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Kaitouace: Fastest selling newspaper ever.
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Anonymous1: I just came to a newspaper .
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Serealkiller: I don't get it. The headline says "Why the WORLD doesn't need Superman," yet the article and picture just explain why they don't need him. Sure, I can always *fap* to two smoking hot lesbians, but this isn't going to save my ass from an Earth destroying astroid or alien invasion.
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Anonymous2: Serialkiller: Yes it will.With Superman not fucking either of these two, he'll stop the asteroid so you can keep fapping.

Alien invasion? Show em the paper and they'll fap with all three dicks.
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Anonymous3: anon 2, that doesn't make sense. It still says why the WORLD doesn't need SUPERMAN. If had to save us from aliens while these 2 are fucking, then we still need him
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Anonymous4: anon 3, stfu and fap
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broman88: this is a trace of a comic called "action figures"
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Anonymous5: that looks a lot like mary jane watson from the spider-man animated series to me
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DKblitz: Besides, this is Lois saying she does not need him. I bet Lana still does.
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Zenzaxaznez: @DKblitz: Why? She's got Lois...
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Anonymous6: Because the world has Batman
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Anonymous7: This image does it all.
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Anonymous8: Batman is the reason Robin doesn't need Superman

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