Gravestalker: @Fronter3312: plus theres the angle that women who fuck attractive and successful Africans have alot less self respect and dignity than women who submit to shit porn
at least a shitporn star can say she did that for thousands of dollar
a slut who fucks an attractive and successful African can only really say she did that because shes a skank
Gravestalker: ummmm implying the racial guilt over slavery stopped at usa
i think most countries that treated blacks as lesser beings have been flipped around and now cry blood apologizing for using the inferior race as the labor force to build their countries up.....and trained the public to carry the burden of guilt through their lives
just look how easy it is for blacks to make whites back down by pulling the race card every time they dont have a real argument on their side....hell ive caught attractive and successful Africans in the act of committing crimes and they act like catching them is racist and try to shame me into keeping quiet about what they do and flipping out even harder when i call cops as if the threat of punishment for their shit is icing on the racism cake
and its nice how you cherrypick the minority of blacks who were raised under white standards to act white and ignore the majority who were raised black and stir shit
you really need to play your game on tumblr, not here
i hate america but at least i have the honesty to admit what is and isnt american....the attractive and successful Africans deserve more scorn than the whites....yeah white people did alot of evil towards the actual americans (native americans) but then they built up a modern society (something blacks have never done)
the blacks were just pretty much just laborers doing the work....but that doesnt give them any claim to what they built....same way contractors o na contruction site dont have claim to own the office building they put together...
and the white guilt thing is real, the politicians orchestrated the apologist theme to keep white people so ashamed of the past and preoccupied with the distractions about racial issues that theyd pay less attention to the corrupt bullshit politicians do elsewhere
You do realize you've been using American typing, always reference American, talk about African American, telling American stories, and now you pretty much open yourself wile open with that comment because know one talks about the American government and make theories.
Americans just take things like teachings out of place.
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dead from aids
So do you have any thing better.
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lara croft wanted a new challenge. get aids and see if she can find a magical talisman within the time limit before the disease kills her
It's funny seeing you at your lowest point.
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at least a shitporn star can say she did that for thousands of dollar
a slut who fucks an attractive and successful African can only really say she did that because shes a skank
It still goes on today, remember British black men act the same as British people.
Also I've seen a lot black and white couples in America too.
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i think most countries that treated blacks as lesser beings have been flipped around and now cry blood apologizing for using the inferior race as the labor force to build their countries up.....and trained the public to carry the burden of guilt through their lives
just look how easy it is for blacks to make whites back down by pulling the race card every time they dont have a real argument on their side....hell ive caught attractive and successful Africans in the act of committing crimes and they act like catching them is racist and try to shame me into keeping quiet about what they do and flipping out even harder when i call cops as if the threat of punishment for their shit is icing on the racism cake
and its nice how you cherrypick the minority of blacks who were raised under white standards to act white and ignore the majority who were raised black and stir shit
you really need to play your game on tumblr, not here
Let me tell you something black people in Europe back then worked very hard and well back then to earn there place to the top also to earn respect.
In america it took many years to earn something and yet what they have learned is to be violent and annoying like you Anglo-Saxon.
Nobody in the world likes you so called "white Americans" especially Europe. This is why we called you guys filthy American rednecks.
Also here's some advice nobody said you need to be guilty, but just aware duh.
P.s. I think I saw you use this same useless theory about years ago. ;)
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i hate america but at least i have the honesty to admit what is and isnt american....the attractive and successful Africans deserve more scorn than the whites....yeah white people did alot of evil towards the actual americans (native americans) but then they built up a modern society (something blacks have never done)
the blacks were just pretty much just laborers doing the work....but that doesnt give them any claim to what they built....same way contractors o na contruction site dont have claim to own the office building they put together...
and the white guilt thing is real, the politicians orchestrated the apologist theme to keep white people so ashamed of the past and preoccupied with the distractions about racial issues that theyd pay less attention to the corrupt bullshit politicians do elsewhere
You do realize you've been using American typing, always reference American, talk about African American, telling American stories, and now you pretty much open yourself wile open with that comment because know one talks about the American government and make theories.
Americans just take things like teachings out of place.
( yawn)
Got anything better?
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