Anonymous2: I see that Justin does not take rule 34 serioulsy , of course allen was right , this violates the author copyright, justin besides have creating Rick for unity , and morty created for jessica ! in short: this kind of relationship between Rick and Morty is not romantic is incestuous
Anonymous3: I think it'd be cute to have a completely romantic and almost sibling-like relationship between both of them in another universe. I'd love to see how affectionate Rick can be towards Morty. The only time he shows his actual affection for Morty if when he saves him from certain death or helps him achieve something he really wants to do. He wouldn't do these things for anyone else but Morty. Maybe I'm looking too much into it, but I would LOVE to see them together in another universe.
Anonymous4(2): affectivity of love between grandparents and grandchildren is healthy Yes! but if THIS go too far even in fiction if Justin Roiland is talking seriously to do a romantic relationship between Rick and Morty will make incest and the result to that subject ? SHOW CANCELLED
Anonymous6: Anon4 the pilot was Morty (or Mharti at the time) Licking and sucking his Rick's (Doc's) cock and balls to stop time from fucking up. I don't think the show will cancel if they have an incest episode.
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