Anonymous6: Why the Fuck is Mary Sue a thing? Stop making stupid words up. Enjoy the fucking movie and shut the fuck up already. If you don't like the movie then don't watch anymore, Stop acting like a bitch. So fucking look at the gif or whatever and shut the hell up. The road Mary Sue is so stupid and uncreative. You are pathetic.
Chronophasia: @Anonymous: To put it in the broadest possible terms, a Mary Sue is a female original character who is given unwarranted preferential treatment and unearned respect, thereby compromising the integrity and believability of the story and/or it's characters.
One common trait of a Mary Sue character is that they will have few, if any, meaningful challenges, hardships, or handicaps. Obstacles that exist for other pre-established characters are virtually nonexistent or pose little to no challenge to a Mary Sue. It gives the impression that the universe the story takes place in is bending to accommodate the character.
Anonymous9: @Anonymous:Listen mate, no one gives a single shit like, in this entire like society mate, just blaze weed m9 cos no one cares like just just get a fat joint and smoke m9 because no one in this day and age in this current society gives a single one. Open your apartment window and fucking jump out m8 and hit your fucking fat head on a car and just die mate, just die, just jump out
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Honestly, this is the only thing she's good for.
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One common trait of a Mary Sue character is that they will have few, if any, meaningful challenges, hardships, or handicaps. Obstacles that exist for other pre-established characters are virtually nonexistent or pose little to no challenge to a Mary Sue. It gives the impression that the universe the story takes place in is bending to accommodate the character.
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