Anonymous5: Okay, so if i'm not wrong. In this image, Toriel is a dominatrix, and she and sans are probably roleplaying as a teacher and a college student with failing grades, doing anything he can to get his grades up, judging by toriel's glasses and ruler. (standard porno plot) And the strings shes pulling on are more than likely used as a form of Bondage during sex, which is a huge part of BDSM.
But that big blue snake thing is probably a kong dong that the artist wanted to draw in the picture. This is just what i can gather from the image, but i would,'t swear that its correct. Hopefully this helps ease your confusion.
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But that big blue snake thing is probably a kong dong that the artist wanted to draw in the picture. This is just what i can gather from the image, but i would,'t swear that its correct. Hopefully this helps ease your confusion.