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Anonymous1: weird face
still hot
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Anonymous2: whats with the attractive and successful African shit
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Gene: @Anonymous: Because why not? Have you seen comments saying about 'white shit'? No? A dick is a dick.
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McDudeBro: Yeah, her face is a bit weird. But yeah. Still hot.
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Gravestalker: well she looks retarded
suits the fact shes with an attractive and successful African...bitch has to be headfucked to go to the jungle
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Franky_Whiskey: I miss TheKommissar. The quality of the racism around here has gone way too down, and this fucking abbo ain't helping to improve it.
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Anonymous3: @Gravestalker: Speaking of retarded. Have you finally learned the difference between the words "Atom" and "Adam", yet? Or are you just content with being the established "Resident Moron" of Rule34?
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Tinkles_and_Gary: Angry white boys are just mad they got tiny dicks.
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Anonymous4: Gravestalker is an attractive and successful African.
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Anonymous5: Franklin must of saved her from a gang attack. This is her way of rewarding him
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Gravestalker: lol at the angry anoniggers crying like little bitches

log in THEN you have opinions worthy of reading
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Tinkles_and_Gary: @Gravestalker: I'm sorry your penis is so small.
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Gravestalker: @Tinkles_and_Gary: yeah gotta love how you libtards turn to grade school insults whenever someone says something you dont like
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Tinkles_and_Gary: @Gravestalker: Lmfao you mad you lil dick redneck?
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Anonymous6(3): @Gravestalker: Since when were YOU such a stickler for reading though? You've already established that you're too dumb to know the difference between two simple four letter words, that sound similar.

And the comments aren't really for you, at the end of the day. They're more for everyone else. So they can fully grasp just how hilariously dumb you are.
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Gravestalker: @Tinkles_and_Gary: no im pretty amused here....always fun seeing you libtards crying about racism as if your tears can undo the shame of your ancestors using slaves
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Gravestalker: @Anonymous: hush anon....humans are talking here
when you cheat darwins laws and evolve up to the point you understand the fundamentals of accounts then your opinions matter
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Anonymous7(3): @Gravestalker: That was a fantastic "word salad" there. It's a shame that it was a complete non-sequitur. Darwin's Laws have nothing to do with creating an account, let alone "survival of the fittest", you mental midget. Stop trying to sound remotely intelligent.

And only one person in this thread even mentioned racism, so it wouldn't be "Libtards". Which means on top of NOT knowing the difference between "ADAM" and "Atom", you ALSO don't know the difference between "singular" and "plural". LOL! You're a complete moron. The anon in the previous pic that you were laughed out of, had it right. You're a massive wasted slot in the white race.
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Gravestalker: @Anonymous: hush anon....humans are talking
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Gravestalker: @Anonymous: and do tell how much of a "still living in moms house' cowards yo uare that you are so terrified of logging in to post shit

plus you obviously dont know that gramma nazi is the lowest level of failing on the internet, where you have literally NOTHING else to debate with, so grab at insignificant shit just to comment for the sake of commenting

give it up little child....sensible people dont like with it....racism has been around for thousands of years....your tears wont make it vanish in your short "internet fattie gonna die of a heart before hes 35" life
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Anonymous8(3): @Gravestalker: You not knowing the difference between two completely different (and simple) words (multiple times), isn't insignificant at all. It actually says a lot about you. It accurately shows that you're FAR too darn stupid to be commenting on anything more complicated than elementary school level spelling. Also that you can't think outside of your own "copy-n-paste" retorts, even when they're not applicable.

"Y u no Log in??" Nonsense: Irrelevant to THE FACT that you can't differentiate between two simple words
Grammar Nazi: See the previous point.
Darwinism: Incorrectly used
Libtards: Incorrectly used (as it was only "applicable" to 1 person)
Mom's Basement/House: Baseless

Give it up moron. Sensible people know not to listen to someone who can only dance around and resort to rapidfire memes, when it's outlined that he can't even defend his own position. Or even use simple logic. This is why you're this site's Resident Moron.

Lets see what moronic Gravestalker meme you'll use now...
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Anonymous9: Well alrighty then... That escalated quickly..
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Anonymous10: yea ^
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Psych0Nut: She looks quite ugly, looks Michael as a female...
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Cube210: So many angry users on paheal are quick to denounce black males and talk about how much lower they are and how they are soo much better.

Ok so your better at so many things but can you not just agree with scientific fact that black men have larger penises and are better at sex than you. :D
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Anonymous11: Feeling bad because i1m white and only 11cm :/@Cube210:
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Anonymous12: Stfu trying to jerk my mankey here
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Compro61: @Gene: Bravo.
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Compro61: @Gravestalker: Just how much of an idiot are you? It's astonishing, really. This site exists for Rule 34, not spreading bigotry, you dolt.
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Compro61: @Anonymous: You there! Stop abusing that Porkyman!
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Anonymous13: Is there one of her ACTUALLY SUCKING THE COCK?
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Anonymous14: @GraveStalker

Mad because his mom is most likely getting dicked down by a black guy. Sorry your penis isn't as big as ours you grunting neanderthal
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Anonymous15: The fuck is wrong with you? attractive and successful Africans aren't people therefore it is like her sucking a dog's cock.
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Anonymous16: Oh, look at the cute little white boys chimping-out over seeing black dick!
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Anonymous17: WE HATE FUCKING attractive and successful Africans YOU DUMB MOTHERFUCKING BITCH!
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Anonymous18: Actually the first people on the Earth were black and the white came later. So shut up everyone.
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Anonymous19: @Gravestalker: in your feelings because your mother gets plowed by your black stepfather everynight. Lmfaooooo stupid caucasoid monkey, you wish you had a dick that exceeded 4 inches. Too bad you're doomed to a life of shooting up public places and touching little kids.
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Anonymous20: @Gravestalker: your a inbred retarded redneck fag who has AIDS and fucks pigs with your dad
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Anonymous21(20): @Gravestalker:
you must be some fat autistic retarded faggots who has AIDS lives on this site with no life at all
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Anonymous22: Here's Muhammad Ali talking about the bad implications of race-mixing. And here's a British Dude also talking about the implications, as well as who made facilitated this situation for this whole "Racism" thing:
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Anonymous23: Ali changed his mind, retard
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Anonymous25(24): @Gravestalker: you try to be so clever but fail.
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MrJudge: You're all retards here. That is the end result of your "discussion"
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Anonymous26: @Gravestalker To the small dicked cunt that actually thinks i'm or anyone else who doesn't want to make an account for a porn website is a fucking loser. And that goes to show how much of a loser he actually is.
Also for the racists here, you still got here like everyone else. You pathetic virgin cunt, you probably all jacked off to this anyone you dumb cucks.
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Anonymous27: @Anonymous: I genuinely think people like Gravestalker are cucks. They're way too obsessed for it be just hate.
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Nea_hey: I want to be in her place
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Anonymous28: What the fuck is wrong with you people? Why do black dicks bring out the absolute worst in this website? Why am I not allowed to see my skin color represented in the porn I watch? Do you think only white people use this website - or is that just wishful thinking on your part?
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Anonymous29: @Anonymous: thats what im sayin

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