Anonymous8: Funny thing is, Bush Sr was the only good conservative president in the last 40 years. All the rest have been a shitshow of completely unremarkable.
ConsciousDonkey: Oh boy, we will hear nonstop tirades about Bush until they dump his caracass into the ground, won't we? I turn on the TV - Bush. I listen to radio - Bush. I open the Internet - Bush. An hour ago, I was actually afraid to open a tin can because I tought I would find Bush in there, too...
wyhiob: I am 100% confident that they people who run r34 are just trying to kill our boners why else would they make it the featured the day after Nonstop Nut november
jubilation_t_cornpone: He was the last Republican I voted for. After that it turned into the Jesus Party. Especially his retarded son claiming that the cartoon god told him to start a war.
Anonymous34: Finally, a death I can actually be glad about. But why did the selfish old fuck have to live to be 94 when so many better and more-deserving people (Carrie Fisher, Anton Yelchin, David Bowie) have died DECADES earlier? I know life ain't fair, karma doesn't exist, and there is absolutely no justice in the world, but that doesn't mean it has to keep RUBBING IT IN!
TheDR: @Anonymous: ronald regan? THE RONALD REGAN? the guy who tried to force the FDA to list ketchup as a vegetable? the guy behind reganomics? the reason everything is so fucked up nowadays? what about him?
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Bush senior: In office during the 1993 bombing.
Bush junior: In office during the 2001 attacks.
H.W. claims he saw the first plane on TV on the 11th. The footage of the first plane wasn't released until the day after.
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Fuck,help me
Gimme da eye bleach.
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Then again. No one forces anyone to click on this dumb shit. Stop the whining
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He hated Bill and wanted to ruin the US. Donald Trump FTW no more Bushes!
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