Anonymous1: Oh for fuck's sake, learn anatomy will you! The ass is supposed to be ATTACHED to the back! Her back slopes down, but then her ass is off to the side. There is no way those various body parts come together to make a complete Caitlyn.
Iluvpr0n: @Anonymous: Woah. First off, calm down. Second of all, He arm is turned back, but her torso could easily be straighter than is revealed. That position would be possible, albeit uncomfortable. Chill man it's free art that looks good. Complaining is childish.
Anonymous2(1): @Iluvpr0n: If you don't criticise them, they'll never improve. And frankly, I'm staggered the artist couldn't just SEE how warped this anatomy is. I don't care how her torso COULD be, the only thing that matters is how it LOOKS.
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