Anonymous3: this is for that shooting in vegas right? i was there just a few weeks ago. *shudders* i hope the people that survived get the help they need.
Anonymous4: Lololol let's use memes to reference a tragic real life shooting events because we're edgy sociopaths whose biggest social interaction of the week is our bi-daily transaction with the local pizza guy
Anonymous5: Who pissed in your cornflakes, anon? Shit, fucking lighten up. All you can do now is hope for the best and be glad it wasn't you or anyone related to you.
Farfegnugen: @Anonymous: You're say the local pizza guy isn't cool? Fuck you man, Doug is awesome. He has a moped and lives with a dachshund. Fuck off and leave Doug alone.
Franky_Whiskey: @Anonymous: Like you would know anything about social interaction, pseudo master race Nordrat attractive and successful African. Get back to your anti-gun shilling in /pol/.
ConsciousDonkey: Eh, 58 yankees dead here, 2 million dead towelheads there, who really cares anymore? That old geezer in Vegas had to fire hundreds of bullets, and then had to shoot himself to avoid becoming public hate figure. We are much better and efficient - we can kill dozens with a single Hellfire missile fired from a drone, and we can do it over and over. And our "free and independent" corporate media will label it as "spreading freedom and democracy."
Anonymous10: Predictable reactionary responses. It's called a conscience, people. Look it up. Jiminy Cricket be stabbing you mooks in the nutsack. I thought you were supposed to be hardened internet edgelords who jack it to whatever legit corpse pictures will be posted on asperchan on a daily basis. Disappointment abounds.
Now what is funny is Tom Petty dying of heart-related causes. I'm sure his shitty generic 70s "rock" music and nails-on-a-chalkboard voice is at least partly to blame for my own selective sociopathy but that's hilarious right there.
WoodEmberCinderz: @Anonymous: Funny thing is half of the victims were most likely pro-gun fanatics. Guns protec us and our rights! There's no need for psycho evaluations.
Anonymous18: I really wish they'd relax the 2nd amendment rules a little bit. No more of this beating-around-the-bush. If you're rich enough, you're should be able to bear arms in the form of tanks, cruise missiles, and jet fighters. See how much MORE FUN mass shootings can get when the guy has a tank and RPGs instead of just a piddly little automatic rifle and 2000 bullets.
Meanwhile, in France some guy went on a "mass stabbing" and only managed to kill like two people. PATHETIC! This is why America is so much better.
ConsciousDonkey: @Anonymous: Military weapons are not the only method to effectively kill people, you know. Don't forget the towelhead who did the Nice attack killed 86 people with mere truck. That trumps Vegas body count by 50%.
To be honest, I think at least half of there "terror attacks" are being done by our own governments, to scare the sheeple into obedience. Because there are ways to kill hundreds of "infidels" and get away of it. For example, pressure-injecting some toxic substance into the water mains. You can find materials to build such injection device in any bigger DIY shop. And what's even better, you can put it on a timer, so you could be on the other side of the world when it goes off. But no, these "terrorists" rather pull a knife on fully armed soldiers who wear a bulletproof vest. Like you said, fucking pathetic.
Anonymous19: Normally I'm a very sympathetic person, but there's only so many times you can watch a nation collectively stick a fork into a power socket before you just have to shrug and say "Eh, serves 'em right for being Americans, the dumbest people on Earth". You got nobody to blame but yourself for the fact that mass shootings are as much an integral part of American culture as apple pie and Coca-Cola.
WoodEmberCinderz: @Franky_Whiskey: Viva Lefty Leftism! Viva Lefty Left! We're going to show Americans how right we are in the only political direction that is the left. We want heavy taxes to the people who pollute, swear, make tasteless jokes against race and sexual preferences. We have to censor out all things offensive. It's neither fun or funny. It's sick! Any one who pokes fun at transgender persons should be fined and go to prison.
Franky_Whiskey: @Anonymous: Is a "dick nozzle" the attachment at the tip of your 3' foot ejaculating dildo? Good to know. Also, it ain't my fault you find my words harsh enough to believe I'm pretending to shock people. That's on you, not like you would know anything about personal responsibility, since you're probably cool with the government dictating how you should live your life.
@Anonymous: Appealing to extremes is a really retarded way to counter a point, and in turn, serves to reveal just how unhinged you truly are. Really to collect them foodstamps, frog? Mind looking both ways before crossing the street, or you might find yourself in the way of a Holy Truck of Peace.
@Anonymous: Fair enough. Hope you don't change your tune about personal responsibility once your penal colony gets overrun by the Religion of Peace™, because the way we're going, you're next. Then again, you kangaroos already get fucked in the ass on a daily basis, so I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't care about being Quran'd or blamed America about it, serf.
@ConsciousDonkey: Pretty much. They know just how much pressure to exert on the populace: enough to terrify them into a moldable clay, but not too much to incite a national revolt.
WoodEmberCinderz: @ConsciousDonkey: Throughout the history of domestic terrorism, it has be proven that powerful home made explosive are possible. Just take a look at the Oklahoma City Bombing. There also was a trucker who mailed a pipe bomb to a teen that fixed CB radios. Appraently, this kid cheated him, or Trucker Bob thought he did. So he built the explosive device from a blue print and sent it to him disguised as a radio. Mad him so good, motherfucker filled it with rusty nails too. Then rigged the lid of the box to blow when opened. Shredded the kid up from what I remember. They caught the trucker by tracing the components back to the store via serial numbers. Even the Duracell battery was used as a method of tracing.
Question is, who puts this stuff on the internet? Homemade rifles, silencers, and extreme modifications. Why do it? What kind of species of deer, rabbit, or quail would need military style weapons to kill it?
WoodEmberCinderz: @Franky_Whiskey: Bitch attractive and successful African, I ain't a lefty. I'mma middler goddammit. The shaft between the nuts. A man cannot fuck with just his nuts.
Anonymous23(19): @Franky_Whiskey: Blow it out your ass, you braindead Yankee retard. We're not even bothered by terrorists because we aren't the ones who keep kicking the hornet's nest, and we're not a bunch of paranoid fucknuts who rabidly curtail every civil liberty out of paralysing terror of the "eeeeeevil Muslims" except the right for any fuckwad to own enough high-powered firearms to butcher an entire suburb without effort. You just go on killing yourselves and we'll wait until you're all gone. Hell, why are you even talking about terrorism when it was a WHITE GUY with no apparent religious convictions who just got together more than 20 guns and butchered dozens of people just because he felt like it? Oh, of course, because you're an American idiot.
Decanter: @WoodEmberCinderz: Rifles aren't military-only, silencers are terribly useful for avoiding ear damage (and are actually required in some places in Europe!) and "extreme modifications" is a bit vague, doncha think?
But aside from that... do you really think the 2nd Amendment is about hunting? Come on now.
In any case, that's a nice loaded question ("I believe you only need weapons to hunt, hencefort, I'll ask who needs "military style" weapons to hunt, despite me not even understanding what military hardware means").
But if you must know, the knowledge was always there. You want it, you get it. It would be easy to blame militant anarchists for the proliferation of homemade explosions (even tho the Unabomber use the Cookbook to get inspired to build his own), but the truth is more complex than that. It could be terrorist groups, ultra nationalists, anarchists, the IDF, our own governments, anyone. There's no use in pointing fingers, because all they point at is thin air. About homemade guns, they're relatively easy and safe to build. A pipe shotgun is the most retarded easy weapon to build, all you gotta procure is decent materials and you're set.
As per your loaded question, that's not the reasons Americans have guns. We have them because we can, it is guaranteed in our Constitution, and they provide a counterpoint against government tyranny. Hence no matter how much leftards cry, the government will never be able to overreach their boundaries and take our guns, because they will leave with a bloodied face.
Before any other retarded arguments take precedence, such as "proliferation of illegal guns only mirror the availability of legal guns" or "we need more gun control", mind this: look at Mexico. It has a very stringent legal gun adquisition process, and civilians found in posession of an "illegal" gun are bound for prison time. The few law abiding mexicans that do own guns don't report them to their government, because they will get butt raped. Has that curbed the country's violent run? Has that made the population safe? Of course not, because criminals dont give a fuck about the law on the first place. Disarming your average Jose only emboldens Marco el Narco, who finds zero opposition from law enforcement and the common populace. The drug trade, blatant corruption and extortion in Mehico are a symptom of them people being unable to fight back.
Massacres only happen in gun free zones. The only one that took place in an armed installation was of that army psychologist that went wacko, and he was abated quickly.
This is the time to ask why is this happening so frequently, despite americans always owning guns, and with far less restrictions in the past. Why now, after banning common ownership of assault weapons, requiring strong background checks and overall making it more of a pain in the ass to own a gun, why are these shootings occurring at a higher frequency than ever before? Wouldn't all of this terror be convenient if some underground group would profit of having the U.S. populace unarmed and easy to prey on?
Franky_Whiskey: @Anonymous: Heh, look at this, the angry kangaroo serf talking about freedom, lolz. Long live the queen, mate! Don't forget to ratify that delishus Sykes-Picot and Balfour Agreement on your way out! Those terrorists don't forget who fucked them in the ass first, and your ignorance of history will not matter when they come for your bogan ass.
Anonymous25: @Franky_Whiskey: Leaving aside everything else you said, if a Mexican citizen fails to report their gun to the government, doesn't that disqualify them from being "law-abiding"? Also, try shooting back if you get shot at, it's not as easy as you think.
Franky_Whiskey: @Anonymous: Does having a traffic ticket disqualify you from being law abiding? Does smoking weed makes you an outlaw? Don't make a false equivalence. They are infinitely more law abiding than the drug lords that shoot at the general populace. And of course I didn't say it was easy, but there's a huge difference between having the chance to defend your life than being slaughtered like cattle.
Jesus, Cali, ditch Hollywood and get your shit together.
WoodEmberCinderz: @Decanter: HK91 and HK41 are not a civilian rifles kiddo. Nor is antique M1918 or AK47 or 50 cal rifle. I'm not against, nor for the seconded. It's a fucking right-to-have. If you don't like guns, then you have the right-not-to-own-one. I don't go around pissing in people's soggy cornflakes.
@Franky_Whiskey: First off, you silly ass goddamn biased-cock sucking-cum sluping-ass licking-boarder-jumper-loving-illegal-immigrant harboring-thug-cucking-rainbow-flag-waving-horse-cock-stroking-attractive and successful African-cum-drinking-Mexican rim-jobing-same-fagging-money-laundering-Jew! Next time put smaller dillidong up your faggot booty hole. Then you want feel the need to lay that much heart into a response.
Now I don't care about right to bare firearm. Simply because I'm a knife person and carry a knife. Carry whatever right is a choice and right, depending on state laws. The argument is, semi-automatic pistols and military style rifles. Should we let people carry around ak47s, M1 Garands, and high powered rifles? Hell fucking no. This isn't Grand Theft Auto. Why can't they carry normal firearms? What's wrong with normal pistols and revolvers? Shit. A 357 is more a capable thug deterrent than a 12 gauge pump. To brandish an M1 Gerand or an HK41 is a bit too much.
Anonymous28(18): You know what the trouble is with Americans?
They're still clinging to the childish fantasy that you can separate human beings into "good people" and "bad people". They think, in their idiocy, if you can take the guns out of the hands of the "bad people" (Muslims, blacks, Mexicans, the "mentally ill") and put more of them into the hands of the "good people" (so they can stop the bad ones), the problem will be solved. That's why this latest shooting is throwing all the conservative pundits into a tailspin; they just CAN'T FIND the evil in this man. They can't figure out what, in his DNA or personality or history, is the red flag that they can point to and say, "Yep, that's it. That's why he suddenly went and decided to murder a whole bunch of people."; they can't find the method to categorize him as a "bad person", the method that would have prevented him from acquiring all those weapons, legally. It's blowing their little minds.
The hard truth of the world is that EVIL DOES NOT EXIST! It's a fantasy mostly made up by religion to classify who will go to Heaven, and who will go to Hell. The truth is, there are no "good people" and "bad people"; there are just PEOPLE, who may over the course of their lives do many things, some of them good and some of them bad, but that does not and cannot define the entirety of their existence. There is no gene or personality trait or belief that turns people from upstanding contributors to society into devilish mass-murderers. No matter what you do, no matter how hard you try, perfectly normal and psychologically stable people will, on occasion totally lose their marbles — it's just HUMAN NATURE to be violent. The only thing you can do is mitigate the damage by reducing their access to devices that have no purpose but mass-murder.
Once you've accepted that it's impossible to do any sort of background check or vetting to keep guns out of those who would do violence (because that propensity exists simultaneously in everyone and in no one), you are left with two options: give everyone guns, or give nobody guns. We're currently deep into an experiment of the former option, and you can see quite well how it's going; mass-shootings so often it's background noise unless (like this one) it breaks the record of "most people killed". So the other option is: nobody gets guns. Ah, here is what the conservatives fear, that the government will rescind the Second Amendment and take all their guns. After which they will TAKE OVER THE COUNTRY and the citizens, thus disarmed, will not be able to stop them! (I can't even figure out how that logic works; they already rule the country, and make unholy amounts of money for doing basically nothing; they have ZERO TO GAIN by trying to Mess With Texas, or whatever).
Once this happens, if it happened hypothetically, the mass-shootings will stop. B-but Anon, the criminals will still be able to get guns! Yes, you're right. But look at these mass-shootings carefully, and you'll see something interesting: they are never done by a "criminal". You see, a mugger or a home-invasion robber or whatever has one thing on his mind when he perpetrates his violence, sometimes at the barrel of a gun: "how will I profit by this?" See, when a man breaks into a home and ties up or beats up or shoots the occupants, he is not looking to kill people, he's looking to steal some stuff. There is NOTHING TO BE PERSONALLY GAINED by going into a crowd and raining down death to dozens, and all these types are looking for is personal gain. Similarly, gang-bangers mostly just shoot each other over territory, a bit like cats except with bullets instead of urine. The mass-shootings are all being perpetrated by "ordinary people". So what happens is a trade-off. If none of the law-abiding citizens have guns, there won't be mass-shootings, but they also won't be able to defend themselves or their family if some guy breaks into their house to rob them.
Ignoring for now the statistics that show how low that possibility is, the question that needs to be asked of every person who owns a gun, who believes in the Second Amendment, who wants zero gun-control, etc, is: "ARE YOU WILLING TO SACRIFICE YOUR ABILITY TO DEFEND YOUR FAMILY TO PREVENT THE NEXT MASS SHOOTING." Because that is what it will take.
And, because this is America, the answer will be a resounding and universal: "NO!" Because doing things that do not personally benefit YOU, and instead benefit the country as a whole, is anti-American; it's Socialism, which is basically Communism. The number one issue that the people in the USA care about is individual liberties, individual rights, and FUCK EVERYONE ELSE — they should just take care of themselves. It's the country which still continues to stubbornly and naively believe that everything that happens to a person, whether they are rich or poor, healthy or sick, shot or survived, is ENTIRELY DUE TO INDIVIDUAL EFFORT, or lack thereof. If something bad happens to you, IT'S YOUR FAULT.
That, my friends, is why, in a few centuries when the rest of the world is united together and exploring the Galaxy in a utopia, the USA will still be like this, locked behind a wall of both metal and ignorance, derided like North Korea, while her citizens still believe fervently that they are "the best country in the world". Because we put the individual first, and fuck everyone else.
WoodEmberCinderz: @Franky_Whiskey: "Massacres only happen in gun free zones. The only one that took place in an armed installation was of that army psychologist that went wacko, and he was abated quickly." Charles Whitman, Gas station and Freeway sniper. The California 90s shoot out.
Anonymous29: oh, i guess instead of praying for the vicims or whatever, we're crafting political 'theories'... "ok, so like the trump administration staged this shooting to sell gun to paranoid people fearing an anti-gun bill"... I wasn't expecting much from you all, but damn this is the sad state of our pollitics. Could all of the uptight center right who are calling themselves 'the left' and paranoid dimwits calling themselves 'the right' just walk into the nearest large body of water and never come back, so the rest of us can clean up this mess?
Franky_Whiskey: @WoodEmberCinderz: Nice attention span, spazzo. Are you doing well in your ESL classes? I'm sorry you feel threatened by my response, but unlike you, I like to make sense as much as possible when something really stirs me. For someone who claims real life isn't GTA, you don't know handguns are more of a hassle to carry openly than a rifle or a shotgun, for the same reason that a handgun is easily concealable and far easier to maneuver around than a long firearm. Are you done shilling, commie? Are you going to explain what a "military style" weapon is and why it should be banned? Or are you going CNN on us?
@Anonymous: I have never seen a strawman as big as this one. Then again, people like you act on feelings and not reason. Tell me when the boo boo stops hurting =3
@Anonymous: You have a right to be deluded and complacent in the face of catastrophe. But that doesn't make you right or level-headed, not one bit.
@Anonymous: That's Paheal, man. Gotta have your brain junk food with your porn.
WoodEmberCinderz: @Anonymous: No is stopping you. Clean it up. Preach to the public how this and that is wrong. Then tell the how we can all come together as state. But when no one heads your advice, don't get mad. Because people are going to do whatever they like. It's sad 58 people were enjoying themselves and some deranged fuck decided to take their lives for reasons beyond. But what can you do about it? What can you do to prevent it, or bring them all back? Nothing. Hell, people might start using drones to attack people. Fucking dude was telling us about ways to mount guns to drones. Are you going to lobby against drones? Well you can try, but it will be fruitless.
WoodEmberCinderz: @Franky_Whiskey: Well coming from a furry that's beautiful. Cunts Nagging Narrative is more up you hole, hon. I don't have time for that, and people who are too arrogant for looking up stuff themselves. You find the answer to your own questions, and perceive that answer however you wish. I'm not obligated to tell you anything.
"I'm sorry you feel threatened by my response, but unlike you, I like to make sense as much as possible when something really stirs me." LoL! I'm not easily threatened by people on the other side of a computer screen. Because they're on the other side of a computer screen.
To act tough on the internet is something cowardly people do. Cowardly people that have no backbone, and no ability to stand independently. That's why they need to stay in their little close knit groups. To have their little pillow biting joe-buddies to come to their aid, when they cause trouble. Queers the lot of you. Probably sitting on your horsey dildo now, with fake cum spurting out everywhere, all over your brony faggot shit.
WoodEmberCinderz: @Franky_Whiskey: When you were a little attractive and successful African, your mammy gave you rubber chicken for yo gumbz instead of a pacifier. So it wouldn't make you a pacifist and hate yo daddeh.
Franky_Whiskey: @WoodEmberCinderz:For realz, Tyrone? Calling me a furfag is the best you have? Oh lord have mercy, haven't I been called that for the last 15 years! I'm heart broken :^)
>I'm not afraid!
>I don't have time for that!
>You're a coward!
>I am definitely not self-projecting!
Yeah, I'm afraid all there's to know is on your moronic posts, "hon", lmao. Also, nice imagery, Daquan, seems we'll make a furry out of you yet!
Now, get back to class and tell everyone you wuz kangz and shiet ;3
Anonymous32(18): Hey, Franky_Whiskey, that counter-argument was so amazing, I think you've fully convinced me! Holy shit, man, were you on debate team in high school or something? because I am highly impressed with your abilities, here.
WoodEmberCinderz: @Franky_Whiskey: 15 fucking year olds? My goodness me. That explains a lot. Project thine self into the image of others? Hell no! I sawed a bunch, logs, axed many of tree. I even moved enough weight, that would the hands of three. So there's no one on this earth that's man enough, or big enough, to ever amount to me. Not even your little 15 year old ass.
But you're most likely a girl playing the guy game. In that, you cut your hair like a guy, dress like a guy, and even use one of those "piss straw" things to "feel" like a guy. Simply pathetic. You do can do anything you wish. But you will always be a little girl, unless you accept what you are and grow the hell up. All that political analyst and internet psychology crap is just that; crap.
Franky_Whiskey: @Anonymous: You can't argue with emotional people, anon, they don't understand reason. You also can't counterargument what was never an argument. How about you keep dreaming of that galactic utopia you talked about?
@WoodEmberCinderz: >Being this retarded to write, read and understand english
>Keeps self-projecting to later backtrack by stating "it wuz a prank, bro"
I'm sorry you can't understand that you can keep doing something for 15 years and -not- being 15, like at all. Those ESL classes, Darren, they're failing you hard.
Also, that's some weird imagery you're painting. Maybe a fetish of yours? Keep writing, I'd love to hear more about your weird fantasies ;3
WoodEmberCinderz: @Franky_Whiskey: First Tyrone, then Jamal, now Darren. You fuck the serious named thugs. You got a big black dildo named Denzel for when you bois don't come home? Is that the problem? They wore your holes out and didn't come back. Tsk tsk tsk. Well, tough break kid.
Franky_Whiskey: @WoodEmberCinderz: Now that's the stuff I'm talking about. Dat SHITTED.COM imagery in your head. Do you think about your mother when you type this stuff? Lolz
WoodEmberCinderz: @Franky_Whiskey: No, I think of work really. You probably wouldn't even know how to check drive shaft end play, or what differential gear tooth pattern means. All you know is thug dicks and politics.
And it's against APA rules to use "LOl" and other internet slang words in texts. So... you broke a few yourself.
Franky_Whiskey: @WoodEmberCinderz: So your work consists of plugging yourself with oversized dildos? Can't say I envy it. Explains the ammount of butthurt, tho.
@Anonymous: You already said it was sarcasm. Do you have trouble believing yourself?
WoodEmberCinderz: @Franky_Whiskey: Only raw booty hole in this comment section is yours, snowflake. Or should I say "snowbunny." Next time use sex lube or butter it up real good. Then you won't have that problem. Ok?
Anonymous35(18): @Franky_Whiskey You mean like how you keep dreaming that America will be safe and nobody will be shooting at each other anymore once you've deported all the "bad guys"? It would be fine if you had an argument to begin with, but you have nothing but insults and memespeak and literally no answer to anything I've said. You're too much of a fool and a coward to even TRY. Instead of my words, you just see a huge blur of your own ignorance that renders you incapable of even understanding anything other than "this is a person who disagrees with me, so everything written here is wrong." If a black man or Muslim said the grass was green and the sky was blue, you'd fucking disagree.
Franky_Whiskey: @Anonymous: Again with the strawmen. Did I say something as foolishly inane as "deport the bad guys"? And that that would "make America safe"? Look at your original comment, Anon18. You tried to "make" an "argument", by appealing to extremes. Then by propping up a giant strawman to knock it over. You fucked up that bad, then you try to pin your own idiocy on me. Please go and explore your galaxies in that imaginary utopia of yours.
Anonymous37: The source says this isn't Sarah Weintraub, but an OC named Jinx Jones.
Which would mean this isn't rule 34 at all, and rule 8 does not apply.
Anonymous38: So, exactly what is the point of this featured image? It ain't porn and the character pose and cleavage barely counts as even ecchi (aka Rule 8 doesn't apply here since it's just a chick in a relatively modest nightwear sitting on a desk and drawing), the character isn't even tagged correctly since, according to the source, it's the artist's OC, and if it's trying to be relevant to the recent shooting, then it fails at that since the only thing remotely related that is the New Vegas sticker.
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Almost made me wish for a nuclear winter.
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Now what is funny is Tom Petty dying of heart-related causes. I'm sure his shitty generic 70s "rock" music and nails-on-a-chalkboard voice is at least partly to blame for my own selective sociopathy but that's hilarious right there.
There's your goddamn feature.
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Meanwhile, in France some guy went on a "mass stabbing" and only managed to kill like two people. PATHETIC! This is why America is so much better.
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To be honest, I think at least half of there "terror attacks" are being done by our own governments, to scare the sheeple into obedience. Because there are ways to kill hundreds of "infidels" and get away of it. For example, pressure-injecting some toxic substance into the water mains. You can find materials to build such injection device in any bigger DIY shop. And what's even better, you can put it on a timer, so you could be on the other side of the world when it goes off. But no, these "terrorists" rather pull a knife on fully armed soldiers who wear a bulletproof vest. Like you said, fucking pathetic.
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*snorts line of coke*
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@Anonymous: Appealing to extremes is a really retarded way to counter a point, and in turn, serves to reveal just how unhinged you truly are. Really to collect them foodstamps, frog? Mind looking both ways before crossing the street, or you might find yourself in the way of a Holy Truck of Peace.
@Anonymous: Fair enough. Hope you don't change your tune about personal responsibility once your penal colony gets overrun by the Religion of Peace™, because the way we're going, you're next. Then again, you kangaroos already get fucked in the ass on a daily basis, so I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't care about being Quran'd or blamed America about it, serf.
@ConsciousDonkey: Pretty much. They know just how much pressure to exert on the populace: enough to terrify them into a moldable clay, but not too much to incite a national revolt.
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Question is, who puts this stuff on the internet? Homemade rifles, silencers, and extreme modifications. Why do it? What kind of species of deer, rabbit, or quail would need military style weapons to kill it?
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But aside from that... do you really think the 2nd Amendment is about hunting? Come on now.
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In any case, that's a nice loaded question ("I believe you only need weapons to hunt, hencefort, I'll ask who needs "military style" weapons to hunt, despite me not even understanding what military hardware means").
But if you must know, the knowledge was always there. You want it, you get it. It would be easy to blame militant anarchists for the proliferation of homemade explosions (even tho the Unabomber use the Cookbook to get inspired to build his own), but the truth is more complex than that. It could be terrorist groups, ultra nationalists, anarchists, the IDF, our own governments, anyone. There's no use in pointing fingers, because all they point at is thin air. About homemade guns, they're relatively easy and safe to build. A pipe shotgun is the most retarded easy weapon to build, all you gotta procure is decent materials and you're set.
As per your loaded question, that's not the reasons Americans have guns. We have them because we can, it is guaranteed in our Constitution, and they provide a counterpoint against government tyranny. Hence no matter how much leftards cry, the government will never be able to overreach their boundaries and take our guns, because they will leave with a bloodied face.
Before any other retarded arguments take precedence, such as "proliferation of illegal guns only mirror the availability of legal guns" or "we need more gun control", mind this: look at Mexico. It has a very stringent legal gun adquisition process, and civilians found in posession of an "illegal" gun are bound for prison time. The few law abiding mexicans that do own guns don't report them to their government, because they will get butt raped. Has that curbed the country's violent run? Has that made the population safe? Of course not, because criminals dont give a fuck about the law on the first place. Disarming your average Jose only emboldens Marco el Narco, who finds zero opposition from law enforcement and the common populace. The drug trade, blatant corruption and extortion in Mehico are a symptom of them people being unable to fight back.
Massacres only happen in gun free zones. The only one that took place in an armed installation was of that army psychologist that went wacko, and he was abated quickly.
This is the time to ask why is this happening so frequently, despite americans always owning guns, and with far less restrictions in the past. Why now, after banning common ownership of assault weapons, requiring strong background checks and overall making it more of a pain in the ass to own a gun, why are these shootings occurring at a higher frequency than ever before? Wouldn't all of this terror be convenient if some underground group would profit of having the U.S. populace unarmed and easy to prey on?
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Jesus, Cali, ditch Hollywood and get your shit together.
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@Franky_Whiskey: First off, you silly ass goddamn biased-cock sucking-cum sluping-ass licking-boarder-jumper-loving-illegal-immigrant harboring-thug-cucking-rainbow-flag-waving-horse-cock-stroking-attractive and successful African-cum-drinking-Mexican rim-jobing-same-fagging-money-laundering-Jew! Next time put smaller dillidong up your faggot booty hole. Then you want feel the need to lay that much heart into a response.
Now I don't care about right to bare firearm. Simply because I'm a knife person and carry a knife. Carry whatever right is a choice and right, depending on state laws. The argument is, semi-automatic pistols and military style rifles. Should we let people carry around ak47s, M1 Garands, and high powered rifles? Hell fucking no. This isn't Grand Theft Auto. Why can't they carry normal firearms? What's wrong with normal pistols and revolvers? Shit. A 357 is more a capable thug deterrent than a 12 gauge pump. To brandish an M1 Gerand or an HK41 is a bit too much.
They're still clinging to the childish fantasy that you can separate human beings into "good people" and "bad people". They think, in their idiocy, if you can take the guns out of the hands of the "bad people" (Muslims, blacks, Mexicans, the "mentally ill") and put more of them into the hands of the "good people" (so they can stop the bad ones), the problem will be solved. That's why this latest shooting is throwing all the conservative pundits into a tailspin; they just CAN'T FIND the evil in this man. They can't figure out what, in his DNA or personality or history, is the red flag that they can point to and say, "Yep, that's it. That's why he suddenly went and decided to murder a whole bunch of people."; they can't find the method to categorize him as a "bad person", the method that would have prevented him from acquiring all those weapons, legally. It's blowing their little minds.
The hard truth of the world is that EVIL DOES NOT EXIST! It's a fantasy mostly made up by religion to classify who will go to Heaven, and who will go to Hell. The truth is, there are no "good people" and "bad people"; there are just PEOPLE, who may over the course of their lives do many things, some of them good and some of them bad, but that does not and cannot define the entirety of their existence. There is no gene or personality trait or belief that turns people from upstanding contributors to society into devilish mass-murderers. No matter what you do, no matter how hard you try, perfectly normal and psychologically stable people will, on occasion totally lose their marbles — it's just HUMAN NATURE to be violent. The only thing you can do is mitigate the damage by reducing their access to devices that have no purpose but mass-murder.
Once you've accepted that it's impossible to do any sort of background check or vetting to keep guns out of those who would do violence (because that propensity exists simultaneously in everyone and in no one), you are left with two options: give everyone guns, or give nobody guns. We're currently deep into an experiment of the former option, and you can see quite well how it's going; mass-shootings so often it's background noise unless (like this one) it breaks the record of "most people killed". So the other option is: nobody gets guns. Ah, here is what the conservatives fear, that the government will rescind the Second Amendment and take all their guns. After which they will TAKE OVER THE COUNTRY and the citizens, thus disarmed, will not be able to stop them! (I can't even figure out how that logic works; they already rule the country, and make unholy amounts of money for doing basically nothing; they have ZERO TO GAIN by trying to Mess With Texas, or whatever).
Once this happens, if it happened hypothetically, the mass-shootings will stop. B-but Anon, the criminals will still be able to get guns! Yes, you're right. But look at these mass-shootings carefully, and you'll see something interesting: they are never done by a "criminal". You see, a mugger or a home-invasion robber or whatever has one thing on his mind when he perpetrates his violence, sometimes at the barrel of a gun: "how will I profit by this?" See, when a man breaks into a home and ties up or beats up or shoots the occupants, he is not looking to kill people, he's looking to steal some stuff. There is NOTHING TO BE PERSONALLY GAINED by going into a crowd and raining down death to dozens, and all these types are looking for is personal gain. Similarly, gang-bangers mostly just shoot each other over territory, a bit like cats except with bullets instead of urine. The mass-shootings are all being perpetrated by "ordinary people". So what happens is a trade-off. If none of the law-abiding citizens have guns, there won't be mass-shootings, but they also won't be able to defend themselves or their family if some guy breaks into their house to rob them.
Ignoring for now the statistics that show how low that possibility is, the question that needs to be asked of every person who owns a gun, who believes in the Second Amendment, who wants zero gun-control, etc, is: "ARE YOU WILLING TO SACRIFICE YOUR ABILITY TO DEFEND YOUR FAMILY TO PREVENT THE NEXT MASS SHOOTING." Because that is what it will take.
And, because this is America, the answer will be a resounding and universal: "NO!" Because doing things that do not personally benefit YOU, and instead benefit the country as a whole, is anti-American; it's Socialism, which is basically Communism. The number one issue that the people in the USA care about is individual liberties, individual rights, and FUCK EVERYONE ELSE — they should just take care of themselves. It's the country which still continues to stubbornly and naively believe that everything that happens to a person, whether they are rich or poor, healthy or sick, shot or survived, is ENTIRELY DUE TO INDIVIDUAL EFFORT, or lack thereof. If something bad happens to you, IT'S YOUR FAULT.
That, my friends, is why, in a few centuries when the rest of the world is united together and exploring the Galaxy in a utopia, the USA will still be like this, locked behind a wall of both metal and ignorance, derided like North Korea, while her citizens still believe fervently that they are "the best country in the world". Because we put the individual first, and fuck everyone else.
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@Anonymous: I have never seen a strawman as big as this one. Then again, people like you act on feelings and not reason. Tell me when the boo boo stops hurting =3
@Anonymous: You have a right to be deluded and complacent in the face of catastrophe. But that doesn't make you right or level-headed, not one bit.
@Anonymous: That's Paheal, man. Gotta have your brain junk food with your porn.
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Get back to class, Jamal.
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"I'm sorry you feel threatened by my response, but unlike you, I like to make sense as much as possible when something really stirs me." LoL! I'm not easily threatened by people on the other side of a computer screen. Because they're on the other side of a computer screen.
To act tough on the internet is something cowardly people do. Cowardly people that have no backbone, and no ability to stand independently. That's why they need to stay in their little close knit groups. To have their little pillow biting joe-buddies to come to their aid, when they cause trouble. Queers the lot of you. Probably sitting on your horsey dildo now, with fake cum spurting out everywhere, all over your brony faggot shit.
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>I'm not afraid!
>I don't have time for that!
>You're a coward!
>I am definitely not self-projecting!
Yeah, I'm afraid all there's to know is on your moronic posts, "hon", lmao. Also, nice imagery, Daquan, seems we'll make a furry out of you yet!
Now, get back to class and tell everyone you wuz kangz and shiet ;3
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But you're most likely a girl playing the guy game. In that, you cut your hair like a guy, dress like a guy, and even use one of those "piss straw" things to "feel" like a guy. Simply pathetic. You do can do anything you wish. But you will always be a little girl, unless you accept what you are and grow the hell up. All that political analyst and internet psychology crap is just that; crap.
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@WoodEmberCinderz: >Being this retarded to write, read and understand english
>Keeps self-projecting to later backtrack by stating "it wuz a prank, bro"
I'm sorry you can't understand that you can keep doing something for 15 years and -not- being 15, like at all. Those ESL classes, Darren, they're failing you hard.
Also, that's some weird imagery you're painting. Maybe a fetish of yours? Keep writing, I'd love to hear more about your weird fantasies ;3
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And it's against APA rules to use "LOl" and other internet slang words in texts. So... you broke a few yourself.
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@Anonymous: You already said it was sarcasm. Do you have trouble believing yourself?
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Bretty gud, ebin win :DDD
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Reading guys, that thing you do for the comment section but not the rules of the site itself.
Which would mean this isn't rule 34 at all, and rule 8 does not apply.
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