Darkman: Might want to consider removing this and the other ones with her wetting. The artist who made them, KSA has mentioned he prefers his WIPs to not be posted online. It'd be wise to respect his decision on that matter.
Darkman: Just because he's not on the list doesn't mean his wishes can be ignored, idiot. Besides, it's obvious the image isn't even remotely finished as there's no background or signature.
Noka: @Darkman: Actually yes. It means exactly that, idiot. And the image not being finished? Who the fuck cares? WIP images get uploaded here all the time.
Also lol at you actually reporting this and wasting the staff's time.
Darkman: @WalmartBob: No it doesn't. You don't have to be on DNP list to be exempt from posting. If the artist doesn't want their works here, you have to honor their decision, you fucking retarded attractive and successful African.
Zvantastika: @Darkman: "You don't have to be on DNP list to be exempt from posting." Yeah, you must, that's the whole point of the DNP list, otherwise it wouldn't be called "Do Not Post list".
If the artist doesn't wants his WIPs here, he must personally contact the staff and we'll work on it. Until then, all his stuff is allowed to be uploaded by anyone.
Darkman: @WalmartBob: You can say that without being racist, you fucking newfag. Besides, you're not the uploader. And the point still stands, the artist doesn't want WIPs posted, his decision is final.
Zvantastika: @Darkman: Since you don't seem to understand what you're reading, I'll put it this way: The ARTIST HIMSELF must ask whatever he wants from the site. Unless you're the artist, kindly shut the fuck up and don't report things like this again. Thanks a fucking lot.
Farfegnugen: @Darkman: No, you are not. Zvantastika is the one who's right here, seeing how they are a mod of the site. If the artist didn't want their test doodles on other sites, maybe they shouldn't have post it on a public site like gurochan. How about you calm your tits before that hole you're digging caves in, end of story.
@JWN926: If it's anything like LPs, they'll take 100% of not money made from this.
Darkman: @Farfegnugen: Bullshit. If the artist doesn't want WIPs spread around, it's their decision. Stop being so fucking retarded. The DNP thing does not fucking apply because that's for artists who don't want to be posted whatsoever. Fucking moron.
Darkman: Even still, the artist's decision to not want WIPs posted stands. They don't have to make special agreements just so it's avoided. Have some fucking integrity people, and honor the artist's wishes.
JWN926: Or they can pop a couple emails to Paheal staff instead of bitching about WIP images being posted around of IP that doesn't even belong to them...
Darkman: @JWN926: It being fan art is irrelevant. Just because it's based on an IP doesn't mean it's open season to post their works without a care. Christ, you probably think it's ok to post the works off of pixiv without considering how the artists there feel. And guess what? People there have quit because of such inconsiderate actions.
If they, the artist (ie: not you.), does not want their doodles, drawing, shit smears, on other sites, like this one, they should not post them on public places, like gurochan. If they post it where everyone assbag and fuckface can see it, it's going to get posted to any site, most cases without their permission. You want to be a fucking hero in their eyes, report it to them because you're beating your brain on brickwall.
DNP doesn't apply here, because they didn't tell the staff anything regarding their images, so it's staying. Here's a reminder for you in case you forgot your role in this. You are a nobody, and as a nobody, you don't get to make such decisions for the artist or this site. You are not the artist, you are a nobody. If the artist really gives a shit about their WIPs, they can make a request to the staff (staff@paheal.net) to be added to the DNP list or have is so only they can post their doodles. Otherwise, we don't give a shit what's posted unless it's breaks a rule or on the DNP.
Until the artist (ie: Not fucking you) wants to come down from this mighty pedestal you built from them, and tells the staff what they think or want, this shit isn't going anywhere. You can take you white knight this bullshit somewhere else, because we don't give a fuck.
Darkman: @Franky_Whiskey: Give it a rest, attractive and successful African. And real fucking mature, changing my handle like that. Bunch of brats, the lot you.
Farfegnugen: @Zvantastika: Nah, my grandpa had dementia before passing on, he looked sane compared to this kid. He did say fuck a lot, but that was in a different context. The kid is just stupid and hangs out with stupid people. Good thing 4chan or the internet wasn't around while I was growing up, I might have been stupid too.
Darkman: @Franky_Whiskey: It's hardly white knighting to want to be considerate about an artist's decision. But whatever, keep using your shithouse lawyer excuses and loopholes.
HicksDuck: @Dorkman: The artist really doesn't seem to care anywhere near as much as you think he does. In fact, KSA said that he'll never ask for stuff to be taken down, and never do anything to stop people posting them. You know, pretty much the opposite of what you were trying to do? But, no, I guess your wishes means more than the artists, huh?
Franky_Whiskey: @Dorkman: It's a protocol to prevent abuse. Don't you think we've had little shits, mad at an artist, impersonating as they and demanding we take their stuff down, for the mere reason they can't stand their art remaining on site? That's why we have a process to remove stuff, and we require proof before doing so.
Now, Dork, if you have stopped white knighting like a moron, I'll be expecting your "resignation" tomorrow morning. Try not to make a mess on your way out of this life...
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Also lol at you actually reporting this and wasting the staff's time.
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If the artist doesn't wants his WIPs here, he must personally contact the staff and we'll work on it. Until then, all his stuff is allowed to be uploaded by anyone.
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Have a good day, genius.
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@JWN926: If it's anything like LPs, they'll take 100% of not money made from this.
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If they, the artist (ie: not you.), does not want their doodles, drawing, shit smears, on other sites, like this one, they should not post them on public places, like gurochan. If they post it where everyone assbag and fuckface can see it, it's going to get posted to any site, most cases without their permission. You want to be a fucking hero in their eyes, report it to them because you're beating your brain on brickwall.
DNP doesn't apply here, because they didn't tell the staff anything regarding their images, so it's staying. Here's a reminder for you in case you forgot your role in this. You are a nobody, and as a nobody, you don't get to make such decisions for the artist or this site. You are not the artist, you are a nobody. If the artist really gives a shit about their WIPs, they can make a request to the staff (staff@paheal.net) to be added to the DNP list or have is so only they can post their doodles. Otherwise, we don't give a shit what's posted unless it's breaks a rule or on the DNP.
Until the artist (ie: Not fucking you) wants to come down from this mighty pedestal you built from them, and tells the staff what they think or want, this shit isn't going anywhere. You can take you white knight this bullshit somewhere else, because we don't give a fuck.
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Also, really intimidating, using the word attractive and successful African when you're willing to white knight like a prolapsed autist punk, dork.
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Now, Dork, if you have stopped white knighting like a moron, I'll be expecting your "resignation" tomorrow morning. Try not to make a mess on your way out of this life...
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@Anonymous 3