chabichou: because i'm not into interracial like kyosei (who made a mutan version), especially because that shadman bitch ALWAYS make white getting fucking by blacks or shit like that, and never black getting fucked by whites. because i'm fed up, i decided to make a white version.
chabichou: @Anonymous: no. all humans belong to human breed, like all dogs belong to dog breed. but don't kidding me : don't say that a Poodle and a Pekingese belong to the same race !
it's the same for blacks, asians and whites ! we all belong to human breed, but we belong to different race, so, shut up !
Anonymous5: For dogs there's can be large differences in their DNA (up to 31% different). For humans there is HARDLY any difference at all (On average were all 99.5% similar). So yeah, we practically are the same species. And we dont "belong" to a different race. Not sure where you got that retarded idea.
Little_Micky: @Anonymous: All humans are 97% similar to orangutan's. If 3% is the difference between human and orangutan than 0.5% is more than enough for 3 human species and lots of subspecies. There is many species and subspecies of humans and that is not a bad thing and it's not a good thing it just is.
Anonymous12: I fail to see the problem here. I appreciate the edit because i like both the original and this one. I like a diversity. White is good and so is black, really depends on what im in the mood for.
chabichou: all the people who say me that i'm retarded. so, if i follow your line of reasoning : by replacing blacks by whites, i'm racist ?
so....if you don't like gay sex, you are homophobic ?
i hate interracial sex, okay ? that's my choice, and yeah. blacks and whites are races . otherwise, why we can say "interracial sex", huh ? how can we call that "interracial sex", if races don't exist ?
and because i don't like blacks in sex stuffs do not mean that i can't have black friend or do not mean that i will refuse to work with black people, okay ?
Sintime: @chabichou: the ammount of "logical fallacy" in your post is amazing.
The reason people say "interracial and interracial sex" is because some person made up a label to draw distinctions in something that otherwise, didn't exist.
Also gay sex is an entire seperate thing. That's a sexual orientation and what you're bring up is perceived racial categories that you've made up in your head to believe to be true things.
Also, if you're going to call people so retarded so freely, at least manage not to type like a total retard yourself.
Anonymous16: .... Just because you say something and believe it with all yohr heart doesnt make it true. Races exist. You can close your eyes and say "No no no no wahhhh!" like a scared child a you want, but they very much do exist. Races are perceived just how hats or stars are perceived, because they exist.
Secondly, the sentence "You are the retarded" is a gramatically correct sentence. Just like I could say "You are the damned". Maybe you should brush up on your english before trying to criticize people for theirs.
Anonymous18(12): Not to mention if there are not races then something cant be "racist" to begin with. Therefore making the entire argument pointless. (not that it wasnt already)
Anonymous19(12): And no, gay sex is no different. While it is a "sexual orientation" it is also a "sexual preference" as is the black vs white thing. Its not racist to have a preference.
Anonymous20(12): I dont think chabichou had any bad intentions. Some people just dont word things the way they mean, causing it to come off horribly. Im a common victim of that and people paint a false picture of me because of it. If only people could be less judgmental, the world would be such a better place. Multiply that by "over 9000" on the internet.
Sintime: @Anonymous: your bad typing and style are a dead give away, you're chabichou and you simply reworded the same thing in a different way, which still doesn't make sense as it didn't the first time. You should actually do research and study on human DNA, instead of letting indoctrinated ideals do the thinking for you.
chabichou: @Sintime: no, i hate write as anonymous
, and i hate use several accounts in the same discussion.
and you know what ? it's not because 2, 3 or 4 people have the same ideas in a discussion that it's necessarilly the same person behind several accounts or else.
about what you said, now...
races or no races ? that depends... like you said, i do some researchs. (i won't send you the french text... just going to translate it as i can)
In the general classification of living species, we talk of "species" to group all population which can interbreeding and whose descendants can itself reproduce.
The concept of race is based in turn on the meaning of 'special and exclusive genes to a group of individuals.
François Lebas (Honorary Research Director at INRA) provides the following definition: ... "in a species, a race is generally regarded as a group of persons who share a number of morphological and physiological characteristics they perpetuate when they breed themselves ... "
for now, it's me who have right. whites, blacks, asians belong to the human specie, and whites, blacks, asians are races, because (for example) asians share some morphological and physiological characteristics they perpetuate when they breed.
No human population only has specific genes. Homo sapiens are one and the same species. Anatomical differences we perceive, for example between an Asian person and a European, are only the more or less strong expression of genes common.
This genetic diversity in the human species is so important that if you need an organ donation (a kidney for example) you have as much chance of finding a match in your neighborhood in Senegal as in China.
For André Langaney (former director of the Laboratory of Anthropology of the Museum of Man): "In fact, there is no genetic marker of race never has been able to find one which is among all the "blacks" and absent in all the "Whites." The minute you start to define a race, seeking classification criteria, it never ends. Some went up to 450! S it had to push classification to an end, it should define a race by individual because we are all different. "
Human populations form a single taxonomic group, a single species.
so, i can have right in some ways and wrong in some others.
Happy ?
Sintime: @chabichou: you just use copy and paste to speak for yourself without actually providing anything in your own words or displaying any sort of thinking, usually I read long paragraphs but not this time.
Anonymous22(12): @Anonymous: Agreed. I think this is the part where everyone needs to say "shut up and fap!". If not because its not to your taste just dont look at it. It really is that simple.
Urbane_Guerrilla: Chabichou's mother tongue appears to be either French or Spanish -- that usage of "have reason" is both distinctive and un-English, where the phrase carries different meaning.
Anonymous26: holy shit some people dont like interracial guys what the fuck
if you're really that buttblasted about it go back to srs and whine there
Anonymous30: There are no races in the human population. Race implies a distinction in the species of homo sapiens in other words a sub species or a branch species. No such species exist however. If you must label the distinction between skin color or ethnicity, tribes would be a better term. habit and laziness is the only reason race is still used to dicribe diffences between homo sapiens.
Anonymous36: If someone edits white dicks to be black he gets cheered. If someone edits black dicks to be white he gets called racist. HYPOCRISY at its finest.
Anonymous37: Some people like white skin, some like black skin, some like yellow skin, some like green skin. You children need stop bringing up racism or discrimination where it doesn't exist and just accept the fact that different people find different skin colors appealing. It's not racist. What's racist are the ideas of "big black cock" and "black is better."
fuck u shad.
Still, it's pretty pathetic, we're all the same race after all. Still, if you don't like it draw your own, don't edit an artist's work.
it's the same for blacks, asians and whites ! we all belong to human breed, but we belong to different race, so, shut up !
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@Anonymous: And some people don't like crackers, deal with it you faggots.
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wow, what a retard you are
so....if you don't like gay sex, you are homophobic ?
i hate interracial sex, okay ? that's my choice, and yeah. blacks and whites are races . otherwise, why we can say "interracial sex", huh ? how can we call that "interracial sex", if races don't exist ?
and because i don't like blacks in sex stuffs do not mean that i can't have black friend or do not mean that i will refuse to work with black people, okay ?
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The reason people say "interracial and interracial sex" is because some person made up a label to draw distinctions in something that otherwise, didn't exist.
Also gay sex is an entire seperate thing. That's a sexual orientation and what you're bring up is perceived racial categories that you've made up in your head to believe to be true things.
Also, if you're going to call people so retarded so freely, at least manage not to type like a total retard yourself.
Secondly, the sentence "You are the retarded" is a gramatically correct sentence. Just like I could say "You are the damned". Maybe you should brush up on your english before trying to criticize people for theirs.
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, and i hate use several accounts in the same discussion.
and you know what ? it's not because 2, 3 or 4 people have the same ideas in a discussion that it's necessarilly the same person behind several accounts or else.
about what you said, now...
races or no races ? that depends... like you said, i do some researchs. (i won't send you the french text... just going to translate it as i can)
In the general classification of living species, we talk of "species" to group all population which can interbreeding and whose descendants can itself reproduce.
The concept of race is based in turn on the meaning of 'special and exclusive genes to a group of individuals.
François Lebas (Honorary Research Director at INRA) provides the following definition: ... "in a species, a race is generally regarded as a group of persons who share a number of morphological and physiological characteristics they perpetuate when they breed themselves ... "
for now, it's me who have right. whites, blacks, asians belong to the human specie, and whites, blacks, asians are races, because (for example) asians share some morphological and physiological characteristics they perpetuate when they breed.
No human population only has specific genes. Homo sapiens are one and the same species. Anatomical differences we perceive, for example between an Asian person and a European, are only the more or less strong expression of genes common.
This genetic diversity in the human species is so important that if you need an organ donation (a kidney for example) you have as much chance of finding a match in your neighborhood in Senegal as in China.
For André Langaney (former director of the Laboratory of Anthropology of the Museum of Man): "In fact, there is no genetic marker of race never has been able to find one which is among all the "blacks" and absent in all the "Whites." The minute you start to define a race, seeking classification criteria, it never ends. Some went up to 450! S it had to push classification to an end, it should define a race by individual because we are all different. "
Human populations form a single taxonomic group, a single species.
so, i can have right in some ways and wrong in some others.
Happy ?
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i dunno what you want more.
Please edit the pregnant version too, keep up the good work!
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if you're really that buttblasted about it go back to srs and whine there
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Also; arguing race over a drawn picture from a pedophile. LOL
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