturbed by the painful expression, and while I was at it, I made her legs less... stick-like. Now I can finally have a boner looking at it.
P.S.: I have no idea how to link shit on R34 so I'll just post the full link
Thumper: :) good job -to link any other specific pic here, just type the two arrows and the images particular number, like this: >>1384656 there's code built into the site that auto-converts it into a link.
kotsey: 1: good job. I like it, especially the legs. stick legs are a curse. curvy is love.
2: I'm mixed feelings about the resizing of the image as a whole. I love having a larger resolution, however it isn't copypasta compatible with the old image now. I didn't mind the pained expression and would have liked to MSpaint edit the old face back onto this to save, but the size difference makes it kind of iffy and requires actually opening up gimp and doing guesswork on the proper %/pixel size increase to get the oldface translated over accurately. maybe make 2 alternate images, one with oldface and newlegs and one with newface and oldlegs (i dont' like sticklegs but i'm sure some people do)
3: incredibly grateful this image is, for the moment, free of character roleplayers did they go away forever? please say they did.
kotsey: also kinda rude that your edit resize removes the signature of the original artist. no matter how much work you put into the edit, even if you link the original in the comments, original artist isn't getting his due credit.
Honestly I wasn't thinking about artist's signature and all that at a time honestly, was just editing the picture for faps, and enlarged it so there's more of Ahri on the screen wtihout zooming in.
I didnt have the originals, but if it counts for anything - I plastered the edited picture into the original the best I could here
P.S.: I have no idea how to link shit on R34 so I'll just post the full link
- Reply
2: I'm mixed feelings about the resizing of the image as a whole. I love having a larger resolution, however it isn't copypasta compatible with the old image now. I didn't mind the pained expression and would have liked to MSpaint edit the old face back onto this to save, but the size difference makes it kind of iffy and requires actually opening up gimp and doing guesswork on the proper %/pixel size increase to get the oldface translated over accurately. maybe make 2 alternate images, one with oldface and newlegs and one with newface and oldlegs (i dont' like sticklegs but i'm sure some people do)
3: incredibly grateful this image is, for the moment, free of character roleplayers did they go away forever? please say they did.
Honestly I wasn't thinking about artist's signature and all that at a time honestly, was just editing the picture for faps, and enlarged it so there's more of Ahri on the screen wtihout zooming in.
I didnt have the originals, but if it counts for anything - I plastered the edited picture into the original the best I could here