quwykxz: @L0ngbow: That tender kiss...her hand on his shoulder pulling him closer...their half closed eyes looking deeply into each others...All these little details just absolutely make this pic.....
fishmonger: Damn you anaxus, and damn you too, L0ngbow... another amazing image, ya jerks. How dare you keep supplying us with awesome porn?! For real, this is hot as hell. You have great ideas for commissions, L0ngbow.
L0ngbow: @quwykxz: Quite amazing indeed.
Anaxus draws from reference drawings, so you pretty much find something you like and tell him what characters it is.
Then he gets to drawing.
When i found the picture, this is referenced off, i knew immediately that it had to be a Katara x Sokka piece.
He added the nice little detail with Katara's hand on Sokka.
BoosterGold: @quwykxz: The body language tells an amazing story. Katara's legs opened just enough for his hips, but keeping his body from pressing up against hers. Both of Sokka's hands off to the sides, patiently letting his sister draw him in closer, *deeper*, at her own pace. My favorite has to be that tiny smirk, though. Not mocking in the slightest, but genuinely amused at how she's so eager, yet so nervous...
@L0ngbow: I'm just gonna imagine their lips finally, gently, connecting the exact moment their hips do.
Katara and Sokka having some alone time.
Commission drawn by Anaxus
Wonderful Water-Tribe Wincest! :D
Anaxus draws from reference drawings, so you pretty much find something you like and tell him what characters it is.
Then he gets to drawing.
When i found the picture, this is referenced off, i knew immediately that it had to be a Katara x Sokka piece.
He added the nice little detail with Katara's hand on Sokka.
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@L0ngbow: I'm just gonna imagine their lips finally, gently, connecting the exact moment their hips do.
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