YotsubaGroup: @Anonymous: Kill yourself. I mean holy fuck it was a stupid as fuck theory before the game released but there is no excuse for this ignorance now.
Anonymous4(3): @YotsubaGroup: Ees joke. Hence the emphasis on "is", stating that we now know it to be true due to this tranny brandishing his cock in a Quiet outfit.
Anonymous8: MORE please, we just need it for realz.
It's simply toooo hot, chico became sort of depressed after Ground Zeroes and so he went and became a pretty girl.
Anonymous13: Annnd still hoping for more! (December 2017)
Funny that I thought of coming back here in december,it's like I have an internal clock for ts Quiet.
Please,won't you 2 get together again and take some more pics for us?
Anonymous15: Dunno if anyone of you perverts are still looking but I'm the cosplayer in the pic and my AD twitter is https://twitter.com/mousewife3 . pronouns are She/Her/Hers. respect that and you get more nudes.
It's simply toooo hot, chico became sort of depressed after Ground Zeroes and so he went and became a pretty girl.
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Funny that I thought of coming back here in december,it's like I have an internal clock for ts Quiet.
Please,won't you 2 get together again and take some more pics for us?
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