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Anonymous1: How does a bitch get pregnant without a vagina?
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Anonymous2: It's called a Herm, and her Vag is located right between her ball and asshole, just hidden by the balls in every pic except the last which hides it with the ass cheeks.
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Spoonman: @Anonymous: Indeed, futanrai come in different shapes and sizes. Ones with just a dick, ones with dicks replacing their clits, ones with dicks and balls but no vag, ones with dicks, balls and vags, etc..
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Anonymous3: No, it's just supposed to be male pregnancy. That's why the question mark and exclamation point are scratched in, and why "opposite" is scratched out. It's by shadman and he doesn't typically do your standard futa. Just female or dickgirl.
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CockLover22: u like this version better
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CockLover22: i* not u
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Anonymous4: The fuck nugget reminds me of that disturbing creepypasta with those girls used as silent sex slaves. Scary.