MenschOfLaMancha: Francine went to the kitchen, pulled out the butcher knife, stabbed Steve and dismembered him, placed his severed dick between two slices of bread and said triumphantly "OK, asshole, you're a sandwich"
Senator_Palpatine: Her tits here as exactly as I'd imagine Francine's to be. BIG and jiggly. Steve looks like the obnoxious Steve being brought up by Francine, allowing him to do what he likes, while Stan trains his clone Steverino HARD. So, yes, Steve would have forced Francine to do disgusting incestual things, starting with making her strip for him, leading to full sex and her becoming his sex slave
Anonymous3: @MenschOfLaMancha: Velma ? I beg to differ. Velma is hugely fuckable. Steve here is just an irritating little shit who doesn't even realize he has the hots for his mother, and whose singing voice makes the ears fill with wax to avoid the screeching crap coming out of his gob
Anonymous4: @Anonymous: I'm surprised there hasn't been an influx of francine sucking dog dick after steve comments on his mother's lipstick from the newest episode "I'd recognize my mother's shade anywhere..... Dog dick red"
Anonymous5: @MenschOfLaMancha: MenschOfLaMancha, that was VERY SICK, and, Francine would NEVER do something like that. It was, also, VERY Funny! Ten+ Internets to You!
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