metamine10: @Farfegnugen: Google Traductor:Yes, I know, but to use their time cleaning,my drawings in the future will have a logo in the middle, to see the watermark, to make it more difficult.
Franky_Whiskey: @metamine10: You know that we punish art theft here, right? All an artist has to do is to get in contact with the staff, and we'll help you out.
metamine10: @goombario: Before putting my stamp on the side, but many people erased, I do not like, so from now on, will this mark to identiicar my work.
metamine10: @Franky_Whiskey: Pues la verdad no me interesa lo que digan los demas, solo comparto en esta pagina mis dibujos, por que otros usuaros no puden entrar ami pixiv por no tener cuenta, nada mas, cualquier otro tipo de comentario, no me interesa en lo absoluto.
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Too bad that awful DA logo is in the way of this great stuff.
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But hey, your choice.
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