Endohype: Yarr me Mateys! This be an upload fer talk like a pirate day! Thee scalawag skin be sent by Landlubber 1. I be pretty happy with thee creation. If any of ye scalawag landlubbers want ye're wishes be granted, don't be afraid to ask! Any non-pirateers be walkin thee plank, so speak as ye will. I be getting back to schoolin on in the morn, so it may be a week till ye see yer wish. As always, ye all be havin a faptastic morn! -Endohype
Anonymous3: Yarr ahoy me buccaneer Endo! I wish fer an upload of me skin an whatever ye wish to see me abused by! So set sail or ye be walkin thee plank! Yarr! x3
Endohype: @DAzaya: It be done, Boatswain DAzaya, do ye have any wishes on what yer abused by? Also, to all ye who need pirate music, just go into yer youtube page and search up "Pirate shanties".
OldSchoolGamer: @Endohype: Can you use this skin http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/oldschoolgamer/
can you put urself on my stick,animated if its possible, aphmau on my mouth, and both of you kissing. I hope you see this and thank you for viewing it
Endohype: @OldSchoolGamer: I would, but I (my skin and IRL included) are lesbian, if you want someone else to take my place, possibly my gf (as she is bi), just let me know :P
@OldSchoolGamer: your request will be made! Thanks for making the request. Just so you know, it may be a little while until it is uploaded, uni is hell
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Yarr, I dunno how to talk like a pirate xD
Or i will sink yer boat.
Or i will sink yer boat with a flamethrower.
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can you put urself on my stick,animated if its possible, aphmau on my mouth, and both of you kissing. I hope you see this and thank you for viewing it
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@Anonymous: why did you say it 3 times?
I'm so glad you read my request
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@OldSchoolGamer: your request will be made! Thanks for making the request. Just so you know, it may be a little while until it is uploaded, uni is hell
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