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lazor3000: i like kayle and i don't like attractive and successful Africans. guess this picture is fine overall
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Anonymous1: @lazor3000: Well I guess that's fair enough; black people don't like you either, you stupid white-trash redneck.

It just occurred to me that we're JARRINGLY short on Kayle pics; this is only #177 even though she's one of the oldest (and most beautiful, albeit least slutty) female champs in LoL.
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Sukima: @Anonymous:

I didn't realize you spoke for all black people, that's cool.

You wouldn't happen to be an attractive and successful African yourself btw? Is that why you and angry black men are drawn specifically to white women, because deep down you're mad as fuck that your ancestors were enslaved and brought to white civilization to serve white men and women. I mean technically it had nothing to do with you or of anyone of this generation, just humans enslaving others like they have done for thousand of years.

I mean let's be real, if a black criminal gets shot by black police officers and there's riots going on, you know these kids are kind of mad.
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Sukima: If you're not black, then hey who gives a fuck am I right?
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Naughty_Tentacle: @Sukima: Um, anonymous1 didn't say a damn thing about slavery or "black criminals" being shot by the police. Looks like you're the one with issues concerning are here.
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Naughty_Tentacle: "race here" not "are here"
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Sukima: @Naughty_Tentacle:

That would be me who said that. Is english not your first language then?

Ah well, I was alluding to why angry black men despise black women and become obsessed with "whyte gurls."

Pretty simple reasoning. Poor little fellas go through high school learning that a distant generation was brought from one land to another. Must be hard at that age with all those hormones and such. I mean look at basketball player Michael Jordan, he publicly admitted that he grew up hating white men, so much so that he married a "whyte gurl" instead of one of his own.
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Sukima: @Naughty_Tentacle:

Ah I was right english must be your second language.
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Sukima: Oh and inb4 butthurt accusations, just because I exposed them for what they are.
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dont_got_a_name: Can we please stop arguing over race and just accept that Kayle is a damn sexy angel and we'd all love to fuck her?
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Anonymous2: I want to see more kayle pics like this one @w@
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dont_got_a_name: I want to see more Kayle pics in general, she's fucking gorgeous.
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Sukima: @Anonymous:

I want to see more Kayle pics that don't cater angry black men or cuck losers like you.
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Anonymous3: The attractive and successful African ruined the picture.
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Cane751: Porn is porn. Only an asshurt retard treats skin color in porn as a big deal. You clowns are pathetic.
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Sukima: @Cane751:

Go back to bed child, grown ups are chatting.
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Anonymous4: @sukima masturbarting to 2d is being grown up? Get a life pathetic cunt.
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Sukima: @Anonymous:

I never said I masturbated to anything, so your comment makes little sense. Also what is masturbarting? I think I'm gonna chalk this one down to you making yourself look like an idiot on purpose, in order to make me look good. In which case you're too kind anon.
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Anonymous5: @Sukima: By "grown ups" you mean "armchair psychoanalysts"

Who the hell still says shit like "because deep down you're mad as fuck" and "must be hard at that age with all those hormones" in porn image comments and expects to be taken seriously? How embarrassing.
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Sukima: @Anonymous:

Oh so used a spell checker this time anon? Good for you little fella.
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bblader1: Well, if a black dick is all it takes to get you people butthurt, I guess it IS what they true what they say about their penis sizes, eh?
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Anonymous6: @Sukima I can't tell if you are trolling or if you are really that childish.

It is quite sad that racists like you still exist in the world, and no amount of personal attacks and egotistical insults will change the fact that you are judging people based upon what I can only assume must be your personal experiences.

You talk of being a grown up yet you show anything but maturity. This is a porn site, not a place for you to vent your hatred of a race. You have a lot of growing up to do.
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bblader1: @Anonymous: He literally is not capable of forming a coherent rebuttal. Look at how he danced around forming an actual response to me in the whitewashed picture, lawl.
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Windwalker: Ah, the wholesome interracial loving.

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Anonymous7: ffs people its a fictional character doing the nasty. just stfu and fap :)

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