Mole: Unauthorized alteration. I guess some people will like it so I won't require removal. [Best if you add something like "Altered by Stoneham" to the image].
Senator_Palpatine: Better with Stan out of the picture though Mole. If she was wearing silky lacy knickers and stockings and suspenders it would have more punch and reality though. I doubt if Francine often wanders around her kitchen knickers-less
Mole: @Senator_Palpatine: Given her groupie backstory it's not impossible, and fancy gear raises the same 'Why today?' question. The gear IS Hot though. As for Stan being out of the picture - that Would open various incestuous scenarios. I was just going for the same scenario as in the episode, but with an unexpected bonus for Steve and Klaus.
Senator_Palpatine: @Mole: Not keen on her peeing (not my thing. My mates keen on that kind of thing, though I often wonder how far he's managed to get his VERY feminine and attractive lady - Maureen - to go on that !!!) but I think theres LOTS of mileage in Steve fucking his very curvy and feminine mother. She does like being spanked, and I even wrote a short story (very short) based around that. Francine, wanting spanked and sex, is furious Stan isn't interested, She accidentally ruins Steve's favourite Star Trek "Beat me up Scotty" T shirt and the rest as they say, writes itself !
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