Anonymous9: Look at all these peckerwoods getting their little peckers hard over this black bitch but if it was Finn fucking Rey or Barret fucking Tifa then it would receive nothing but negative comments. SO peckers can fuck bla k girls but blackmen cant fuck white girls. Yall are sick. And it needs to be edited. Watch some anon quote me talking about soyboys (whatever that mean) or some other shit.
Anonymous10: @Anonymous: They love Black Women, hate Black Men, but create Black children LMAO!!!! I wonder if there's going to be a 50-50 chance they'll hate their own Sons in the future. 🤔 😆😆😆😆
Anonymous11(9): @Anonymous: facts anon10. They get so worked up over black men fucking their white waifu but its AOK for them to fap to black girls. No nwords or "attractive and successful africans" which we know what they really mean, or any nignog jokes or trolls. THey think they are entitled to all and if a black man or even disconnected dick gets in then its wrong. They would bitch about wanting an edit or whhinnnne I CaNt fAp To A BlAcK gUy!!! I CaNt ImErSe mYsElF iNtO a BlaCk. And all other excuses they create when its a black dude. And NO artist draws blak dudes with black girls.
Anonymous12(10): @Anonymous: TBH it's sad that we don't get much of or if any Black on Black rule 34, and people literally sit there and think it's ok, and it isn't. It's basically like there's no racial progression/parity within the rule 34 community at all. Sure we come here to fap and not to think, but the underlying injustice and guilt still remains, and with that.....shame for all that appropriate that kind of hypocrisy.
Anonymous13: @Anonymous: absolute facts, there was one editor who changed the men to black when they were fucking black chicks but hes not posting here anymore. But what really gets me is that EVERY SINGLE FICTIONAL BLACK GIRL is paired with a peckerwood like these whiteboys are SCARED to draw them with black men. Literally every single one, but let it be a black dick with a white waifu then the race warriors come in. So white on white is fine, but black on black is non-existant and taboo right?? So like damn, if you'd be hard pressed to find dark-skinned chicks paired with black dicks but nearly every pic on here is white on white. Yet these anons bitch about the few black on white pix on here like its soooo common. Like miss me with that shit when black on black is nonexistant. Now I might see one or two artist that consistently pair black chicks with black dudes but they don't post on this bullshit site.
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Make more Koki rule 34 please. MORE!!!
I second that idea. Moar Koki!
They really got a great catch!
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