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TagsHiveswap, Homestuck, Jitenshasw, MS_Paint_Adventures, beekeeper
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Info1280x1159 // 471KB // jpg
- Reply
datnonymous: Hiveswap is this HS video game thingy, right? (too lazy and uninterested to google)
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Anonymous1: source?
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OhYeah0: @datnonymous: yes it is
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OhYeah0: @Anonymous: but theyve removed it since bcuz it wasnt supposed to be public after all.
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Anonymous2: >he's some faggoty sjw

n i c e.
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Anonymous3: TFW a game developer makes porn of a character from their game before the game or concept art is even released, with permission from the IP's creator

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Anonymous4: this isnt hiveswap. at least, not anymore. the beekeeper was completely dropped as a character, since theres virtually no way they could possibly include her into the game, because andrew changed so much about it after he had his money stolen from him
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Anonymous5: This is official art, Rule34, and also OC art (which makes it invalid for Rule34) all in one rare glorious package.
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tom641: @NotarealTRex: It really doesn't matter that much, at most it's like making porn of Honey Woman from megaman, a dropped concept.
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Anonymous6: Isn't Zedebe the beekeeper?
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Anonymous7: @Anonymous: Zebede, also known as her replacement.

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