fishmonger: @white80: Her name is actually Mah Mah? I thought that was Francine's nickname for her. 媽媽 is simply "mommy" in English. I'll go ahead and tag her as Mah Mah, but in case she has a proper name, I'll leave the tagme for a little bit.
Anonymous2(1): @fishmonger: Mite as well tag her Mah Mah if she doesn't have another name plus doesn't Stan call her that two? if that was the case it would be kinda weird.
fishmonger: @SodaSquid: Thanks for adding the tags, I tried but for some reason either paheal went down or my internet fucked up and I couldn't connect.
fishmonger: Just noticed the 1 tag for Ma Ma, Cassandra, and Sooleawa... creating new tags for established characters should be okay under rule 27, right?
Anonymous5(1): @fishmonger: Your welcome
@Anonymous: Hayley is a feminist so she probably like this is degrading to women but im a girl and i'm fine with it. :D
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Hayley, Cassandra Dawson(Francine's birth mom), Betty Smith(Stan's mom), Sooleawa'Uha(Stan's half brother's wife), Gwen Ling(Francine's hot, adopted sister), Francine, and Mah Mah Ling (Francine's adopted mom). Thanks for posting it.
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@Anonymous: Hayley is a feminist so she probably like this is degrading to women but im a girl and i'm fine with it. :D
Balbes, you answer my question?
Francine is great too thought ;9