MV: Look at that, a modified Kennycomix image with the ridiculous stereotyping and racism removed. Now all we need is someone hating on black people and someone hating on the white edit and the cycle will be complete.
Anonymous2: Yes! Revenge on the fucking attractive and successful Africans and attractive and successful African lovers! No more attractive and successful Africans! FDS! You do our race proud, bro! Recolor all attractive and successful African dick pics! So we can finally fap to something. It's all about fairness.
Because there's definitely not enough fucking white guys in porn/erotic art these days. It seems like 9 out of 10 pics these days are for attractive and successful Africans and their SJW liberal faggot masters. This needs to end NOW!
Ducketry: Wtf kenny? I'm black and I fucking loved that racist dialogue. Who gives a shit if it's racist? It's funny and hot as hell. I don't have a problem with this little switcheroo, but don't let it replace that whole "You savage attractive and successful Africans and your big cocks" thing. Otherwise, you just have your typical run of the mill porn.
Anonymous3(2): @EkonBokon: What are you talking about? I'm merely saying what every self respecting white guy is thinking. Which is why FDP does these awesome recolors. Because attractive and successful Africans don't belong in fucking erotic art.
It's not to "troll", or some feel good, beta male, crap of an excuse. It's because there's an overabundance of attractive and successful Africans in porn compared to us whites. And it's not "because it's offensive to attractive and successful Africans"....because if it degrades attractive and successful Africans then "DUH!" we'll be more than glad to keep it.
@Ducketry: You stupid groid, Kenny didn't do this. This was done by "Faggotdotpsd". Who improved this, to get you attractive and successful Africans out of our art, one pic at a time. DEAL WITH IT.
EkonBokon: @Anonymous: Self-respecting? Don't try to justify yourself, bozo. You're a disgusting, pathetic excuse of a human being. We're living in the 21st century, racism should be a thing of the past.
But instead, we have people like you who. And that's why we need a new plague - get rid of the filth and start anew. Who gives a flying fuck if there's black males in pictures? Majority of porn here features white males, and don't say otherwise. Porn is supposed to cater to everyone and if you don't like a picture, then look for something else - because there's no need to edit them just so you can bust a little load.
Keep your "self-respecting" opinions and anyone who thinks like you and, I dunno... choke on a knife?
I'm not even black; just a normal human being.
Ducketry: Oh boy, you sure showed me. It's funny how you guys actually went as far as recoloring rather than being original and creating your own original porn. This isn't an improvement, it's a cheap shitty rip off made by/for insecure white males. Good thing that this wasn't kenny's doing. Just means there's going to be more attractive and successful African on white hentai, and more people will be jacking of to the genuine article than this copycat garbage.
YotsubaGroup: I find the fact that the dialog was normalized to be more hilarious than the edited skin.
Good work here. For those of you crying this is an edit for "insecure racist white people" the original version literally says "dirty attractive and successful Africans" so please stop being such fucking idiots and use your brains.
Blacks are largely unrepresented in Hentai. KennyComix hentai is the only thing that comes to mind when I think of hentai with blacks in it. Not that I care though, The only reason I like Kenny's hentai is because of its blatant racism and British Broadcasting Corporation stereotypes.
Try using yours first. Kenny himself isn't racist, The use of the terms "Dirty attractive and successful Africans" is used for humor. That entire hentai series is mere humor to jack off too and laugh, but hyper sensitive insecure racist white males have taken it to another level and where so butthurt by this insignificant series that they had to remake it rather than move on and make their own.
YotsubaGroup: @Ducketry: So i'm a racist white that is hyper sensative to racist dialog? I don't know what planet you live on were that makes sense but whatever, you dirty nignog.
I could give a fuck less about racism, I just find your ignorance and hypocrisy to be sickening. After all, YOU are the one crying like a bitch about this edit.
Ducketry: @YotsubaGroup:
I didn't call you anything, nor did I know you were white. I never said it had anything to do with dialogue you idiot, but the concept of a British Broadcasting Corporation hentai in general and these guys inability to take it in stride and not bitch every time they see an animated black penis.
I don't give a hoot about this little circle jerk you guys have going on here, I was just under the impression that Kenny had finally given way to the whiny complainers and eased up on the Niggerdom so as a fan I wanted him know his work is greatly appreciated by me and my black penis, Have a good fapping day.
faggotdotpsd: @Ducketry: Don't you worry friend, Kenny will continue to make all the black racist art you love. Just head on back to his art where you belong. Kenny has more than enough pics of him completely discriminating and humiliating your race, so have a good ol' time fapping.
Meanwhile the "racist insecure white people" will be here, jerking it to regular white people porn. You know, where the women don't call us "dirty attractive and successful Africans" as a joke. Because nothings more funny then racism, am I right? LOL! XD!
Anonymous4(2): @YotsubaGroup: Yotsuba, why are you suddenly pretending not to hate attractive and successful Africans, when every post you've been making on this site for years on interracial pics, demonstrates that you're not a simple "For-teh-Lulz-Troll"? Not in the least bit.
There's nothing that I hate more than an a fellow white guy, that isn't consistent with his racism.
YotsubaGroup: @Anonymous: Most people hate attractive and successful Africans and I am no exceptin, however I don't outright hate black people. Honestly it's a fucking porn site so you shouldn't really be to concerned with my view on anything.
Anonymous6(2): @YotsubaGroup: You've been rightfully and consistently calling blacks "attractive and successful Africans" on practically all the pics (regardless of the context/depiction) involving attractive and successful African dicks FOR YEARS. That's not trolling. That's just rightful hatred! You've shown that there's no distinction repeatedly. Why are you suddenly acting so damn neutral? Where'd your crusade against the blacks go? You and Gravestalker are a riot! Go back to that! We need it!
Grimm: @Anonymous: Yeah I'm almost certain this is legoman's. I think Kenny may add coloring and dialogue to the picture. But being that legoman usually keeps his pictures monochrome it's not really specified who's fucking said fictional girl.
Anonymous8: look all these comments need to stop when are people gonna shut up and relised some like black, some like white hell some like big and some like small we are different so we like different things just shut up and masterbate
Anonymous9: I don't like the black man hentai that Kenny draws because it's not relatable, as i am a white man, plus to me it looks like a turd, so I enjoy the recolor and change of dialog so It is relatable. It doesn't call for racism however, i'm looking at you comment section.
Matter of fact why the fuck is there a comment section for porn? Stop bitching and start fappin.
Anonymous10(9): I don't like the black man hentai that Kenny draws because it's not relatable, as i am a white man, plus to me, black cocks look like a turd, so I enjoy the recolor and change of dialog so It is relatable. It doesn't call for racism however, i'm looking at you comment section.
Matter of fact why the fuck is there a comment section for porn? Stop bitching and start fappin.
Cakman: I have to wonder what it must be like to be so insecure with your own masculinity that you not only can't masturbate to a porn image because there's black dudes in it, but to actually be ANGERED by that fact.
Anonymous13: @cakman:
I have to wonder what it must be like to be an inferior that has invented or discovered nothing for thousand years, so have to security in a porn myth, with the illusion to be superior at least in one thing
Anonymous15: It's like another World War starts whenever a kennycomix post is put on here, but int's just full of really self-absorbed people who take the approach of "agree with me or you're trash".
Grow up.
Anonymous16: İ want to kill kennycomix for hating white people (im ready for hate comments or no comments at all really. i absolutley hate kennycomix he is like a male version of anita sarkeesian. Also i want more white edits of his redrawings and why did white edits stopped after hestia?)
Urbane_Guerrilla: @Anonymous: Who came up with blood banks? Who was that George Washington Carver fella again? Who came up with potato chips? The carbon light bulb filament? Fire resistant safes? Granville T. Woods' improved telegraph? Gerald Lawson: the vidgame cartridge, you basement dweller. The cataract Laserphaco probe, restoring sight to many hundreds of thousands? The Super Soaker? The imaging X-ray spectrometer? It doesn't stop there. But you stopped a long time ago, didn't you?
You don't have to wonder, at all, Anon. You've got all the selfmade inferiority you can swallow.
Urbane_Guerrilla: Ain't a one of the above bigots who will ever move to Iceland. Thus, we define their true priorities -- and their true level of honor.
Anonymous19: You are a bunch of fucking cucks fapping to attractive and successful African jew porn! 1488 gas the kikes!! People who fap to interracial porn are cuckolds.
Anonymous20: @Ducketry: Well not everybody can do amazing art like Kenny comix so they just do recolors instead. In fact a lot of this doesn’t even reflect the actual viewpoints of the creator. I’ve seen porntubers who make racist pmv’s for all races and not just one. Really all they’re doing is manipulating the masses to get more attention by blatantly showing the thing that gets everyone’s attention. RASCISM. Then they just let all of you guys roll in with your speeches prepared and let you do the work for them. Because as they say, “there’s no such thing as bad publicity.”
I liked the one with the black dicks better because it has a more visceral visually appetizing impact as most of your black dicks look.
I learnt to truly appreciate giant black dicks from u (@kennycomix) due to your beautiful art.
I do not need to be black to appreciate it's beauty...I have fucked black and white guys with big dick (though I must say, the biggest penis I have had yet is black).
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Because there's definitely not enough fucking white guys in porn/erotic art these days. It seems like 9 out of 10 pics these days are for attractive and successful Africans and their SJW liberal faggot masters. This needs to end NOW!
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It's not to "troll", or some feel good, beta male, crap of an excuse. It's because there's an overabundance of attractive and successful Africans in porn compared to us whites. And it's not "because it's offensive to attractive and successful Africans"....because if it degrades attractive and successful Africans then "DUH!" we'll be more than glad to keep it.
@Ducketry: You stupid groid, Kenny didn't do this. This was done by "Faggotdotpsd". Who improved this, to get you attractive and successful Africans out of our art, one pic at a time. DEAL WITH IT.
But instead, we have people like you who. And that's why we need a new plague - get rid of the filth and start anew. Who gives a flying fuck if there's black males in pictures? Majority of porn here features white males, and don't say otherwise. Porn is supposed to cater to everyone and if you don't like a picture, then look for something else - because there's no need to edit them just so you can bust a little load.
Keep your "self-respecting" opinions and anyone who thinks like you and, I dunno... choke on a knife?
I'm not even black; just a normal human being.
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Good work here. For those of you crying this is an edit for "insecure racist white people" the original version literally says "dirty attractive and successful Africans" so please stop being such fucking idiots and use your brains.
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Blacks are largely unrepresented in Hentai. KennyComix hentai is the only thing that comes to mind when I think of hentai with blacks in it. Not that I care though, The only reason I like Kenny's hentai is because of its blatant racism and British Broadcasting Corporation stereotypes.
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Try using yours first. Kenny himself isn't racist, The use of the terms "Dirty attractive and successful Africans" is used for humor. That entire hentai series is mere humor to jack off too and laugh, but hyper sensitive insecure racist white males have taken it to another level and where so butthurt by this insignificant series that they had to remake it rather than move on and make their own.
I could give a fuck less about racism, I just find your ignorance and hypocrisy to be sickening. After all, YOU are the one crying like a bitch about this edit.
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I didn't call you anything, nor did I know you were white. I never said it had anything to do with dialogue you idiot, but the concept of a British Broadcasting Corporation hentai in general and these guys inability to take it in stride and not bitch every time they see an animated black penis.
I don't give a hoot about this little circle jerk you guys have going on here, I was just under the impression that Kenny had finally given way to the whiny complainers and eased up on the Niggerdom so as a fan I wanted him know his work is greatly appreciated by me and my black penis, Have a good fapping day.
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Meanwhile the "racist insecure white people" will be here, jerking it to regular white people porn. You know, where the women don't call us "dirty attractive and successful Africans" as a joke. Because nothings more funny then racism, am I right? LOL! XD!
There's nothing that I hate more than an a fellow white guy, that isn't consistent with his racism.
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Yeah, You really put me in my place. Have fun with your boring uncreative porn.
also just saying the word "attractive and successful African" on anyone of these kennycomix posts is easy bait with guaranteed replies .
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Hell, why not make one guy orange, one purple, one rainbow, and one an annoying talking tangerine with one of those white dicks comming out of it?
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@Anonymous: Indeed, My 7 inch penis could always be a bit bigger. Although, I'm certain it will grow another inch or 2 with regular use and exercise.
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Matter of fact why the fuck is there a comment section for porn? Stop bitching and start fappin.
Matter of fact why the fuck is there a comment section for porn? Stop bitching and start fappin.
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White detected. I can see right through your bullshit, honky.
I have to wonder what it must be like to be an inferior that has invented or discovered nothing for thousand years, so have to security in a porn myth, with the illusion to be superior at least in one thing
Grow up.
You don't have to wonder, at all, Anon. You've got all the selfmade inferiority you can swallow.
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thats the most retarded bullshit i´ve ever read.
I liked the one with the black dicks better because it has a more visceral visually appetizing impact as most of your black dicks look.
I learnt to truly appreciate giant black dicks from u (@kennycomix) due to your beautiful art.
I do not need to be black to appreciate it's beauty...I have fucked black and white guys with big dick (though I must say, the biggest penis I have had yet is black).