Anonymous4: @Anonymous: part of her vulva would still definitely be visible though, 100% sure as far as human anatomy is concerned, and if vastaya just have an opening in the middle of an otherwise featureless crotch, then yeah, something is fucking off about it, and human anatomy should be the only basis of pornographic images up until we make contact with aliens. and when that happens, we probably won't even be able to recognize any of their stuff as porn. if our societies ever integrate enough some alien could be browsing some really fucked up hardcore fetish porn site and their human roommate could glance at their screen and just legitimately think it's nothing. gotta be damn close to human to get a human off.
Anonymous5(4): also on a different note Leona's face is completely unrecognizable as ?eona because her skin's too pale, her nose is too small, and her lips are too thin. I can tell how this would happen with the Pool Party Leona splash as reference but it's still just weird.
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