Farfegnugen: @YotsubaGroup: Obvoiously I don't because I don't give a shit. Everyone got a YouTube account so I don't know how that makes this asshole that special. The guy has just under 3,000 subscribers, like a million other channels. Channels like Rooster Teeth and iJustine, that a have a couple million, that I can understand.
Uploader never tagged this anyway. That YouTube_Poop tag looks very tempting.
Anonymous6: ^lol @ the only loser here who obviously types faster than he thinks and has to post twice.
In order to be at a 3 month old picture and post only 15 days ago means you had to have taken the time to search for at least one of those tags, then scroll through the pages to find this picture specifically. You are a noob, and should think before getting rekt, scrub.
GullyNully: In essence, mariotehplumber is a faggot who believes Rosalina is sexualized a bit too much. He bought over 100 Rosalina amiibos and resold them for ridiculous prices because of that. He is the living embodiment of what is known as the rare Mega Troll.
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Uploader never tagged this anyway. That YouTube_Poop tag looks very tempting.
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That's the kind of people who I consider.. "Jackasses".
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In order to be at a 3 month old picture and post only 15 days ago means you had to have taken the time to search for at least one of those tags, then scroll through the pages to find this picture specifically. You are a noob, and should think before getting rekt, scrub.
Now, it's just faggots, ranting on total dick-limp pseudo porn. I mean... FUCKING MARIOTEHPLUMBER PORN?!?
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